900字范文 > 微观组织形貌 microstructure英语短句 例句大全

微观组织形貌 microstructure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-03 18:00:18


微观组织形貌 microstructure英语短句 例句大全



1.Research on Phase Composition and Microstructure of Rapid Ion Nitriding Layer;快速离子氮化渗氮层相组成和微观组织形貌研究

2.For the research on the repair of the airplane leaf blade by laser cladding, regard the LY11CZ as substrate and the Al-Y-Nb alloy as layer cladding material, themicrostructure of laser cladding layers and anti-corrosive performance were studied.为了研究飞机叶片的激光熔覆修复技术,以飞机叶片(LY11CZ)为基材,以铝钇铌合金为熔覆材料,研究了单道熔覆层微观组织形貌和耐腐蚀性能。

2)micro-morphology and composition微观形貌组成


1.Analytical method of themicro-morphology of middle-high voltage anodic aluminium foil for capacitor;中高压阳极铝箔微观形貌的分析方法

2.The effect factors, such as time, current density, ZrO_2 concentration in electrolyte, current form and surface roughness of cathode on themicro-morphology pattern of Ni-ZrO_2 nano-composite electroforming deposits were analyzed by SEM.用SEM分析了诸如电铸时间、电流密度、镀液中纳米ZrO2颗粒悬浮量、电流形式和阴极表面粗糙度等因素对Ni ZrO2纳米复合电铸层微观形貌的影响。


1.Wear-Friction Properties and Microstructure of Zn52Al40Cu2Si6 Alloy Prepared by Spray Deposition喷射成形Zn52Al40Cu2Si6微观形貌及耐磨性能

2.Study on the 3D Micro-topographical Measurement of the Fiber-reinforced Resin Matrix Composites" Cutting Surfaces;FRRMC切削表面三维微观形貌测量的研究

3.Hydrothermal Treatment on Micromorphology Modification of Hydroxide Alumina水热处理对氢氧化铝微观形貌的改性

4.Surface Micro-topography and Elements Study of Ash Carbonizations炭化水曲柳表面微观形貌和成分分析

5.Micromorphology observation of shark skins and evaluation of antifouling ability鲨鱼表皮的微观形貌观察及其防污能力评价

6.Research on Ultra-Precision Measuring Straightness and Surface Microtopography Analysis;超精密直线度测量及表面微观形貌分析研究

7.Research on 3D-Characterization of Surface Microtopography Based on GPS System;基于GPS标准体系的表面微观形貌三维表征研究

8.Synchronized Survey on the Thermal Dissipation and the Microscopic Structure during Fatigue Damage;疲劳损伤过程热耗散与微观形貌的同步测量

9.Non-contact On-line Measurement of the Micro-topography of Ultra-precision Machined Surface;超精细表面微观形貌无接触在线检测仪的研制

10.Research on Measurement and Parametric Assessment of the 3D Surface Microcosmic Topography;表面三维微观形貌测量及其参数评定的研究

11.Hydrothermal Treatment on Micromorphology Modification of Aluminum Hydroxide水热处理对氢氧化铝微观形貌的改性研究

12.Influence of Impurity on the Micromorphology and Corrosion Resistance of High-speed Zinc Coating杂质对高速镀锌层微观形貌及耐蚀性的影响

13.The Simulation and Microscopic Appearance Analytic Method of Electric Blanket Fire电热毯火灾模拟与微观形貌分析方法研究

14.Analysis on Electrical Sliding Wear Morphology of Cu-base Powder Metallurgy铜基粉末冶金载流摩擦磨损微观形貌分析

15.Analysis of Electric Sliding Wear Morphology of Al_2O_3/Cu CompositesAl_2O_3/Cu复合材料电滑动磨损微观形貌分析

16.Investigations of Microscopic Morphology of Individual Inhalable Particulates in Macao in Summer澳门夏季大气颗粒物单颗粒微观形貌分析

17.Morphology of PVC Particles Produced under Different Polymerization Conditions不同聚合条件下聚氯乙烯颗粒的内部微观形貌

18.Research on the 3-D Detection and Areal Characterization of Micro-topography of Lapping Surface研磨表面微观形貌的三维检测及Areal表征


micro-morphology and composition微观形貌组成


1.Analytical method of themicro-morphology of middle-high voltage anodic aluminium foil for capacitor;中高压阳极铝箔微观形貌的分析方法

2.The effect factors, such as time, current density, ZrO_2 concentration in electrolyte, current form and surface roughness of cathode on themicro-morphology pattern of Ni-ZrO_2 nano-composite electroforming deposits were analyzed by SEM.用SEM分析了诸如电铸时间、电流密度、镀液中纳米ZrO2颗粒悬浮量、电流形式和阴极表面粗糙度等因素对Ni ZrO2纳米复合电铸层微观形貌的影响。


1.The effects of GaP nanoparticles on the phases andmorphology of BN nanomaterials by solvothermal method;GaP纳米晶对溶剂热合成氮化硼的物相和微观形貌的影响

2.Character and Morphology of Slag Powder Prepared in Jet Mill气流磨粉磨超细矿渣粉的粉体性能和微观形貌研究

3.The mechanical properties,thermal stability and surfacemorphology of coatings with different curing systems were investigated.对不同固化体系的热稳定性、力学性能和涂膜的微观形貌进行了研究。


1.The Influence of Craft Parameter on the Microstructure by CO_2 Laser Cladding;工艺参数对激光熔覆层微观形貌的影响

2.Microstructure and Phase Constituent of Microarc Oxidation Ceramic Coating on the Surface of ZAlSi12;ZAlSi12表面微弧氧化陶瓷层微观形貌与相组成分析

3.The Effect of Rare Earth Elements and Craft Parameters on the Microstructure by CO_2 Laser Cladding稀土元素和工艺参数对激光熔覆层微观形貌的影响


1.New advances in measurement fundamental of microscopy interferometry & interferometric microscopes for surfacemicrotopography;表面微观形貌的显微干涉检测原理及干涉显微镜发展现状

2.Study on the relationship betweenmicrotopography of brazed diamond and the abrasion of grinding grains钎焊金刚石微观形貌与磨粒磨损状态关系研究

3.With the methods of mica adsorbing,themicrotopography of the newly formed hydrous manganese dioxide was perfectly captured.采用云母片吸附的方式,较好地捕捉到了新生态水合二氧化锰的微观结构,并采用轻敲模式下的原子力显微成像技术,对其吸附天然有机物(NOM)前后的微观形貌进行了观测。


