900字范文 > 不足 deficiency英语短句 例句大全

不足 deficiency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-27 07:56:12


不足 deficiency英语短句 例句大全



1.the exploration to the expression of thedeficiency of the originality of Education research;教育研究原创性不足的表征

2.The teaching accomplishments in highway and bridge specialty have gained high approval by the experts panel in the assessment,through which we are clear about the existingdeficiency in teaching.以评促建,清醒地看到存在的不足,积极应对,加大力度进一步深化专业教学改革,使专业教学深层次适应工程技术发展。

3.By summing up and classifying all western and Chinese researches on "new towns" since World War n ,somedeficiency of researches are pointed out on mechanism of spatial development, integrities and problems of " transitional city".总结了二战以来中西方新城研究成果,并对这些研究成果进行了相应归类,指出当前新城研究对于空间发展机制、综合性及转型城市问题研究的不足。


1.The quality or condition of being inadequate.不足,不完备不足、不充分的性质或条件

2.in short supply供应不足,缺乏的,

3.a dearth of information情报[知识]的不足

4.insufficient justification理由不足效应 理由不足效应

5.severe mental retardation重度智能不足 重度智能不足

6.Lack of illumination caused by an electrical power failure.照明不足由电力缺乏引起的照明不足

7.chronic undernutrition (stunting)长期营养不足(发育不全)

8.Fear not the future, weep not for the past.未来不足惧,过去不须泣。

9.The low selling price more than offset the disadvantages of the house这幢房子售价低,足以抵消其不足之处。

10.To load(a firearm) with an insufficient charge.未给…装足火药给(火器)填充弹药不足

11.To prove deficient or lacking; perform ineffectively or inadequately.表现欠佳证明不足或不够;活动受损或不充足

12.Mine is a simple nothing.我的东西实在不足一道。

13.lack of uniformly optimal plan一致最优方案的不足

14.My head aches for want of sleep.我因为睡眠不足而头痛。

15.contemptibly small in amount.在数量上不足称道的少。

16.We lost a lot of sleep.我们的睡眠远远不足。

17.The contented man is never poor,“知足者永不贫穷,

18.the discontented never rich.不知足者永不富有。



1.This paper states the composing of 100% cold outdour air (OA) system and analyses the advantages and shortages in the practical application.简述了低温全新风系统的组成,分析了低温全新风系统在实际应用中的优势和不足,分析结果表明:与常温一次回风系统相比,低温全新风系统具有改善和稳定室内空气品质、避免病菌重复感染、保证空调系统安全性、节约风道材料、对于新风比大于等于30%的建筑可以节能、适合与冰蓄冷系统的联合应用等优点,具有过滤器易堵塞、滤料消耗多、运行管理任务繁重等缺点,低温全新风系统的应用利多弊少,应该扩大范围推广应用。

2.Meanwhile, it points out the shortages existing in AutoCAD2000.同时指出了AutoCAD2 0 0 0存在的不足。

3.The paper discusses the achievements, shortage as well as improving measures concerning geological project budget management respectively.地质项目预算管理的不足表现为 :预算约束力缺位 ;预算编制程序错误 ;对预算工作重视不够 ;预算人员水平相对不高。


1.Function,Principle and Shortcoming of Dispatching System in Our Company论公司调度系统的职能、原则及当前存在的不足

2.On theshortcomings of the five English-English learner"s dictionaries and the enlightenment on the compilation of English-Chinese learner"s dictionaries论五大英语学习词典中的不足及其对英汉学习词典的编纂启示

3.At the same time, these researches have befallen someshortcomings to some extent.但是,这些研究在一定程度上均表现出某些不足。


1.The Shortcomings of Our Government Procurement from the Angle of GPA;从GPA看我国政府采购制度的几点不足

2.On Shortcomings and Improvement of Multimedia Instructions in China′s High Education;关于多媒体教学的不足与对策

3.The Advantages & Shortcomings Existed in Exam Mode Based on Internet基于网络考试方式的优越性及存在的不足


1.Although the newly modified company law recognized one-man company system,it had some insufficient too.新修改的公司法虽明确地规定了一人公司制度,但仍存在着一些不足。

2.,This paper discusses the advantages and insufficient of the comprehensive university runs the professional with the defect possessed of sports and educates the graduate students of sports,gives forward the measure of full play and remedy the advantage and insufficient of the processing of a comprehensive university,in the hope of educating the high-quality "compound.采用问卷调查、文献资料研究、专家访谈、数理统计和逻辑归纳等研究方法,探讨综合性大学开办体育专业和培养体育研究生所具备的办学优势及办学过程中存在的不足和缺陷,提出了发挥综合性大学的办学优势及弥补办学不足的措施,以期培养适应现代社会需要的具有创新意识和能力的高素质、“复合型”体育人才。

3.In initial stage of the 1990s,our country took the paces of the reform in the accounting field,but today a great deal of insufficient exists in the system reform of our country s accounting field.20世纪90年代初期,我国在会计领域迈出了改革的步伐,但是今天我国会计制度改革还存在诸多不足,文章指出了这些不足,并提出了深化改革的思路。


1.Demonstration of Reform Achievement and Insufficiency in Ordinary Universities Sports Education;我国普通高校体育教育改革成果与不足概述

2.The present situation,insufficiency and trend of educational economics;教育经济学研究的现状、不足和趋势——中国教育经济学学术年会述要及感思


不足1.不充足,不够。 2.不可,不能。 3.不值得,不必。 4.不难。 5.犹不尽。 6.犹不致。
