900字范文 > 公益广告 public service advertising英语短句 例句大全

公益广告 public service advertising英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-25 22:33:42


公益广告 public service advertising英语短句 例句大全

公益广告,public service advertising

1)public service advertising公益广告

1.Strategic research of improving corporate image by utilizingpublic service advertising;有效利用公益广告提升企业形象的策略研究

2.This thesis mainly investigates the pronouns inpublic service advertising from the perspective of cognitive psychology,analyzes the pronominal scaling in PSA language,and poins out that advertising andience s cognitive schema based on their knowledge framework、attitude and values has an important influence on their cognitive psychology during construing pronouns inpublic service advertising.集中探讨了公益广告语中人称代词的认知心理,并分析了代词阶在公益广告语中的运用,指出受众基于自己的的知识框架,态度,价值观所形成的认知图式会对识解公益广告人称代词时的认知心理产生深刻的影响。

3.Born in America in 1940s,public service advertising has become an important kind of advertising.2 0世纪 4 0年代公益广告诞生于美国 ,现已成为与商业广告并驾齐驱的一种广告形式。


1.Virtues of Advertising--On the Ethical Value of Public Service Ads;广告的德行——论公益广告的伦理价值

2.The birth of American public service advertising and the story of War Advertising Council论战时广告委员与美国公益广告的诞生

3.These advertisements have helped to increase public knowledge,这些公益广告有助于增加公众知识,

4.An Analysis on the Public Service Advertisement s Development of Our Country in the Lack of Mechanism;公益广告机制缺失下的我国公益广告发展现状探析

5.An Analysis of Public Service Advertisement from a Multi-modal Perspective based on One Advertisement in Wenchuan Earthquake公益广告的多模态解读——以汶川大地震的一幅公益广告为例

6.There are public advertisements which encourage citizens to participate in improving their neighbourhood,如:公益广告鼓励人们参与改善社区、

municational Impact on Fear Appeal of Commonweal Advertisement恐惧诉求在公益广告中的传播效果

8.Pro-environmental Public Service Advertisements in Chinese and English: A Cross-cultural Perspective;跨文化视角下的中英文环保公益广告

9.Research on Chinese Television Public Service Ads on the Market-oriented Operation;我国电视公益广告的市场化运营研究

10.Summarize of Research in Chinese Public Service Advertisments: 1994-;中国大陆公益广告研究综述:1994-

11.The Combination between Humanism and Artistry in Public Service Advertising;论公益广告中人本性和艺术性的融合

12.Research of the Types of Public Welfare Advertisement through TV Channels and its Form of Expression;电视公益广告的类型与表现形式研究

ment on Public Service Advertising Research in China:1991-;中国公益广告研究述评:1991-

14.Harmony-The Core Value of TV Advertisements for Public Service;浅谈电视公益广告的价值核心——和谐

15.Interpersonal Meaning of Modality in Public Service Advertisements;公益广告语篇中情态的人际功能探究

16.The Social Value of Public Advertisement;公益广告中社会价值观的多元化表现

17.The Value Orientation & Editing Style of TV Non-commercial Advertisement;电视公益广告的价值取向与编辑风格

18.A Critical Discourse Analysis of Public Service Advertising in China Daily《中国日报》中公益广告的批判话语分析


public service advertisement公益广告

1.We attempt to analyse apublic service advertisement from interpersonal function perspective and discuss how these four means realise in it.人际功能是系统功能语法的三大功能之一,而语篇实现人际功能的手段主要包括语气、情态、人称和评价等四个方面,我们试从这四个方面分析一则公益广告来探讨这些人际手段在公益广告语篇中的实现。

2.Thepublic service advertisement plays more and more important role in our life.公益广告在我们的日常生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

3.The effect study ofpublic service advertisement,an insufficiently touched area in(advertisement) studies,has two problems: low degree of correlation with audience and lack of convincing force.公益广告的效果研究一直处于广告研究的滞后阶段。

3)public service ads公益广告

1.The combination of modernpublic service ads in the development, Contemporarypublic service ads on the creative development of existing problems and the creation ofpublic service ads process should pay attention to the issue of exploration, also affect the development of public welfare advertising trends analyzed.该文结合现代公益广告发展中存在的问题,对当代公益广告的创作发展中存在的问题和在创作公益广告过程应注意的问题进行了探索,并对影响着公益广告的发展趋势进行了分析。

2.Public service ads highlight the social responsibilities of the corporative citizen;convey the mainstream social values,build harmonious ethical norms.广告产业的和谐发展离不开广告经济价值和伦理价值的平衡与互动,公益广告正是从伦理学的角度对广告经济和社会发展的一个责问。

3.Analyzingpublic service ads,as the forms of the awareness conformity that resorting to the audience receiving psychological mechanism, how to improve the group level of the awareness.本文以中国公众环境意识调查为依据,通过对公众环保意识的构成要素、层次,公众环保行为以及二者相互关系和影响因素的剖析,探讨环保公益广告这一诉诸受众接受心理机制的环保意识整合形式,对于提高公众环保意识的群体改良作用,并根据受众接受心理特征,进行通过具有个体针对性、诉诸感情与诉诸理性相结合等方式的公益广告传播内容设计,以提高其传播效果的探析。

4)public advertisement公益广告

1.It falls into the category of infusing a notion, and it displays a different intention through thepublic advertisement and the suggestion-offering-typed advertisement.电视公益广告是为公众利益服务的,它属于一种观念的传播。

2.The major narrative content of thepublic advertisement is social ethics, which is the foundation of human morals.公益广告以社会公德为主要叙事内容,而社会公德又是构成人的道德的基础,因此在公益广告叙事过程中就应该处处以人为中心,以人性内核为叙事的深层指向,采取人性化的叙事技巧,最大限度地强化公益广告的叙事效果。


1.Public service advertisements (PSAs) play a significant role in propagating environmental issues and environmental knowledge.作为一种宣传社会价值观与大众服务的有效形式,公益广告在宣传生态环境问题、传播环境知识中起着积极作用,也常被企业单位、政府机构、非营利性组织、社会公众及个人用于劝说,唤起公众的环境保护意识,从而引导公众参与到保护环境的行列。

2.The dissertation has analyzed the verbal and visual contents of Chinese printPSAs from linguistic and semiotic perspectives.本论文从语言学和符号学的角度,通过分析中国平面公益广告的文字和视觉内容归纳出其在词法、句法、文字修辞、视觉符号类型、视觉修辞使用上的特点。

6)public service advertising texts公益广告

1.The purpose of this paper is to probe into the interpersonal meaning of mood and person system inpublic service advertising texts on the basis of systemic functional grammar.以Halliday系统功能语法为框架,从语气与人称两方面对公益广告语篇进行了人际意义分析。


奉和杜相公益昌路作【诗文】:春半梁山正落花,台衡受律向天涯。南去猿声傍双节,西来江色绕千家。风吹画角孤城晓,林映蛾眉片月斜。已见庙谟能喻蜀,新文更喜报金华。·139 ·【注释】:【出处】:全唐诗:卷248_52
