900字范文 > 理论还原 the reduction of theories英语短句 例句大全

理论还原 the reduction of theories英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-22 22:58:11


理论还原 the reduction of theories英语短句 例句大全

理论还原,the reduction of theories

1)the reduction of theories理论还原

2)theoretical reductionism理论的还原论

1.Reductionism in psychology mainly refers to atheoretical reductionism of a methodology,which can be divided into the three forms: the reductionism from psychology to physical theory,to physiological theory,and to biological theory.心理学中的还原论主要指方法论意义上的"理论的还原论",可分为心理学理论向物理学、生理学与生物学理论还原等三种还原论类型。

3)physicalism reducibility物理主义还原论

4)reduction principle还原原理

1.The paper is about the hierarchical web teaching method built up by usingreduction principle of creation theory.运用创造学中的还原原理,构建了层次网络教学法,在数学教学中进行了初步探索,取得了较为明显的效果。


1.Relationship between systems theory and reductionism in medical research;医学研究中系统论与还原论的关联关系

2.On the complexity and the transcendence of reductionism;论复杂性研究对还原论的超越


1.The "Green" Revolution of "Normal Form",from Reductionism to Wholism;还原论的整体论转向:范式的“绿色”革命

2.Reductionism and System Theory in the Development of Medical Science;基础医学研究进展的还原论与系统论

3.ethology hypothesis based on mechanism,on reductional theory and on naturalism ;以机械论、还原论和自然论为基础的"人性假设";

4.Reductionism takes two general forms in biology.生物学中的还原论表现为两大形式。

5.The Being Over-passed of the "Reduction Theory" and the Marxism Conception of Consciousnes;“还原论”的超越和马克思主义的意识观

6.Deconstruction of "Resurrection" of Philosophy of Science and Highlight of Pragmatism;科学哲学“还原论”的解构与“实用论”的彰显

7.Using the Method of Dialectical Unity of Reductionism and Holism to Study the Problem of Complexity;用还原论与整体论相结合的方法探索复杂性

8."Reduction of Principle" in the Philosophy of Science and its Incurred Criticism论科学哲学的“还原论原则”及其所招致的各种批判

9.Reductionism,Holism and Syncretism--a cognitive view of methodology of complexity sciences;还原论、整体论与融贯论——复杂性科学方法论之认识

10.Returning to the Originality & Combination of the Subjective and the Objective--On the Principles of Research of the History of Literature;还原、主客交融——论文学史研究的原则

11.Many reasons for this discrepancy are discussed.本章还讨论了两者矛盾的一些原因。

12.Music Reduced to its Single Tone-On the Creative Space of Musical Sound;音乐的还原——论音乐音响的创作空间

13.The restoration and recreation of education: on education itself;教育的还原与更新——试论教育本身

14.On Yu Ping Bo s Poetic Theory;新诗:“诗底进化的还原”——俞平伯的诗论

15.Deduction of the Error Formulas of Redox Titrition;氧化还原滴定终点误差公式的再讨论

16.The System Illusion of Technical Determinism and Its Essential Reduction“科技决定论”的制度幻象及其本质还原

17.Discussion on Selective Catalytic Reduction NOx Reduction Control System选择性催化还原法脱硝控制系统论述

18.The Reduction of Sense of Time--Remark on Shi Tiesheng"s Night of Writing意识时间的还原——论史铁生的写作之夜


theoretical reductionism理论的还原论

1.Reductionism in psychology mainly refers to atheoretical reductionism of a methodology,which can be divided into the three forms: the reductionism from psychology to physical theory,to physiological theory,and to biological theory.心理学中的还原论主要指方法论意义上的"理论的还原论",可分为心理学理论向物理学、生理学与生物学理论还原等三种还原论类型。

3)physicalism reducibility物理主义还原论

4)reduction principle还原原理

1.The paper is about the hierarchical web teaching method built up by usingreduction principle of creation theory.运用创造学中的还原原理,构建了层次网络教学法,在数学教学中进行了初步探索,取得了较为明显的效果。


1.Relationship between systems theory and reductionism in medical research;医学研究中系统论与还原论的关联关系

2.On the complexity and the transcendence of reductionism;论复杂性研究对还原论的超越

6)reduction theory还原论

1.It was indicated thatreduction theory is the science studying existence, mainly the components and nature of things, and emergency theory is the science studying production, mainly involved in the production of new things, the scientific attitude in research work is to combine these two theories (the reductionism and holism).对自 15世纪下半叶以来科学思想和科学方法论的回顾 ,阐明还原论是研究存在的科学 ,而涌现论则是生成的观点 ,科学的态度是把还原论和整体论结合起来 ,指出系统生物学理论和分子生物学相结合 ,以及数学建模的方法是生命科学研究的新趋势 ,而“证”的研究正好和这个处于科学前沿、综合程度很强的系统生物学理论相结合 ,将几十年来用还原论方法在分子水平的研究成果用生物数学方法进行系统整合 ,将再次把“证”的研究推向科学前

2.Then based on scale view, combined with theory of relativity and dialectics, thereduction theory and the complete body.以尺度观为基础,从思维和认知的角度,结合相对论和辩证法,分析了还原论和整体论的思维方法,进而对系统思维认知进行了深入思考,形成了一种更为系统的系统思维方法和认知原理。


