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综合指数 comprehensive index英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-10 16:00:30


综合指数 comprehensive index英语短句 例句大全

综合指数,comprehensive index

1)comprehensive index综合指数

1.Research oncomprehensive index of excess standard rate of dust’s concentration of cement plant;水泥厂粉尘质量分数超标率综合指数研究

prehensive index evaluation for geological disasters in Jiangsu Section of Jing-Hu speed railway;京沪高速铁路(江苏段)地质灾害综合指数评价

3.Application ofcomprehensive index method in evaluating run efficiency of physical laboratory;综合指数法在评价物理实验室运行效率中的应用


posite index of coincident indicators重合经济指标综合指数

posite index of leading indicators先行经济指标综合指数

posite index of lagging indicators滞后经济指标综合指数

4.aggregate household food security index家庭粮食安全综合指数(粮安指数)

5.The simplest form of a composite index is an unweighted aggregates index.综合指数最简单的形式是不加权数的总计指数。

6.Using TOPSIS and synthetic index method to assess the comprehensive quality of college student应用TOPSIS法与综合指数法评价高职学生综合素质

7.A New Method of Weaving Integration Index and Constructing Index System;编制综合指数及建立其指数体系的一种新方法

8.The Stable Distributions of SZSI and SHCI;深圳成分指数与上海综合指数的稳定分布

9.Partial Exponential Formulae and Comprehensive Exponential Formula ofSustainable Development Evaluation for Cities;城市可持续发展评价的分指数及综合指数公式

10.TSE 300 Composite Index多伦多证交所三百综合指数

11."The composite index stopped the declining momentum, gaining 28 pointes to 671."综合指数停止下滑,上升28点达到671点

12.NYSE Composite Index纽约股票交易所综合指数

13.Toronto Stock Exchange 300 Composite Index多伦多证券交易所三百综合指数

14.Research of the Calculation Methods for the VaR of Shanghai Composite Index;上证综合指数的VaR计算方法研究

15.Linear Regression Model for Composite Stock Index of Shanghai Stock Exchange Centre(Daily;上证综合指数(日收盘)线性回归模型

16.Reflections on Comprehensive Index Method of Agricultural Performance;农业经济效益评价的综合指数法探讨

17.The Comprehensive Index Evaluation Method for Technical Talents Reasonable Mobility and the Determination of Its Index Weight;科技人才合理流动综合指数评价法及其指标权数的确定

18.Positive Analysis of Forecasting Shanghai Composite Index Based on Gompertz Function;基于GOMPERTZ函数的上证综合指数预测的实证研究


composite index综合指数

1.This paper preliminary analyzed the average concentration change trend of three major pollutants SO2, NO2, PM10 in Nanchang atmospheric environment , then it established thecomposite index evaluation model which can give comprehensive evaluation on the quality of the atmospheric environment situation .对南昌市大气环境中二氧化硫、二氧化氮、可吸入颗粒物三种主要污染物的平均浓度随时间变化趋势做了初步分析,并利用综合指数评判模型对各年大气环境质量状况进行了综合评价,最后指出积极改善南昌市大气环境质量的必要性。

2.Journal Evaluation indexes come from the statistic data of all the documents in the journal,so thecomposite index,which is the quality,index of the journal,can be used as the average index of papers in the journal,and can reflect the quality level of S&T documents.科技文献计量指标从评价期刊入手 ,评价期刊的指标来自该刊全部论文的统计数据 ,因此评价期刊的质量指标值——“综合指数”,也是该刊论文的平均指标值 ,采用“综合指数”作为科技文献的计量指标 ,可以反映科技文献的质量水

3.This paper systemmatically studies the asymmetry of the price variability of Chinese stock markets and contrasts it with those variabilities on mature markets,withcomposite indexes from seven countries(including Shanghai Composite and Shenzhen Component) as samples,and EGARCH models as the research tool.以7个国家的综合指数(包括我国上证指数与深成指数)为样本,以EGARCH模型系统研究我国股票市场上价格波动的非对称性以及这种非对称性与成熟市场上的差别。

