900字范文 > 地震反应 seismic response英语短句 例句大全

地震反应 seismic response英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-20 17:52:36


地震反应 seismic response英语短句 例句大全

地震反应,seismic response

1)seismic response地震反应

1.Method used to calculate theseismic response of structure based on the accurate intergration method;基于精细积分算法的结构地震反应计算方法

2.Frequency-domain analysis of horizontalseismic response of shear-wall structures;剪力墙结构水平地震反应的频域分析

3.Analyses of nonlinear models for theseismic responses of RC frames;模型化方法对钢筋混凝土框架地震反应的影响分析


1.Structural Response for Multi-Component Ground Motion Inputs;多维地震动输入下结构地震反应分析

2.Seismic Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Containment Vessel on Isolating Devices;某核电站安全壳的隔震地震反应分析

3.Earthquake Response Analysis of Three-Directional Isolated Continuous Bridges;连续桥梁三向隔震体系地震反应分析

4.Response Spectrum Research of Sliding Base Isolation Structure;基础滑移隔震体系的地震反应谱研究

5.Researching on Seismic Response Method and Vibration Damper of BSS张弦梁结构地震反应方法及减震研究

6.Study on the dynamic response of high earth-rockfill dams in areas of high seismicity强震区高土石坝的地震反应特性研究

7.Earthquake Response Analysis for Tailings Dam and Antiseismic Measures尾矿坝地震反应分析及抗震措施研究

8.Earthquake Response Analysis of Three-Dimensional Isolated Systems for Continuous Bridges连续桥梁三维隔震体系地震反应分析


10.Research on Base Isolation Structure Earthquake Response and Aseismic Reliability;隔震结构体系的地震反应和抗震可靠度研究

11.Analysis of the seismic responses of a base-isolated building on the basis of strong motion observation基于强震观测的隔震结构地震反应分析

12.Earthquake Response of the Base-isolation Frame-brick Structure底部框架-抗震墙砖房隔震结构的地震反应

13.Seismic Response Analysis of Deep Foundation Structure Based on Ground Surface Seism Input;基于地表地震输入的深基础结构地震反应分析

14.The Research about the Influence of Seismic Motion input to the Location Earthquake Responded场地地震反应分析中的地震动输入影响研究

15.Seismic Response Analysis of Fault Step Subjected to Obliquely Incident Body Waves地震体波斜入射下的断层台阶地震反应分析

16.Seismic Response Analysis and Reliability of Utility Tunnel;地下综合管廊地震反应分析与抗震可靠性研究

17.The Influence of Ground Motion Characteristics on Response of Structures地震动特性对结构地震反应的影响分析

18.Earthquake-response Analysis of a Three-storey Brick-concrete Composite Structure in Wenchuan Earthquake汶川地震中某3层砖混结构地震反应分析


earthquake response地震反应

1.Spreadsheet Tool for numeric calculation ofearthquake response Using Excel;结构地震反应数值计算的excel方法

2.The effect of transition floor onearthquake response of structure;过渡层板厚对结构地震反应的影响

3.Numerical analysis ofearthquake response of cylindrical liquid storage tanks;立式储液罐地震反应数值分析

3)Earthquake reaction地震反应

1.Time-history analysis on the earthquake reaction of interlayer sliding isolation system of model structure building;盒式房屋层间摩擦隔震体系地震反应的时程分析

2.The study on the earthquake reaction of interlayer sliding isolation system of model structure building;盒式房屋层间摩擦隔震体系地震反应的研究

3.Taking the middle pier of a grade separation bridge in Beijing City as the example, the article carries out the vibrostand experiment study of the bridge model earthquake reaction, and investigates the influence of the model earthquake reaction on the rubber support in layers, which provide the experimental basis for the anti-earthquake design of the bridge structure.该文以北京市某立交桥中墩为原型,进行了桥梁模型地震反应的振动台实验研究,考察了分层橡胶支座对模型地震反应的影响,为桥梁结构的抗震设计提供实验依据。

4)seismic responses地震反应

1.Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics and Seismic Responses for High Pier-long Span Continual Rigid Frame Bridge;高墩大跨连续刚构桥的动力性能及地震反应分析

2.Study on dynamic properties andseismic responses of super high rise multitube megacolumn frame systems;超高层多筒巨型柱框架体系动力特性与地震反应研究

3.Analysis of theseismic responses control of structure with spaciousfirst story by Hydraulic Damper System(HDS) in frequency domain;液压阻尼控制系统(HDS)控制底层柔性结构地震反应的频域分析

5)earthquake responses地震反应

1.In the paper,experimental research on shaking table used for simulating multidimensionalearthquake responses of high-rise isolated structure has been conducted.通过输入不同大小和类型的地震波,分析观察模型上部结构和隔震支座的地震反应。

6)earthquake response spectrum地震反应谱

1.Five response spectrum theories in structural seismic response analysis such asearthquake response spectrum,design response spectrum and so on are introduced.介绍了结构地震反应分析中的地震反应谱、设计反应谱等三种反应谱理论,并阐述了他们之间的相互联系和功能区别,论述了几种多自由度体系线性动力反应分析方法,为工程抗震设计提供了便捷、有效地分析手段。

2.The soil-structure interaction model is established by using lumped parameter method and theearthquake response spectrum equation based on this model is deduced.利用集总参数法建立了土-结构相互作用模型,分析推导了该模型下的地震反应谱公式,通过实例计算,得出了相互作用体系在不同频率地震波作用下的反应谱曲线。

3.The statistics for quite a lot of theearthquake response spectrums are carried out,then the statistical characteristics of the response spectrum of sliding structures are discussed.对大量地震反应谱进行了统计 ,探讨了滑移隔震结构反应谱的统计特征。


