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滴定法 titration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-31 18:38:39


滴定法 titration英语短句 例句大全



1.Determination of indium in waste indium-tin oxide target by EDTAtitration;EDTA滴定法测定废铟锡氧化物靶材中铟

2.Determination of serge blue by two point potentiometrictitration;两点电位滴定法测定染料亚甲基蓝含量

3.Determination of trace iodine bytitration in food;滴定法测定食品中微量碘


1.To determine the concentration of(a solution) by titration or perform the operation of titration.用滴定法测量用滴定或通过实施滴定的方法确定(一种溶液)的浓度

2.Discussion on Determination of Alumina Content in Ores by EDTA Replacement Titration and Back TitrationEDTA置换滴定法和返滴定法测定矿石中铝含量

3.biamperometric titration双指示电极电流滴定法

4.bipotentiometric titration双指示电极电位滴定法

5.molten salt chronopotentiometry熔盐计时电位滴定法

6.controlled potential coulometric titratio控制电位库仑滴定法

7.cerate oxidimetry铈酸盐(氧化还原)滴定法

8.Finding end points in Potentiometric titration with software;利用计算机软件确定电位滴定法中的滴定终点

9.The determination of end-point in tirating sodium acetate using pH-V potentiometric double-point titrationpH-V双点电位滴定法确定醋酸钠滴定终点

10.Methods Non-aqueous titration method was ~performed with glacial acetic acid and acetic anhydride as the solvent, and perchloric acid as the titrant followed by the electric potential titrimetry.方法采用电位滴定法,以冰乙酸加乙酐作溶剂,照电位滴定法用高氯酸滴定液滴定。

11.Potentiotitrimetric Determination of Total Alkaloids in Eye Drops电位滴定法测定近视乐滴眼液中总生物碱

12.Using EDTA Chelatometry to Determine SO_3 Instead of Gravimetric Determination--On Measuring the Content of SO_3 by Using Complexometric Titration;EDTA络合滴定代替重量法测定SO_3——用络合滴定法测定SO_3含量探讨

13.Determination on Certification of Standard Reagent As_2O_3 by Coulometric Titrition库仑滴定法定值测定标准物质As_2O_3

14.neutralization number-potentiometric titration method中和值测定法-电位滴定法

15.determination of base number-perchloric acid potentiometric titration method碱值测定方法-高氯酸电位滴定法

16.testing method for bromine number of petroleum product (colorindicator method)石油产品溴值测定法(指示液滴定法)

17.determination of calcium content (EDTA titrimetric method)钙含量测定方法-EDTA滴定法

18.conductometric titration电导[定量]滴定[法]


titration method滴定法

1.Determination of NO_3~- content withoxidation-reductiontitration method;氧化还原滴定法测定硝酸根含量

2.Determination of the red ochre bytitration method.方法采用薄层色谱法鉴别血竭、乳香、当归;滴定法测定雄黄的含量。

3.Manganese in manganese ore is determined with ammonium ferrous sulfatetitration method of perchloric acid oxidation.采用高氯酸氧化硫酸亚铁铵滴定法测定锰矿中锰含量,应用统计学理论对其分析结果不确定度的产生原因进行分析,建立测量过程分量的数学模型,分析测量过程不确定度来源及各不确定度分量对总不确定度的影响,确定测定结果的置信区间。

3)titrimetric method滴定法

1.Based on the characteristics of Qiucun Gold Mine,the article has adopted the sour ferrous dichromic deoxidation potassium returns totitrimetric method to measure the Au contents indirectly.文章根据邱村金矿石特征,详细阐述了矿样采用亚铁还原-重铬酸钾返滴定法间接测定Au的含量。

2.It is studied the evaluating process and method for inexactness in determination of total iron in iron ore with potassium dichromatetitrimetric method.对重铬酸钾滴定法测定铁矿石中全铁的不确定度的评定过程、评定方法进行了研究。


5)EGTA titrimetric methodEGTA滴定法

1.Effective calcium oxide in lime can be combined with sucrose to create higher-solubility calcium sucrose while calcium carbonate in lime and other calcium salts don t act with sucrose,by which to separate it,then theEGTA titrimetric method was used to determine effective calcium oxide content.利用白灰中有效氧化钙可与蔗糖结合生成溶解度较大的蔗糖钙,而白灰中的碳酸钙与其他钙盐则不与蔗糖起作用的原理,将其进行分离,再用EGTA滴定法测定有效氧化钙含量。

6)EDTA titrationEDTA滴定法

1.Determination of total iron in cold-compacted bulk for converter steelmaking withEDTA titration;EDTA滴定法测定转炉炼钢用冷压块中全铁

2.Adjustment and Control of Acidity byEDTA titration,;EDTA滴定法试样酸度的初步调节与控制研究

3.Determination of magnesium during producing electrolytic manganese by manganese dioxide precipitation-EDTA titration;二氧化锰沉淀分离EDTA滴定法测定电解锰生产中镁含量


