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论语 The Analects英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-10 11:56:38


论语 The Analects英语短句 例句大全

论语,The Analects

1)The Analects论语


1.Word-by-Word Annotations to the Analects;论语通注——兼论《论语词典》的编纂

2.-What are you reciting from the Analects for?"你们何以背《论语》?”

3.Confucian Inflects, Book II, "Wed Cheng".见《论语-为政第二》。

4.The Genre Analysis of the Analects of Confucius from the Systemic Functional Perspective;《论语》语篇体裁的系统功能语言学分析

5.On the Interpretation of Textual Coherence from the Perspective of Textual Interaction;论语篇互动性对英语语篇连贯的阐释

6.Regression of Empiricism in Foreign Language Teaching─Application of Corpus Linguistics to FLT;论语料库语言学在外语教学中的应用

7.On the Function of Nexus-Context-Model in the Interpretation of Utterance;论语结语境模式在话语理解中的作用

8.genetic theory of language语言天赋论 语言天赋论

9.On Pragmatic Functions of Euphemism and Language Hierarchy;试论英语委婉语语用功能及语言等级

10.Function of Chinese Pronunciation in English Phonetic Teaching;论汉语语音在英语语音教学中的作用

11.Discussing the Discourse Teaching of CSL from the Grammatical Metaphor Theory从语法隐喻理论探对外汉语语篇教学

12.A Empirical Study on the Acquisition of Null Arguments in English as a Second Language;汉语母语者对英语空论元的习得研究

13.Analysis on English Apologies from the Perspective of Speech Act Theory;言语行为理论中英语道歉的语用分析

14.Application of English Formula in Business English Letters;论英语套语在商务英语信函中的运用

15.The Implications of Context Theories in Teaching of English Listening;语境理论对英语语篇听力教学的启示

16.On the Pragmatic Functions of Discourse Markers in Relevance Theory;论关联推理中话语标记语的语用功能

17.The Study of Phonetics Teaching Methods Based on Contextual Theories for Freshmen of English Major;英语专业新生语音教学的语境论研究

18.On Teaching Oral Chinese as a Foreign Language and Cultivating Students Pragmatic Competence in the Medium Stage;论中级汉语口语教学与语用能力培养


the analects of confucius论语

1.Enlightenment of Educational Thoughts of The Analects of Confucius on Adult Education;《论语》教育思想对成人教育的启示

2.Significance of New Explanation on The Analects of Confucius on Study of The Analects of Confucius;《论语新解》对于《论语》学习的意义

3)Analects of Confucius论语

1.On the Assumption of "Xiansheng" in the Sentence "When the Young Have Wine and Food,They Set Them before Their Xiansheng" inAnalects of Confucius;《论语》“有酒食先生馔”中“先生”臆说

2.A Research on Development of the image of "Shi(士)" inAnalects of Confucius,Mencius and Xun Zi;《论语》《孟子》《荀子》中“士”的形象的发展

3.The Differentiation and Analysis of Aigongwensheyuzaiwo inAnalects of Confucius;《论语·八佾》“哀公问社于宰我”辩析


1.On Confucius Cultivation of Ideological Morality from theAnalects;从《论语》看孔子的道德修养

5)Confucian analects论语

1.On Confucian utilitarianism poetry in Confucian Analects and Poetic Criticism by Confucius;从《论语》和《孔子诗论》看孔子功利主义诗学观

2.Cultural Connotation of the Filial Piety in Confucian Analects;《论语》中“孝”的文化内涵

3.thoughts of harmonious inConfucian analects is very rich.《论语》的和谐思想内容丰富,涵盖面广,包括个体之间的和谐、个体与群体的和谐等多个层面,尤其注重仁德、强调正身、讲求诚信、以和为贵。


1.The Naming ofLunyu and Shiji——Comparing Yu Jiaxi"s View with that of Zhang Shunhui关于《论语》、《史记》的命名——余嘉锡、张舜徽观点之比较

2.The passage aims to exhibit the impact of aesthetism to his personal life and his style of writing, accroding to the analysis of three literary magazines which named as Shihou、Jinwu andLunyu.邵洵美无疑是二三十年代上海文坛一个独具个人魅力的文化活动家,在《狮吼》《金屋》时期的他因为大胆地描写唯美的诗歌、极力宣扬唯美主义的艺术理想,而显得锋芒毕露;到了《论语》时期支持幽默小品文,则显得温和许多,却又显示出了出色的编辑出版能力;前后文艺思想的转变着实耐人寻味。

3.the sentence "just women and mean persons are difficult to get along with(唯女子与小人为难养)" fromLunyu is always thought to be the evidence that Conficius despise women.《论语》"唯女子与小人为难养",历来被视为是孔子鄙视妇女的言论。


