900字范文 > 沙尘暴天气 sandstorm英语短句 例句大全

沙尘暴天气 sandstorm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-02 06:13:08


沙尘暴天气 sandstorm英语短句 例句大全



1.Advance onsandstorm study in Ningxia in recent years was reviewed in this paper.概括地分析了宁夏沙尘暴天气的地理分布与时空演变特征、形成机理与成灾规律,以及沙尘暴与生态环境等方面的研究成果。

2.This place is well acknowledged as the northwestern cold air pass, where was recorded more strong winds andsandstorms.淖毛湖站与周边邻近站相比,对下游沙尘暴天气监测预警有明显的指示意义。

3.Based onsandstorm data documented by 311 meteorological stations from 1961 to ,the source,moving direction and abruptly changed characteristics ofsandstorm in Northwest China were analyzed with CEOF method.利用西北地区311个气象站自1961—43 a沙尘暴天气过程资料及近年来作为天气气候过程诊断分析的新工具之一(CEOF分析方法),分析研究形成西北地区沙尘暴天气的源区、传播方向及突变特征等。


1.Climate Feature Analysis of Sandstorms over Zhengzhou Area郑州地区沙尘暴天气的气候特征分析

2.An Analysis of Strong Sandstorm on 12th April2000年4月12日特强沙尘暴天气分析

3.The time-space distribution characteristics of sandstorm weather in Hotan region和田地区沙尘暴天气的时空分布特征

4.Study on the Changing Characteristics of Falling Dust of a Sand-Dust Storm Based on Oasis Scale基于绿洲尺度沙尘暴天气降尘的变化特征研究

5.Statistic Character and Dynamic Analysis of Upper Level Jet Streams on Sandstorm Days沙尘暴天气的高空急流统计特征及动力学分析

6.An Analysis of Strong Sandstorm on 7~8th April 2001 in Turpan Area吐鲁番2001年4月7~8日特强沙尘暴天气分析

7.A Sand Storm Weather Characteristic Analysis in Northern Area of China;我国北方地区一次沙尘暴天气特征分析

8.The Analysis and Research of the Formation Mechanism That Sand-dust Storm at the North China;华北地区沙尘暴天气形成机制的分析研究

9.Analysis of a sandstorm weather case in April 17, in the south of Junggar Basin准噶尔盆地南缘“.04.17”沙尘暴天气成因分析

10.Diagnostic Analysis of a Regional Heavy Dust Storm Caused by Cold Front in Hexi Corridor河西走廊一次区域性大风强沙尘暴天气诊断

11.On the helicity analysis of "March,2002" severe dust storm in north China“2002.3”华北地区强沙尘暴天气的螺旋度分析

12.Episode simulation of Asian dust storms with the air quality modeling system RAMS-CMAQ多尺度空气质量模式系统RAMS-CMAQ对亚洲沙尘暴天气个例模拟

13.March of year 26--27 tin wood the guole alliance region analyzes with the strong sandstorm weather;3月26——27日锡林郭勒盟地区特强沙尘暴天气分析

14.Numerical Simulation and Diagnosing Analyses of a Strong Sand-dust Storm in Northwest China in April 10th, 一次西北地区强沙尘暴天气的数值模拟及地形敏感性试验

15.Observation of wind profile and analysis of atmosphere boundary layer in urban areas沙尘暴天气下城市中心边界层风剖面观测及分析

16.Analysis on a Sandstorm Event over the Hexi Corridor on April 4~6,4月4~6日河西走廊沙尘暴天气的成因分析

17.Circulation Model Analysis on the Strongest Sandstorm in North China in 中国北方一次强沙尘暴天气的环流模式分析

18.The Sandstorm Information of Xinjiang Based on MODIS Data is Drawn and Studied with the Ocological Effect of Dust and Sand Weather;基于MODIS数据的新疆沙尘暴信息提取与沙尘天气生态效应研究


regional sand-dust storm process沙尘暴天气过程

1.Based on the available original sand-dust storm data observed at 131 meteorological stations from 1954 to 2001 in arid regions of Northwest China, the characteristics and cause ofregional sand-dust storm process happened within 48 years was analyzed with statistics methods such as Mexican Hat Wavelet.利用1954—2001年131个国家基本基准气象站的逐日观测资料,运用小波分析等统计方法分析了中国西北地区区域性沙尘暴天气过程特征及变化趋势,并对其成因进行了初步探讨。

3)Dusty weather沙尘天气

1.Based on the retrieval principles of aerosol optical property and combination with surface observational data, some interesting results and elementary classification criteria of different dusty weather according to aerosol optical depth (AOD) had been obtained and were presented a.同时结合我国已有的沙尘气溶胶光学特性的研究成果,初步提出了依据气溶胶光学厚度判断沙尘天气强度的标准。

2.During dusty weather the strong wind brings sand-dust but blows chemical pol.本文阐述了北京沙尘天气的总体概况。

3.The paper touches upon the dusty weather which has caused serious influence on the northern part of China, especially the sandstorm disaster and its harm.论述了我国北方地区造成严重影响的沙尘天气 ,特别是沙尘暴及其危害及研建完成的“沙尘暴的卫星遥感监测与灾情评估系统”及其监测评估实例。

4)Dust weather沙尘天气

1.Evolvement characteristics of dust weather events in Northwest China and the Tibetan Plateau;中国西北及青藏高原沙尘天气演变特征

2.Observation of Sand-Dust Weather by Lidar in the Spring of at Beijing;激光雷达观测春季北京沙尘天气

3.The dust weather of Northwest China during the Qing Dynasty;清代西北地区的沙尘天气

5)sand-dust weather沙尘天气

1.Relation between riverbed alluvial deposits in the Harbin reach of the Songhuajiang River andsand-dust weather;松花江哈尔滨段河床冲积物与沙尘天气关系的讨论

2.The changing characteristic ofsand-dust weather in recent 54 years and future trend forecast in the southern margin of Tarim Basin塔里木盆地南缘近54年沙尘天气的变化特征及其未来趋势预测

3.Material composition of city surface soil in Harbin in relation tosand-dust weather哈尔滨城市地表土的物质组成与沙尘天气

6)dust storm沙尘天气

1.Temporal variation of air pollution and influence ofdust storms and other meteorological factors on air pollution in Xi"an City have been investigated by using data of annual mean concentration of TSP, SO_(2) and NO_(x) from 1981 to 2000, data of weekly reports and daily reports of environmental monitoring from 1998 to 2000 as well as data of routine surface and upper air observation.通过对西安市1981—2000年TSP、SO2和NOx年平均浓度资料,1998—2000年周报和日报环境监测资料以及相应的地面、高空常规气象观测资料的统计分析,研究了该市空气污染的时间变化特点以及沙尘天气等几种气象条件对其浓度变化的影响。

2.Results show that Mongolia was the initial source of thedust storm influencing Korea,where it occurred between high pressure and cold front.利用气象卫星、天气形势场和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了2002年3月21—22日影响韩国沙尘天气的原因。

3.Base characteristics of the anomalous springdust storm in have been analyzed in this paper,and it is found that the springdust storm in happened frequently and is stronger than the usual.作者概述了春季我国北方地区沙尘天气异常的观测特征。