3)synthetic index综合指数

1.Some methods for quantitatively studying reservoir heterogeneity are discussed, and a heterogeneoussynthetic index method is proposed.对定量研究储层非均质性的常规方法进行了分析 ,提出了一种新的非均质综合指数方法。

2.ased on the monitoring and predictive analysis of atmospheric pollutants, the clustering analytic method andsynthetic index method were used to classify the POllution areas into four types and to classify the greening vegetations into three types in terms of the size of index value.在大气污染物实测和预测分析的基础上,应用聚类分析和综合指数的方法将污染区分为4个类型,绿化植物按照指数大小划分为3类。

3.This paper uses thesynthetic index method to conduct a quantitative analysis on the comprehensive outputs of medical institutions at both county and township levels in the four sampling counties of Gansu province and also undertakes a vertical and horizontal comparison analysis by using the related historical datum and the datum in .文章采用综合指数法对甘肃省4个县的县、乡两级医疗机构综合产出情况进行了定量分析,并对历史资料以及资料分别进行了纵向与横向对比分析。

4)integrated index综合指数

1.The results show that the ecological securityintegrated index (ESII) tends to increase continually in 14 years,from 0.结果表明,广东省生态安全综合指数从1990年的0。

2.The paper reviews and analyzes the common usualintegrated index system on the basis of the theory of traditionalintegrated index system,and makes a due comparison and summary of their attributes,merits and defects.本文在对传统综合指数体系理论认识基础上,分析了常见的综合指数体系,并对其特征和优缺点做了必要的比较和总结,针对其存在的缺陷与不足,提出了一种新的编制方法。

3.Stability and environmental impact of ecological forest,human activities on forest,utility efficiency of the forest were recommended as indicators for establishment of evaluation system for ecological forest quality which could be calculated byintegrated index of ecological forest quality.为此,在他人研究的基础上,利用生态公益林稳定性、生态公益林对环境影响、人类活动对生态公益林影响、生态公益林利用效率4项标准构建了生态公益林质量评价指标体系和评价方法,提出以生态公益林质量综合指数衡量生态公益林质量状况。

5)aggregative index综合指数

1.The electricity market, as well as security market and future market, are all concentrated bidding merchandize market, so it is necessary to design the effectiveaggregative index for the electricity market considering the characteristics of power industry.电力市场与证券市场、期货市场一样,同属于集中竞价的商品市场,根据电力工业的特点和电力市场的根本目标,合理地编制电力市场的综合指数十分必要。

2.The method of gas flow is adopted to proceed with foaming performances experiments for many kinds of surfactants and the method of foamaggregative index is used to proceed with performances evaluation.采用气流法对多种表活剂进行发泡性能实验,并利用泡沫综合指数方法进行性能评价。

6)composite index method综合指数法

1.Methods Take the elementary theory of balanced scorecard as the instruction,uses the Delphi law and the analytic hierarchy process,to establish the target system and determined all levels of target weight,and uses the weightedcomposite index method to carry on the quality synthetic evalua.方法以平衡计分卡的基本理论为指导,采用专家咨询法(Delphi法)和层次分析法,建立指标体系并确定各级指标权重,并采用加权综合指数法对3所医院的情况进行综合评价。

2.In this article, we usecomposite index method and systematic model method to compre-hensively appraise land resourses in Mianyang city, and divide 203 appraisable units (township ortown) into 8 grades.本文采用综合指数法与系统模型法对绵阳土地资源综合质量等级进行评价,将全市203个乡(镇)评价单元划分8个等级,其中Ⅰ等11个、Ⅱ等39个、Ⅲ等34个、Ⅳ等39个、Ⅴ等20个、Ⅵ等21个、Ⅶ等20个、Ⅷ等19个。

3.[Methods]Composite index method was adopted to perform comprehensive evaluation on 16 medical institutions.方法采用综合指数法,对深圳某区16家医疗机构放射卫生管理现状进行综合性评价,根据综合指数的高低,将信誉等级分为A、B、C、D 4级。


