900字范文 > 脏器重量 Organ weight英语短句 例句大全

脏器重量 Organ weight英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-20 17:55:45


脏器重量 Organ weight英语短句 例句大全

脏器重量,Organ weight

1)Organ weight脏器重量

1.Regressive Analysis of the Main Organ Weight and Body Weight of Beagle Dogs;Beagle犬体重与各脏器重量之间关系的回归分析

2.Organ weight of male rats were higher than that of female rats,and there was no significant sexu.[目的]探讨SD大鼠30 d喂养试验体重、脏器重量和食物利用率各指标的参考值范围。


1.Measurement of Weight and Coefficient of Main Organ in Hailan Chicken海兰鸡主要脏器重量及脏器系数的测定

2.The superiorities and shortcomings of organ/ body weight ratio and organ/ brain weight ratio were compared and discussed in this paper.笔者对脏器重量和2种脏器系数(器重/重、器重/重)缺点进行了比较和计论。

3.Determination of Weight of Internal Organs in Fmr1 Knockout MiceFmr1基因敲除小鼠脏器重量和脏器系数的比较分析

4.The Measurement of Weight of Main Organs and Organ Coefficient in ROSA Genetically Engineered Mice基因工程ROSA小鼠主要脏器重量及脏器系数的测定

5.Weight and Water Content of Internal Organs in Gerbils;长爪沙鼠脏器重量和含水量的性别差异分析

6.Determinations to the weight of main organs and biochemical indexes of SPF KM MiceSPF级KM小鼠主要脏器重量和血液生化值的测定

7.Seasonal variations of visceral organ mass and gut length in Mongolian gerbils(Meriones unguiculatus)长爪沙鼠脏器重量和肠道长度的季节性变化

8.Correlation between Organ Weight and Body Weight in Outbred Wuzhishan Mini-Pigs封闭群五指山小型猪主要脏器重量与体重的相关性分析

9.Other vital organs inside the abdominal cavity include the liver , the kidneys , the pancreas and the spleen .其他的重要器官还包括肝脏、肾脏、胰脏以及脾脏。

10.The liver is a vital organ of the human body.肝脏是人体的重要器官。

11.Intravenous Injected Different Doses of Sodium Hydrosulfide and Observed the Impact on the Important Organ of Normal Rats静脉使用不同剂量硫氢化钠对正常大鼠重要脏器的影响

12.Have disease of serious heart, hepatic, kidney, especially viscera function is not complete person cannot vaccinal. 4.3.有严重心脏、肝脏、肾脏疾病,尤其是脏器功能不全者不能接种。

13.The heart is one of the body"s vital organs.心脏是人体的重要器官之一。

14.Research on Body Weight and Reference Value of Main Organ of Wistar RatsWistar大鼠体重和主要脏器参考值的研究

15.At necropsy the heart weight is usually well above average.尸检时,可发现心脏重量大大超过平均重量。

16.In the other hand, organ/ brain weight ratio can also be used to represent the effect of drug toxicity on organs, and can overcome this influence.用另一种脏器系数(器重/重)达药物毒作用对脏器的影响能克服体重变化的不足。

17.The effect evaluation of the modified pelvic reconstructive surgery for severe pelvic organ prolapse盆底重建术治疗重度盆腔脏器脱垂疗效评价

18.Liver-protective and myocardial nutritional drugs treatment in severe bee sting multiple organ failure严重蜂蜇伤多器官功能衰竭肝脏心脏药物治疗研究


the ratio of organ and body weight脏器重量/体重

1.Objective To investigate the changes of electrolyte andthe ratio of organ and body weight in the airway remodeling of chronic asthmatic guinea pig.全自动生化分析仪测血清K、Na、C l、Ca、Mg、P浓度;取肺脏、心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肾脏、肾上腺、脑组织称重,计算出脏器重量/体重。

3)Organ weight/Organ index脏器重量/脏器指数

4)Organ relative weight脏器重量系数

5)Visceral weight内脏器官重量

6)liver weight肝脏重量

1.Study onliver weight of Apodemus agrarius and its seasonal change;黑线姬鼠肝脏重量及其季节变化研究


多脏器衰竭多脏器衰竭multiple organ failure发病在24h以上,有两个或两个以上的器官或系统发生功能衰竭。大面积烧伤若处理不当,容易发生此并发症。原因是:①烧伤后毛细血管通透性增加,体液外渗,血容量不足,组织灌注不良,组织细胞缺氧使细胞的线粒体功能障碍受损;同时肠道黏膜缺血,黄嘌呤氧化酸被激活,氧化反应的生成物引起肠黏膜损害,屏障破坏,细菌与内毒素移位,内毒素可启动多脏器衰竭机制;②伤后全身大部分组织细胞的跨膜电位下降,若处理不当,细胞的膜电位进行性降低,最后导致细胞的严重损害和死亡;③创面的坏死组织及其分解产物、细菌、毒素可激发机体产生过度的炎症反应,释放出肿瘤坏死因子、白三烯、氧自由基等毒性介质,造成组织结构破坏、代谢和功能紊乱。多脏器衰竭的防治原则是:①尽快液体复苏;②防治感染;③补足能量与营养;④应用保护脏器药物。
