900字范文 > 传统工艺美术 traditional arts and crafts英语短句 例句大全

传统工艺美术 traditional arts and crafts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-01 16:23:59


传统工艺美术 traditional arts and crafts英语短句 例句大全

传统工艺美术,traditional arts and crafts

1)traditional arts and crafts传统工艺美术

1.The legal attribute of thetraditional arts and crafts;传统工艺美术法律属性探析

2.This sort of decorative design borrows a lot of expressive ways from Chinesetraditional arts and crafts.这些装饰设计大量借用了中国传统工艺美术的表现方式,对丰富室内装饰形式和继承、发展中国传统文化艺术有着深远的意义。


1.Research of Influence of China Traditional Doctrine of Five Elements on Craft Art Development in Terms of "Kao Gong Ji";《考工记》五行思想与传统工艺美术

2.Cultural Implications of Auspicious Patterns in Traditional Industrial Arts;传统工艺美术中吉祥图案的文化意蕴

3.On the Harmonious Ideology Reflected in Suzhou Traditional Arts and Crafts;试论苏州传统工艺美术中的和谐观念

4.The Use of Traditional Arts and Crafts in Modern Interior Decorative Design;传统工艺美术在现代室内装饰设计中的运用

5.Reflection on Preserve and Development of Art and Craft in Inner Mongolia;关于保护和发展内蒙古传统工艺美术的思考

6.Material and Immaterial:Protection and Development of Traditional Crafts and Fine Arts;物质与非物质:传统工艺美术的保护与发展

7.The Advantage of Developing Tradition Industrial Art Estate of Henan and the Effect of Which Boosting Region Economy;河南发展传统工艺美术产业的优势及对地域经济的作用

8.Interviews with Chinese Traditional Arts and Crafts System: Retrospection on the Reform and Development of 60th Anniversary of the Founding of The People"s Republic of China中国传统工艺美术体制集谈录——建国60年文化改革与发展回眸

9.Exploration and Practice on the Problem that Art Universities Participate in the Continuation Education and Training of Traditional Industrial Arts;高等美术院校参与传统工艺美术行业继续教育和培训的探索和实践

10.Carpets are one of China"s traditional handicrafts of both artistic and practical value.地毯是中国传统的工艺美术实用品。

11.The Vague Beauty,the Harmonious Beauty and the Curvilinear Beauty--The Artistic Beauty of Chinese Traditional Architecture模糊美、曲线美、和谐美——中国传统建筑的艺术美

12.On the Artistic Order of Inheriting and Innovating Chinese Traditional Fine Arts;中国传统美术继承与创新的艺术秩序

13.Traditional exports like art products should be increased by every means.工艺美术品等传统出口产品,要千方百计地增加出口。

14.Exploring the Application of Chaoshan Traditional Arts and Crafts in Chaoshan Traditional Residential Building试论潮汕工艺美术在潮汕传统民居建筑中的运用

15.Protection and Inheritance of Chinese Traditional Architectural Craft中国传统建筑工艺技术的保护与传承

16.Zen and aesthetic standards of Chinese and Japanese traditional arts禅宗与中国和日本的传统艺术审美观

17.New Visual Aesthetics of Traditional Chinese Calligraphy;中国传统书法艺术的新视觉审美倾向

18.On Personality Implication of Traditional Aesthetics In The Art of Erhu;论传统美学在二胡艺术中的人格蕴涵


Suzhou traditional arts and crafts苏州传统工艺美术

1.The connotation of jade, the subject of the decorative stripes and the aesthetics of Ming-Dynasty-styled furniture all reflect the harmonious ideology in the creation ofSuzhou traditional arts and crafts: harmony between humanity and nature, among human beings, and between one s mind and body.苏州传统工艺美术中,玉器的思想内涵、装饰纹样的题材和内容、明式家具的美学精神等,无不体现了苏州传统工艺美术和创作中蕴涵的和谐观念,无论是"自然与人的和谐""人与人的和谐",还是"自我身心的和谐",在以物质产品为文化体现的工艺美术中,都有着极其丰富的内容,表现无限精深,它对建构当今文明和谐社会、对现代工艺美术创作思想的提高具有十分重要的意义。

3)Beijing Traditional Arts & Crafts (BTAC)北京传统工艺美术

1.Beijing Traditional Arts & Crafts (BTAC) not only has a long history but also particular characters.由于北京得天独厚的文化古都历史条件,北京传统工艺美术名师荟萃,巧匠云集,以历史悠久、风格独特、品种繁多、技艺精湛、典雅名贵而享誉中外。

4)traditional art aesthetic standards传统艺术审美观

5)arts and crafts工艺美术

1.The law ofarts and crafts development as viewed from practical use and appreciation of beauty;从实用与审美看工艺美术历史发展的规律性问题

6)industrial art工艺美术

1.Analyses some confusing relevant concepts in art design, focusing on the relations between art,science & technology,industrial art and hand crafts,and describes the future of the combination of art and science and what artists will pursue.对艺术、科学技术、艺术设计、工艺美术、手工艺的概念及关系进行阐述 ,描绘艺术与科技汇合的前景和艺术设计的追求。

2.Henan is the Chinese civilization headstream,own industrial system which is complete in range,have a long history,masterlyindustrial art culture resource and inheritance,bring Henan traditionindustrial art advantage into play,take Henan traditionindustrial art estate seriously and develop,boost Henan region economy developing.河南作为中华文明的发源地,拥有门类齐全、历史悠久、技艺精湛的工艺美术文化资源和遗产,因此,应发挥河南传统工艺美术优势,重视和发展河南传统工艺美术产业,以促进河南地域经济开发。


