900字范文 > 绿色旅游 green tourism英语短句 例句大全

绿色旅游 green tourism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-24 12:39:46


绿色旅游 green tourism英语短句 例句大全

绿色旅游,green tourism

1)green tourism绿色旅游

1.To develop Nanwan-Lake scenic spot should be based on protecting atural recourses and ecological-circumstance,enriching the culture and manmade attrations and keeping itsgreen tourism brand.应在保护自然资源、生态环境的基础上,开发人文景观,打造绿色旅游品牌。

2.Developinggreen tourism is an efficient way to achieve the sustainable development of tourism and the efficient protection of its resources.开展绿色旅游是旅游资源和旅游业可持续发展的有效途径。

3.The paper discusses the rising, connotation, characteristics and funct ion ofgreen tourism in China.文章探讨了我国绿色旅游的兴起、内涵、特点和功能等,讨论了绿色旅游、生态旅游、自然旅游的区别与联系,分析了我国绿色旅游的发展现状和对策。


1.Green Tourism Development in Japan and Its Insight to China’s Rural Tourism Development;日本绿色旅游发展及其对我国乡村旅游的启示

2.Huanglong, based on the concept of green tourism is perfecting its service every day.黄龙立足于绿色旅游的观念,服务日趋完善成熟。

3.Targets,Basis & Prospect of Green Tour Development in Chengdu;成都市发展绿色旅游的目标、基础与展望

4.The Prospect and Strategies of Developing Chinese Green Tourism;我国大力发展绿色旅游的前景及策略研究

5.The bouring area of Mountain Meng is one of China"s best bouring famous scenic spot for green health. It is also our country"s touring area of Grade AAA.蒙山旅游区是中国最佳绿色健身旅游胜地之一,国家AAA级旅游区.

6.Building of the green plant environment of the modern tourism hotel现代旅游饭店绿色植物环境的营造

7.Research on the green life-nourishing plan of the tour area in Shandong Wanzi park;山东万紫园旅游区绿色养生规划研究

8.The Research Into The Green Marketing Strategy In Tourism Hotels Of China;我国旅游饭店实施绿色营销策略初探

9.Ecotourism Development as Fashional Green Recreation;论生态旅游——绿色休闲时尚的发展

10.Analyzing Green Consumption and Marketing Strategies of Tourism in Our Country;绿色消费与我国旅游业营销战略探析

11.A Tentative Study of Environment-Friendly Hotels and the Development of Zhejiang Tourism Industry浅谈绿色饭店建设与浙江旅游业发展

12.Integrating Green and Red and Nationality Characteristic to ReinforcePowerful Impetus of ‘S timulating Regional Economy by Touring’;“绿色”、“红色”、民族特色整合增强“旅游活区”强大动力

13.Study on Optimizing the Allocation of Fujian Green Ecological and Red Tourism Resources;福建省绿色生态与红色旅游资源优化配置研究

14.Application of Green Globle 21 and Green Building in Tourism Circular Economy;绿色环球21与绿色建筑在旅游循环经济中的应用

15.Green Marketing in Sports Tourism--Take "Sports Tourism Ring around Beijing and Tianjin" as an Example;绿色营销策略在体育旅游中的应用——以“环京津体育旅游圈”为例

16.Building Green Homeland and Creating the Ecotourism Main-melody -A Summary on Development Planning of Forest Tourism in Guangxi;建绿色家园,打造生态旅游主旋律——广西森林旅游发展规划概略

17.Green Design Research About Ecotourism生态旅游的绿色设计研究——以杭州西湖西进为例

18.On the Tourism Image of Ankang-the Geographic Green Center of China;“中国绿色心脏—安康”的旅游形象策划研究


tourism green marketing旅游绿色营销

3)Green pastime tourism绿色休闲旅游

4)tourism green supply chain绿色旅游供应链

1.Energetically developing ecotourism and buildingtourism green supply chain would promote the sustainable development of western tourism and western economy.西部地区是中国旅游资源宝库,但生态环境脆弱,保护西部生态环境是发展西部旅游业必须遵循的前提,而打造中国西部绿色旅游供应链是西部旅游业可持续发展的必由之路。

5)green tour in city城市绿色旅游

6)green ecological tourism绿色生态旅游

1.This article talks about related problems of developinggreen ecological tourism in Baoting Li-Miao autonomous county.本文对保亭黎族苗族自治县开发绿色生态旅游产业相关问题加以论述。


