900字范文 > 污泥颗粒化 sludge granulation英语短句 例句大全

污泥颗粒化 sludge granulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-03 16:20:16


污泥颗粒化 sludge granulation英语短句 例句大全

污泥颗粒化,sludge granulation

1)sludge granulation污泥颗粒化

1.Study on thesludge granulation in large-sized UASB reactor treating avermectin wastewater;大型UASB处理阿维菌素废水厌氧污泥颗粒化研究

2.The effects of trace metals onsludge granulation in dairy manure anaerobic fermentation;微量金属元素对厌氧污泥颗粒化的影响

3.Mechanism of aerobicsludge granulation and its influencing factors;好氧污泥颗粒化机理及其影响因素


1.Factors Affecting and Application of Aerobic Granular Sludge好氧颗粒污泥颗粒化影响因素及应用现状

2.The Study on Sludge Granulation in the Full-scale UASB Reactor;工业化UASB反应器污泥颗粒化技术研究

3.Speed-up of aerobic granulation process by pellets细胞相接种加速污泥颗粒化过程研究

4.Study on the Anaerobic Sludge Granulation on Treating Piggery Wastewater in IC Reactor;IC反应器处理猪粪废水条件下污泥颗粒化研究

5.Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Sludge Granulation in EGSB Reactor and Technology Characteristics;EGSB反应器中SRB污泥颗粒化和反应器的工艺特性

6.Study of Acceleration of Sludge Granulation Process in the UASB Reactor;UASB反应器内污泥颗粒化过程加速的研究

7.Aerobic Granulation at Low Load and the Effect of Heavy Metal on the Aerobic Granules低负荷下污泥的颗粒化及重金属对颗粒污泥的影响

8.The change of granular sludge characteristics in the starting-up of EGSB reactor膨胀颗粒污泥床反应器启动过程中颗粒污泥性质变化研究

9.The Methanogenesis Kinetics of Granular Sludge from EGSB Reactor and the Inhibition of NO_2 on It;EGSB颗粒污泥甲烷化动力学及NO_2的影响

10.Research on the Stability and the Activities of Extended Idle Conditions of Aerobic Granules;硝化颗粒污泥稳定性及活性恢复研究

11.Denitrfying Phosphorous Removal by Granular Sludge in SBR ProcessSBR中颗粒污泥反硝化除磷试验研究

12.The Study of Denitrification by Anoxic Granular Sludge in SBRSBR中缺氧颗粒污泥反硝化试验研究

13.Culture Conditions for Heterotrophic Nitrification-Aerobic Granular Sludge Formation异养硝化好氧颗粒污泥培养条件研究

14.Study on Rapid Granulation in Sequencing Batch Reactors by Seeding Different Sludge and Action Mechanism of Extracelluar Polymers on Aerobic Granulation;好氧颗粒污泥快速培养及胞外多聚物对颗粒化影响研究

15.Study on Aerobic Granular Sludge and Granular Sludge Dynamic Membrane Bioreactor好氧颗粒污泥及颗粒化动态膜生物反应器的研究

16.Study on the Process of Simultaneous Nitrification Denitrification with Aerobic Granular Sludge;好氧颗粒污泥同步硝化反硝化过程研究

17.Nitrogen Loss in Internal-loop Aerobic Granular Sludge Bed Nitrifying Reactor内循环好氧颗粒污泥床硝化反应器氮亏损研究

18.Characteristics of Denitrification and Phosphorus Removal in SBR with Granular Sludges;SBR中反硝化和生物除磷颗粒污泥特性研究


nitrifying granules硝化颗粒污泥

1.Applying factorial experiments to study the toxicity effects of heavy metal mixture onnitrifying granules;混合重金属对硝化颗粒污泥毒性作用的析因实验研究

2.The nitrification inhibition by substrate and it’s kinetic model innitrifying granules were investigated by using a batch respirometry test.利用序批式呼吸运动计量法研究了硝化颗粒污泥硝化作用的基质抑制及其动力学模型。

3)anaerobic granulation process厌氧污泥颗粒化

1.The main factors that influence theanaerobic granulation process were summarized,including inoculation seeds and its concentration,nutrients,inorganic ions,temperature,as well as hydraulic conditions.总结了影响厌氧污泥颗粒化进程的几种主要因素,包括接种污泥的种类和浓度,营养物的种类和浓度、无机离子、培养温度以及水力条件等。

4)active sludge granulation活性污泥颗粒化

5)anaerobic sludge granulation厌氧污泥颗粒化

6)aerobic granular sludge好氧颗粒化污泥

1.It is found that theaerobic granular sludge was formed in the reactor under the proper operating conditions, which can show excellent settling ability.试验结果表明 ,通过了状态调控阶段 ,反应器中形成了同时具有脱氮除磷能力的好氧颗粒化污泥 。


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