900字范文 > 3个周期 Three cycles英语短句 例句大全

3个周期 Three cycles英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-09 21:55:17


3个周期 Three cycles英语短句 例句大全

3个周期,Three cycles

1)Three cycles3个周期


3)Six cycles6个周期

1.Six cycles is better than three cycles in Diane-35 treatment for PCOS non-bear within one year.方法:选择40例1年内暂无生育要求的多囊卵巢综合征患者,随机分为两组,即A组:达英-35治疗3个周期,B组:达英-35治疗6个周期,每组各20例,治疗前、治疗结束时及停药后3个月分别测定性激素6项,观察月经恢复情况及用药期间的副反应。

4)3/4 period3/4周期

1.3/4 period transit method in intelligent north-finding gyroscope system;3/4周期中天法的陀螺智能寻北

5)3 period3周期性

6)3 periods3周期

1.That the chaos is susceptibile to the initial condition and the chaos has the feature of the3 periods is affirmed.证实了混沌对初始条件的敏感性,以及混沌中3周期点的存在。


1.The overall ongoing pregnancy rate(PR) per insemination was 15.91%(201/1263), The cumulative ongoing PR following 3 ICI cycles was 98.5%(198/201).妊娠201例中3周期累计妊娠率98.5%(198/201)。

2.The disease recurs in epidemic cycles at two-to three-year intervals.本病流行周期为2-3年。

3.The k-error Linear Complexity of a Sequence with Period 3~np~m over GF(3)GF(3)上周期为3~np~m序列的k错线性复杂度

4.Period of Fibonacci sequence modulo F_k(k>3)Fibonacci数列关于模F_k(k>3)的模数列的周期

5.The effect of early B cell factor 3 on HepG2 cell cycling早期B细胞因子3对HepG2细胞周期的影响

6.Bounds of the expected value of 3-error linear complexity of a specific periodic sequence一类周期序列的3错线性复杂度期望的界

7.The recurrence start date doesn"t correspond to the recurrence pattern. Change the recurrence start date to the %1 %2 of %3.重复周期的开始日期不符合定期模式。将重复周期的开始日期更改为%3的%1%2。

8.Study on Serum and Follicular Fluid Levels of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Ⅱand Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Undergoing in Vitro Fertilization;PCOS超排卵周期中IGF-Ⅱ和IGFBP-3水平的研究

9.Influence of Renshen Huhe Decoction on the Cell Cycle of Androgen-independent Prostate Cancer Line PC-3.人参胡核汤对人前列腺癌PC-3细胞周期的影响

10.Periodic and chaotic behaviour for (3+1)-dimensional Kadomtsv-Petviashvili equation(3+1)维Kadomtsv-Petviashvili方程的周期性态和混沌行为

11.Design of Monitoring and Alarm System for Periodically Unattended Engine Room of 1200m~3 Live Fish Transportation Ship1200m~3活鱼运输船周期无人机舱控制系统设计

12.Triple Positive Doubly Periodic Solutions of a Nonlinear Telegraph System非线性电报方程组的3个双周期正解问题

13.The standard infant fussiness usually starts at about2 to3 weeks, peaks at6 weeks and is gone by3 to4 months.标准的婴儿哭闹通常从2-3周大开始,到6周达到高峰期,到3-4个月大时就消失了。

14.Classes of this spring semester start on Feb. 26 and ends on July 8.注意:1.本学期从3月5日(第二周)开始上课,至7月8日学期结束。

15.3. The Book of Changes, "Hsi Tzu".[3]见《周易-系辞上》。

16.If an infant does contract herpes during delivery, the symptoms tend to show within two to three weeks after birth.如果婴儿在分娩期间被感染,症状将在2-3周内出现.

17.The uranium deal was concluded Monday in Canberra during a visit by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.铀生意于本周一(月3日)堪培拉签约,在中国主席温访问期间。

18.Chinese university students take part in a shooting practice during a three-week military training programme at Tsinghua University in Beijing August 29, .北京清华大学的学生正在进行射击练习,整个军训活动共为期3周。



3)Six cycles6个周期

1.Six cycles is better than three cycles in Diane-35 treatment for PCOS non-bear within one year.方法:选择40例1年内暂无生育要求的多囊卵巢综合征患者,随机分为两组,即A组:达英-35治疗3个周期,B组:达英-35治疗6个周期,每组各20例,治疗前、治疗结束时及停药后3个月分别测定性激素6项,观察月经恢复情况及用药期间的副反应。

4)3/4 period3/4周期

1.3/4 period transit method in intelligent north-finding gyroscope system;3/4周期中天法的陀螺智能寻北

5)3 period3周期性

6)3 periods3周期

1.That the chaos is susceptibile to the initial condition and the chaos has the feature of the3 periods is affirmed.证实了混沌对初始条件的敏感性,以及混沌中3周期点的存在。


