900字范文 > 政策因素 Policy factor英语短句 例句大全

政策因素 Policy factor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-17 11:07:47


政策因素 Policy factor英语短句 例句大全

政策因素,Policy factor

1)Policy factor政策因素

1.Transformation of the income gap between the urban inhabitants and the rural inhabitants and analysis of its policy factor;城乡居民收入差距的变化及政策因素分析

2.Research on Policy Factors that Attract Transnational Corporations to Set up R&D Organizations in China;吸引跨国公司在华设立研发机构的政策因素研究

2)policy factors政策因素

1.The article analyzed thepolicy factors that promotes science and technology progress in ethnic minority regions and strengthening the ability of self-innovation,pointing out a practical approach to fastening scie.文章深入分析了推动民族地区科技进步、增强自主创新能力的政策因素,并指出加快民族地区科技进步与自主创新的现实途径。


1.Empirical Research into Policy Influencing Chinese Stock Market s Fluctuating;政策因素对我国股市波动影响的实证研究

2.Influence Factors of Transferring the Processing Trade to the Midwest——From thepolicy perspective;本文就政策因素对我国加工贸易向中西部转移的影响进行了详细分析,结果发现:东西部政策缺少落差、部门之间政策协调性差和出口加工区政策矛盾等是制约我国加工贸易向中西部转移的最为重要的三个政策因素。

4)policy factor政策性因素

1.Game analysis of effect ofpolicy factors on Chinese stock market;政策性因素对中国股市影响的博弈分析

2.The majority research on the reason of the fragile ecological environment, concentrated in human activities on the ecological environment of negative impacts, neglecting the role of interest relationship caused by thepolicy factor.对于生态环境脆弱原因的研究,大多数集中在人类活动对生态环境的消极影响方面,而忽略了政策性因素引致的利益关系对生态环境脆弱的作用。


1.Policy- nature Elements Influencing the Effectivenessof China′ s Monetary Policies;论影响我国货币政策 有效性的政策性因素

2.Analysis on LPG Industry Development and Policy Factors in Beijing北京市LPG行业发展与政策性因素分析

3.Analysis on policy reason to the NPA in SOB国有银行不良资产形成中的政策性因素分析

4.The Research on Policy Factors to Chinese Stock Price Fluctuations;政策性因素对中国股价波动的影响研究

5.On the Accessible Opportunity to Chinese Higher Education:--An Analysis of the Educational Policies;影响我国高等教育机会的政策性因素分析

6.The Policy Factor in Causing the Fragile Ecological Environment of Western Region;导致西部地区生态环境脆弱的政策性因素

7.Game analysis of effect of policy factors on Chinese stock market;政策性因素对中国股市影响的博弈分析

8.Analysis of Policy Factors Which Restricting the Private-owned Business of HeiIongiang Province;制约黑龙江民营经济发展政策性因素分析

9.On Economic Fluctuation of Individual Economy from 1989 to 1991;1989-1991年个体私营经济徘徊的政策性因素

10.The Important Role of Government Support for the Success of the Australian Vocational Education System;澳大利亚TAFE体系的政策性支持因素


12.Policies and Factors Impact on Liquidity of the A-Share Market in China;影响中国A股市场流动性的政策和因素

13.Analysis on the Institutional Factors to Restrain the Effects of Monetary Policy;货币政策效能约束的制度性因素分析

14.Factors of influencing China s monetary policy efficiency and their countermeasures;我国货币政策效率的障碍性因素分析

15.The Enhance of the Fiscal Expenditure Policy for Market Independent Growth Factors;强化市场自主性增长因素的财政支出政策

16.The Restrictive Factors of Recognizing Public Policy Problems by the Government论政府识别公共政策问题的制约性因素

17.The Factors and Countermeasure of Restricting the Development of Policy Agricultural Insurance in Our Country;制约我国政策性农业保险发展的因素及对策

18.Government"s behavior and policy make the market frangibility sometimes.因此,政府行为与政策本身往往成为引发中国股市脆弱性的因素。


policy factors政策因素

1.The article analyzed thepolicy factors that promotes science and technology progress in ethnic minority regions and strengthening the ability of self-innovation,pointing out a practical approach to fastening scie.文章深入分析了推动民族地区科技进步、增强自主创新能力的政策因素,并指出加快民族地区科技进步与自主创新的现实途径。


1.Empirical Research into Policy Influencing Chinese Stock Market s Fluctuating;政策因素对我国股市波动影响的实证研究

2.Influence Factors of Transferring the Processing Trade to the Midwest——From thepolicy perspective;本文就政策因素对我国加工贸易向中西部转移的影响进行了详细分析,结果发现:东西部政策缺少落差、部门之间政策协调性差和出口加工区政策矛盾等是制约我国加工贸易向中西部转移的最为重要的三个政策因素。

4)policy factor政策性因素

1.Game analysis of effect ofpolicy factors on Chinese stock market;政策性因素对中国股市影响的博弈分析

2.The majority research on the reason of the fragile ecological environment, concentrated in human activities on the ecological environment of negative impacts, neglecting the role of interest relationship caused by thepolicy factor.对于生态环境脆弱原因的研究,大多数集中在人类活动对生态环境的消极影响方面,而忽略了政策性因素引致的利益关系对生态环境脆弱的作用。

5)non-political factors非政策因素

6)Macro-policy factors宏观政策因素


