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传达 communication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-16 00:29:46


传达 communication英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on the Validity of Visual Information Communication Base on Web Design;基于网页设计的视觉信息传达有效性的研究

2.The semantics of Thai vogue product design was analyzed according to semasiology theory and from interpretation andcommunication.文中依据语意学理论,从产品的释义和传达出发,对泰国新锐产品设计中的语意进行解构分析,并对新的设计方法进行探讨。

3.Video Communication Design is a dynamic,seeing and hearing visualcommunication design.视觉传达设计是通过视觉媒介进行表现并传达的设计,其领域随着科技的进步,逐渐形成与其他视觉媒介相交叉的新领域。


1.a person who conveys (carries or transmits).传达(传递和传播)信息的人。

2.relay the colonel"s orders to the troops向部队传达上校的命令.

3.I will issue orders through him.我将靠他传达命令。

4.(formerly) an official who made public announcements.(正式地)传达公告的官员。

5.convey the news to everyone.把新闻传达给每个人。

6.door-keeper in a lawcourt,etc(法院等处的)门房,传达员.

7.Ideas are communicable by words .思想可由语言传达。

8.I had to pass the signals to the skipper.我得将信号传达给船长。

9.Powertrain Conrol Module动力传达系控制模组

10.projected a positive corporate image.传达公司正面的形象

11.Providing or intended to convey inspiration.提供或意欲传达灵感的

12.Video Communication Design and Its Modality Composition;视频传达设计和视频传达设计的形态构成

13.transfer or deliver to another, as of information.把信息传递或者传达给另一个人。

14.Research of Visual Communication Design Based on Communication Theory;基于传播学理论的视觉传达设计研究

15.Analysis of Graphic Information Propagation in Visual Communication Design;浅析视觉传达设计中图形信息的传递

16.served by hand [summons]由专人送达〔传票〕

17.(law) delivering of a writ,summons,etc(书面命令、传票等的)送达.

18.narrow-band transmission equipment窄带雷达情报传输设备



1.Characters,as a carrier,play a positive role in the function oftransmission and visual image in the process of Literature creation.文字作为汉文化的载体,它的传达功能和视觉冲击力在文学创作中仍起到积极作用。

2.Graphic creativity is an effective way of creative thinking training in visualtransmission art design.图形创意是视觉传达艺术设计创造性思维训练的有效手段。

3.Thetransmission of experience is dual:on one hand,experience can be transmitted;on the other hand,it is difficult to express experience.体验的传达具有矛盾两重性:一方面,体验是可以传达的。


1.Only through the rich discourse which literary worksconvey,can readers well understand and appreciate the literary ideas and profound thoughts which the writers want to express;meanwhile,both the readers and the writers participate in literature through the rich discourse.符号学理论认为,文学语言是具有审美功能的语言,美学功能不以传达了什么为中心,而以如何传达为中心。

2.For those special parts with cultural concepts, we should use all kinds of translating methods skillfully to transplant andconvey.英语和汉语在语言习惯和表达方式上存在着视角差异,英译汉时,应当从文化差异入手,对具有文化内涵的特质成分,要灵活运用各种翻译技巧进行移植和传达。

3.Whether or not a college counselor canconvey information to the students timely and accurately has become an important measurement for his or her quality.网络时代信息传播越来越快,辅导员能否及时准确地把通知信息传达给学生,成为衡量辅导员素质高低的一个标准。


1.The visual transmission design is that various kinds of information that the visual elements contains will be transmitted to the audience clearly and accurately through designing and at the same time more aesthetic experi- ence wi.视觉是人类获取外部信息的主要媒介,视觉传达的目标不仅是完成简单的视觉信息的传递,更是要给人以情感上的感染和满足,实现视觉沟通。

2.As everyone knows, graphic design regards transmitting information as ultimate purpose, so graphic design is also called " the vision transmitted design ", meanwhile, modern design different from traditional design and basic office of the graphics art lies in its commercial attribute possessed and geared to the needs of the .众所周知,平面设计是以传递信息为终极目的的,所以平面设计又称为“视觉传达设计”,同时,现代设计区别于传统设计和绘画艺术的根本之处在于其具备的商业属性和面向社会大众的“民主性”。


1.In the process of conveying the artistic mood in the translation of Tang poetry, close attention must be paid to the following three aspects: theconveyance of true feeling, perception of the author s intention through images, and exploiting the advantage of the target language to arouse the reader s imagination.在诗歌翻译中是否能传达意境也是翻译成功与否的关键。

2.Theconveyance of style has long been one of the most delicate and intricate problems in literary translation.风格的传达,是文学翻译中最敏感而复杂的问题之一。

6)without stating it directly传达,表达


