900字范文 > 预案 plan英语短句 例句大全

预案 plan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-27 08:28:32


预案 plan英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis of emergencyplans for prevention and disposition of incident and colony events certain hydroelectric power sation in project department;某水电站项目部预防处置突发事件和群体性事件应急预案的分析

parative analysis of emergencyplans for fighting against floods between the US and China;美国大坝应急反应计划与我国水库防洪应急预案的比较

3.This paper puts emphasis on the necessity of developing enterprise accident emergency rescueplan.强调了编写好企业级事故应急救援预案的必要性。


1.Research on fire fighting and rescue system of fire fighting force公安消防部队灭火救援预案体系预研

2.Mengxi Power Grid Black Start Counterplan and Bayannaoer Case Study;蒙西电网黑启动预案及巴盟典型案例研究

3.Study on Preliminary for Water Environment Operation and Accidental Water Pollution Management of Liuhe District;六合区水环境调度预案与突发性水污染事件管理预案研究

4.Budget amendment [U.S.]预算修正案 [美国]

5.introduce [open] the budget(向下院) 提出预算案

6.budget guideline ratio财政预算案准则比率

7.Presentation of the United Nations budget by programme按方案编制联合国预算

8.The committee approved the budget.委员会核准该预算案。

9.programme budget presentation(编制)方案预算格式

10.publication of the approved programme budget印发已核准的方案预算

11.Office for Programme Planning, Budget and Finance方案规划、预算和财务厅

12.budget exercise财政预算案编制工作

13.Activity Based Budgeting以活动为基础的预算案

14.Standing Committee on Programme and Budget方案和预算常设委员会

15.appropriation bill(提交国会的)拨款预算案

16.The bill is on schedule.按预定时间提出的议案。

17.The judge may institute proceedings.预审法官可以受理案件。

18.The Clementine Solution for Web Log PreprocessingWeb日志预处理的Clementine方案



1.In this paper,two artificial intelligence techniques,case-based reasoning(CBR) and rule-based reasoning(RBR),learning from other s strong points to offset its weakness,are combined and applied to the system designing process of emergencypreparedness information system.将基于案例推理 (CBR)与基于规则推理 (RBR)两种人工智能技术相结合 ,引入到紧急预案信息系统的系统设计中 ,设计了系统的结构和工作流程并对系统实现的主要技术 :预案知识的表示、案例的存储结构、案例检索、案例适配与系统学习进行了探讨和构想 。

2.The fourth part focus on the content and the management of Disaster Recovery Preparedness.第四部分主要讨论灾难恢复预案的内容及其管理。

3)predetermined plan预案

1.It explores the compiling of emergercypredetermined plan of public health burst of productive chemistry poison in Hefei(EPP).探讨突发公共卫生事件应急预案的编制问题。

2.How does the emergencypredetermined plan and perfect water emergency system this article on formulate,puts forward the proposal and the discussion.为应对突发性供水安全事件,输水部门要制订出一套实用完备的应急预案,健全应急系统,完善应急措施,确保及时、迅速、高效、有序地应对各种突发性供水事件,维护安全稳定供水。


1.Mengxi Power Grid Black Start Counterplan and Bayannaoer Case Study;蒙西电网黑启动预案及巴盟典型案例研究

2.Government should mobilize the effective resources of entire society,establish an emergency command system,activatecounterplan,release information,manage timely and effectively in order to reduce the impacts and losses of extended blackout by .政府应动员全社会的有效资源,建立危机应急指挥系统、启动应急预案,发布信息,及时有效处理,最大程度地减少大面积停电造成的影响和损失。

5)emergency plan预案

1.A conclusion was made thatemergency plan for power supply must be made to prevent blackout of power grid.通过对电网黑启动的理论分析,结合内蒙古电网在薛家湾地区进行的黑启动实验,分析了内蒙古电网黑启动存在的问题及可能采用的多个黑启动方案,并且对实施黑启动方案进行了评估,得出建立电网紧急保电预案,确保电网不出现“全黑”情况,才是保证电网安全稳定运行的关键。

2.To enhance the ability of rush repairs to the gateway of railway tunnel with the occurrence of accidents at any time the paper deals with two differentemergency plans for entire or partial destruction to the gateway, introduces the underground grubbing, arch reinforcing etc.为提高战时及平时发生突发事件时对铁路隧道洞口的抢修能力,分别对铁路隧道洞口的完全与不完全两种破坏形式的抢修预案进行了分析探讨,重点介绍了暗挖法、拱圈加固补强等技术措施,强调了在隧道抢修中因地制宜地运用新奥法原理设计施工的重要性。

6)pre-arranged planning预案

1.In view of the possible latent risks in the construction of water-diversion tunnels,this article makes relevant forecasts and puts forward an effective constructionpre-arranged planning.对锦萍东引引水隧道施工中可能存在的风险进行了预测,包括围岩差异引出的工程风险、岩爆风险、涌水风险、有毒气体风险及火灾、坍塌风险等,并提出相应的施工预案。


高射炮兵射击预案高射炮兵射击预案antiaircraft artillery fire schemegaoshePaobing sheiiyu’an高射炮兵射击预案(antiaireraft artillery firescheme)高射炮连、营作战前拟定的组织实施射击的方案。目的是使指挥员预先有对空情的分析、判断和射击方案,以便作战中能迅速、果断地处置情况。它是临空指挥的基本依据。主要内容包括:作战任务,对敌方航空兵可能使用机型、进人高度、主要来袭方向、攻击手段的判断,对不同情况的处置方案,集火射击、分火射击、转移火力的时机和协同动作的规定。预案要明确、具体、切实可行,要交给指战员讨论、充实,具体内容根据情况变化要适时调整、补充和修改。在作战中,当空中情况与射击预案的设想不相符合时,指挥员应在上级总的作战意图指导下机智、灵活、果断地处置。(牛兴昌)
