900字范文 > 运动速度 velocity英语短句 例句大全

运动速度 velocity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-19 02:04:42


运动速度 velocity英语短句 例句大全



1.Effect of time and elevation angle of the PVA-TiO_2 suspensions on the fallingvelocity of the sodiumtetraborate aqueous solution drops was analyzed.建立了沿浆料层方向及沿浆料层法向液滴运动速度与时间及浆料层倾斜角的数学模型。

2.This paper studied special property of gravity current with the movement of wave by means of the experimental data and theory analysis,and derived the formulas for thevelocity,thickness and discharge of a gravity current flowing on horizontal bottom by use of equations of momentum balance.本文通过水槽试验和理论分析手段对波浪作用下异重流运动特性进行了研究,应用流体运动基本方程推导了异重流在水平底面运动时的运动速度、厚度和流量表达式。

3.Surface flowvelocity of glacier is a basic feature of the glacier movement.冰川表面速度是冰川运动的基本体征,通过对天山乌鲁木齐河源区1号冰川—连续2 a的月观测,获得了冰川表面运动速度的时、空变化特征,并对其进行了动力学模拟验证。


1.Anaerobic exercises improve muscle strength or build up speed.无氧运动增强了肌肉的力量,加快了运动速度。

2.The rate of speed at which an activity or a movement proceeds.速率,速度活动或运动开始的速率

3.Forward movement or the rate of forward movement, especially of a ship.前进速度尤指船向前的运动或向前运动的速度

posing theorem of velocity and acceleration under the condition of planar carrier motion;牵连运动为平面运动时速度与加速度合成定理

5.Discussion on Training Speed and Speed-stamina of 400m Sportsmen;400m运动员速度与速度耐力训练的探讨

6.A Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm for Motion Complexity Decision判断运动复杂度的快速运动估计算法

7.Discussion of the Developing Balance Law in Height and Speed of Basketball;篮球运动的高度与速度动态均衡规律

8.A Design for the Experiment of Measuring the Acceleration in Uniform Linear Motion;匀加速直线运动加速度测定实验设计

9.Exploring and Application of Speed Training of Young Competitor of Race Walking;少年竞走运动员速度训练研究与运用

10.Using Speed Skidding of the Wheels Training Method Solution Speed Skating Movement in Speed Barrier Research;运用速度轮滑训练手段解决速滑运动中速度障碍的研究

11.an instrument for recording the depth and rapidity of breathing movements.纪录呼吸运动的深度和速度的仪器。

12.The strength of the current depends on the rapidity of movement.电流的强度取决于运动的速度。

13.a rapid movment; a speedy car; a speedy errand boy.发展速度快的运动;速度快的汽车;手脚快的跑堂。

14.Expressions and Relationships of the Particle Location, Velocity and Acceleration;运动学中点的位置、速度、加速度的表示及关系

15.Involving differences in speed or direction of motion.差动的涉及速度或运动方向不同

16.Moving, acting, or occurring with great speed; swift.迅速的以极高速度运动,行动或发生的;飞快的

17.Research on Velocity Measurement of High-Speed Object"s Braking Process高速运动物体制动全过程速度测量研究

18.Theorem of Acceleration Composition in Plane Motion of Transport牵连运动为平面运动时点的加速度合成定理


movement velocity运动速度

1.Effects ofmovement velocity of probe on the signal in the eddy current detection;涡流检测中探头运动速度对检测信号的影响分析

2.Themovement velocity of the primary iron phases increases with the EMF(electromagnetic force) and the particle diameter.经理论分析建立了在电磁力场作用下 Al- Si熔体中初生富铁相的运动方程 ,得出初生富铁相的运动速度随着电磁力 (f )和初生富铁相的粒径的增加而增加 。

3)speed sport速度运动

4)speed of heat sport热运动速度

5)kinematic acceleration运动加速度

6)accelerated motion加速度运动


