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问题解决 Problem solving英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-11 05:04:34


问题解决 Problem solving英语短句 例句大全

问题解决,Problem solving

1)Problem solving问题解决

work-based Learning System inProblem solving model;基于网络的问题解决模型学习系统的研究

2.The effects of temporal perspective on insight problem solving;时间知觉对顿悟问题解决的影响研究

3.On“problem solving”and innovation of mathematics teaching model;论“问题解决”与数学教学模式创新


1.group problem solving团体问题解决 团体问题解决

2.problem solving learning问题解决学习问题解决学习

3.problem solving training问题解决训练问题解决训练

4.problem solving therapy问题解决治疗问题解决治疗

5.1.Can the problem be solved?1.问题能解决吗?

6.set in problem solving解决问题的定势解决问题的心向

7.It is no use tackling specific problems unless we have first settled this general issue.这个问题不解决,光解决具体问题不行。

8.A solution, as to a problem.解答对问题的解决方法

9.a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem.解决问题或是解释如何解决问题的陈述。

10.How can We Stop Pollution from Plastic Bags如何解决胶袋污染问题

11.resolve(a problem,etc)by discussio通过商谈解决(问题等).

12.find a solution to(a problem/one"s problems,etc)解决(某个[自己的]问题等)

13.How can we solve this lack of water issue?怎么解决缺水问题呢﹖

14.An unsettled issue.一个未被解决的问题

15.Question to be answered or solved(待答覆或待解决的)问题

16.Disposed of the problem quickly.很快地解决了这个问题

17.Worry a problem out.绞尽脑汁解决掉问题。

18.deep over problem把问题留到第二天解决



1.The Methods of Improving the Student’s Problem-solving Capacity in Senior Physics Education;浅析中学物理教学中提高学生问题解决能力的途径

2.Intelligent Agent Based Problem-Solving System;基于Agent的问题解决方案

3.Application of “problem-solving” in the teaching of elementary geometry;“问题解决”在初等几何教学中的应用

3)problem solution问题解决

1.This article analyzes briefly the thinking process ofproblem solution in case investigation,the tactical selection of investigation behavior and the psychological factors which affectproblem solution and tactical selection.文章围绕着案件侦查中问题解决的思维过程、侦查行为策略的选择以及影响问题解决与策略选择的心理因素等问题进行了粗浅的论述分析,认为侦查行为策略实质上就是解决侦查活动中涉案问题的思维过程;侦查行为策略的选择可以有启发式、算法式、手段—目的分析、逆推法和简化法等策略;对此产生影响的心理因素主要是迁移效应、定势、动机强度以及个性特征。

2.Theproblem solution is a basic human learning activity, and students process ofproblem solution is a major approach to obtain knowledge.问题解决是人类的一种基本学习活动,学生的问题解决过程是学生获取知识的主要途径。

3.The author analyses theproblem solution studying method in Chinese teaching in middle school from question condition and component, the fundamental stage of studying to the basic principles of teaching.中学语文教学中的问题解决学习方式,从问题情境及成分、问题解决的学习基本阶段和教学的基本原则等方面分析,问题解决学习方式是以“学生自主学习”为出发点,以“诱导学生自我提问”为手段,以“问题”为中心,启发学生自己去思考与研究,寻找研究问题的途径和方法。

4)problems solving问题解决

1.In the early 1980s,the teaching of "problems solving" was put forth in the USA.数学启发法是学者波利亚于 194 5年围绕“怎样解题”提出的一种教学思想 ,2 0世纪80年代初期美国提出“问题解决”教学思想 ,给出了数学启发法一种新的解释理论。

2.Worked example andproblems solving are two key ways of schema acquisition.样例学习(worked examples)和问题解决是图式获得的两种主要方式。

3.Why to study the methods of mathematicsproblems solving? What kind of value and meaning do the methods ofproblems solving have in mathematics teaching? How do we nowadays manage mathematics teaching? This thesis is mainly a discussion that is carried on these questions.为何要研究数学问题解决?问题解决对于今天数学教学有着怎样的价值与意义?我们当今该怎样开展数学教学?本论文主要是围绕这些问题进行的探讨。

5)solving problems问题解决

1.The main cause leading to learning disability is poor ability insolving problems and one of the most important aims of physical education is cultivating the ability to analyse and solve problems .问题解决能力差是导致学生学业不良的主要原因,培养学生分析和解决问题的能力是中学物理教学的主要目标之一。

2.Question to be solved meanssolving problems.问题解决即解题,是初等数学中一个极有生命力、极具独创性的充满诗情画意的工作,它也是数学学习中的一个古老问题。

3.With a view to improving the teaching efficiency, our research focuses on the junior high school students\" strategies for solving information physical problems and analyzes the relationship between the application of thinking strategies of problem-solving and the abilities ofsolving problems, examines the junior high schools students\" levels and awareness of strategy application.论文采用口语和试卷分析对初中生解题能力、解题思维策略运用水平和运用意识进行了测评,分析了解题思维策略与解题能力之间的关系,初步探讨了初中生信息类物理问题解决的策略。

6)solve problem解决问题


