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《远航》 The Voyage Out英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-11 12:32:34


《远航》 The Voyage Out英语短句 例句大全

《远航》,The Voyage Out

1)The Voyage Out《远航》

1.Deconstruction inThe Voyage Out;论小说《远航》中的解构

2.The Voyage Out is her first novel, which is not deeply studied in China.《远航》作为她的第一部小说在中国尚未被深入研究,本论文将对其中的沉默展开分析。

3.Dalloway and To the Lighthouse than Woolf\"s realistic novelThe Voyage Out in themes and writing style.在评论界评论家对伍尔夫小说的研究无论是在主题上还是创作手法多集中于其现代主义的经典著作《达洛卫夫人》和《到灯塔去》,而对其传统现实主义作品《远航》的关注甚少。

2)long-term navigation远航

1.Effects oflong-term navigation on changes of premature beat on Holter monitoring electrocardiograms远航对24h动态心电图过早搏动变化的影响


1.Let me sail, let me sail, let me crash upon your shore.让我远航,让我远航,让我在你的岸倒下。

2.I am sailing, I am sailing home again" cross the sea.我在远航,我在远航,穿过海洋,再次回家。

3.The vessel victualled before the long voyage.船在远航前储备了食品。

4.ship biscuit( used formerly as food during long voyages )硬饼干(旧时远航备用的)

5.Little boats must keep the shores. --Benjamin Franklin小舟不能远航。——富兰克林

6.Salt water and absence wash away love.[谚]远航久别恩情疏。

7.The ship is not in a condition / is in no condition ( ie is unfit ) to make a long voyage.此船的现状不适宜远航.

8.We are sailing, we are sailing home again" cross the sea.我们要远航,我们要远航,只为归家,穿越海洋。

9.We are sailing, I am sailing home again across the sea.我们正在远航,我们正在远航,再一次穿越大海,航向我们的港湾。

10.I am sailing, I am sailing home again across the sea.我正在远航,我正在远航,再一次穿越大海,航向我的港湾。

11.Made or used for ocean voyages.远洋航行的或用于远洋航行

12.deep water route深吃水航路深水航道深水航路远洋航线

13.keep a good offing保持离陆地远些航行

14.The ocean lanes are always busy.远洋航路总是很繁忙.

15.a spacecraft"s orbital distance from the earth航天器的远地轨道距离

16.navigation and radio homing远程无线电导航系统

17.airborne infrared astronomy telescope航空红外天文望远镜

18.Flew to the Far East by way of the polar route.经由极地航线飞往远东


long-term navigation远航

1.Effects oflong-term navigation on changes of premature beat on Holter monitoring electrocardiograms远航对24h动态心电图过早搏动变化的影响

3)sea deployment随舰远航

1.Effects of prolongedsea deployment on plasma levels of neuropeptides in helicopter pilots;随舰远航对直升机飞行人员血浆神经肽的影响

4)Long-term voyage长期远航

5)ocean-going voyage远洋航行

6)long range cruise远程巡航

1.Solong range cruise is the most economic cruise model at present.远程巡航方式和经济巡航方式均是常用的飞行方式,经济巡航方式可以降低整个飞行成本,但航空公司目前很难将该方式下节省的时间成本准确计入,因此远程巡航方式成为当前条件下最为经济的巡航方式。


