900字范文 > 户外 outdoor英语短句 例句大全

户外 outdoor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-18 02:20:39


户外 outdoor英语短句 例句大全



1.Development and Application of Outdoor Cast Material of Epoxide Resin;户外环氧树脂浇注料的研制与应用


1.I"d be outdoors, swimming,我要在户外,游泳,

2.in the open air在户外 [野外] ,露天地

3.outdoor infrared beam detector户外式红外光束检测器

4.pertaining to or concerning the outdoors or outdoor activities.关于或涉及户外、户外活动的。

5.A large stack of hay for winter storage in the open.(户外)干草堆放于户外备冬用的干草堆

6.characteristic of or suitable to outdoor life.具有户外生活特征或适于户外生活的。

7.A social gathering, usually held outdoors, at which food is cooked over an open flame.户外烤肉餐社交聚会,通常在户外举行,食物在户外的火上烤炙

8.outdoor clothes; badminton and other outdoor games; a beautiful outdoor setting for the wedding.户外服装;羽毛球和其他户外运动;一场美丽的户外婚礼。

9.It was too wet to go outside, so the children had to be contented with playing indoors.户外太湿,孩子只好在户内游戏玩耍。

10.mantle-type lamp for indoor or outdoor use盖罩式灯,供户内或户外使用

11.It is UV stabilised and resisted to impact, suitable for outdoor use.不怕日晒,不爆裂,适合户外、户内使用。

12.Do you like indoor activies or outdoor activies?喜欢户外活动还是户内活动,为什么?

13.outdoor and recreational bus service for the elderly老人户外康乐巴士服务

14.place where refreshments are served out of doors户外供应饮食的场所

15.He was seasoned to outdoor work.他适应了户外工作。

16.They often worked outdoors.他们常常在户外工作。

17.Disport oneself玩耍,娱乐(尤指在户外)

18.Then we shall have a meal in the open air.然后我们在户外吃饭。



1.Outdoors Dining Present Situation and Development;“户外餐饮”的现状与发展

2.Outdoors Space Design of Senior Citizens Living Areas in Urban;城市老年住宅区的户外空间设计

3.All in all,the outdoors advertisement is an important factor of city landscape.为了使沈阳市户外广告设计混乱的现象得到改善,对其进行分析研究,户外广告具有视觉景观形象的形式美,还具有超越具象之外的精神价值美和厚重的历史文化积淀而成的景观艺术美。

3)Outdoor furniture户外家具

1.Outdoor furniture is important components of the urban environment and landscape.城市户外家具是城市环境和景观的重要组成部分。

2.This article focuses on the study of urban outdoor furniture.文章以城市户外家具为研究对象,探讨了这样一个问题:一方面在解决温饱并步入小康社会后价值观念发生了巨大变化,追求生活质量和更符合人性的、自由平等的城市户外生活方式成为人们的重要价值选择,另一方面却仍然缺少适宜人居、充满关爱与温馨的户外环境,在这个现实矛盾下,进行城市户外家具的人性化设计就显得非常重要和必要。

3.At present, the research reveals the public and communication character of the outdoor furniture through analyzing its definition, meaning and the relation with landscape environment, and brings forward the view that modern outdoor furniture design must base on the integrative environment and social culture.户外家具的设计是家具设计的重要分支之一。

4)outdoor insolating户外曝晒

1.Two types of fluorocarbon (FC) resin coatings with different fluorine content were used foroutdoor insolating test in the urban area of Wuhan city.在武汉地区对两种不同氟含量的氟碳树脂涂层进行户外曝晒试验,并对曝晒1a后的试样进行盐雾试验,使用红外吸收光谱法检测涂层的特征基团变化,用常规方法检测光泽度及结合强度。

5)outdoor protection户外保护

6)outdoor insulation户外绝缘

1.EPDM rubber was widely used inoutdoor insulation systems.乙丙橡胶在户外绝缘系统中应用广泛,其性质和表面结构在环境因素作用下会发生变化。

2.The efFect of accelerated weathering aging on EPDM rubber used foroutdoor insulationwere studied by surface roughness measurement and XPS.用表面粗糙度测量及XPS技术研究了加速气候老化时户外绝缘用乙丙橡胶表面的变化规律结果表明,随老化时间增加,表面粗糙度首先增加,然后降低;表面的C-C含量降低,而C-O,C=O和O=C—O含量增加O=C—O是乙丙橡胶老化的标志老化速度随老化时间而降


