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神气 spirit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-30 17:58:53


神气 spirit英语短句 例句大全



1.By summarizing ancient peoples experiences in studying classical works, LIU Da-kui produced the studying method of "Comprehending Spirit from Reading Aloud", which focuses on reading aloud the classical literature works to comprehend thespirit of the ancient people.刘大通过总结古人学古的经验,总结出“因声求气”的学文方法,强调通过熟读吟咏古人的作品领会古人的神气,使“义法说”具体化,为中国的古文理论的发展做出了贡献;姚鼐在学习刘大的基础上,深入发展并系统化了“因声求气”的理论,提出了学古的“死法”与“活法”,把诗法与文法紧密地联系了起来,使这一理论更具有可操作性。


1.Well, you look great!嘿,你看来蛮神气!

2.high and mighty趾高气扬,神气活现

3."He has a splendid beard," said Liènarde.“瞧他那胡须多神气

4."You only breakfast; I await two persons, and the instant they arrive we shall sit down to table."“瞧,他说这番话的神气

5.swell like a turkey cock(像火鸡一样地)神气活现

6.What makes you so cocky?你凭什么这样神气活现?

7.He asked the question with some appearance of scorn.他带着嘲讽的神气问道。

8."I am drunk," Pablo said with dignity.“我醉了,”巴勃罗神气地说。

9.She looks so different.她的神气那么与众不同。

10.You think you"re smart, don"t you?你自以为神气,是吗?

11.He was moody and abstracted.他心情阴郁,神气痴呆。

12.He swelled his chest outimportantly.他神气地挺起胸膛。

13.He had an air of complacency.他脸上显出得意的神气。

14.A Discussion on "Shen" and "Qi"--Analyzing "Shensi" and "Yangqi" in Dragon-Carving and the Literary Mind“神”“气”辨——《文心雕龙》之《神思》《养气》管窥

15.an invigorating climate令人心旷神怡的气候

16.The goddess was quite irritated.女神听了非常生气。

17.apolline serenity阿波罗神的宁静气氛

18.There was an air of mystery in the house.屋内有种神秘的气氛。


gas spirit气之精神

1.On "gas spirit" of Chinese ancient dress;浅析中国古代服饰的“气之精神”

3)essence qi and spirit精气神

4)Yiqi Tiaoshen益气调神

parative Observation on Effects ofYiqi Tiaoshen Acupunctrue Therapy and Qushi Huatan Therapy in the Treatment of Simple Obesity;益气调神针刺法与祛湿化痰针刺法治疗单纯性肥胖病的比较


1.The development of Fudan under the leadership of Li Denghui provides a striking contrast to that of Peking University, with anethos profoundly affected by American values of scholarship.本文以李登辉和蔡元培的办学思想和实践为基础,比较复旦与北大精神气质的差异及表现,进而比较美国和欧洲对民国高等教育政策的影响。

2.Theethos of academic profession is the essence of academic profession.学术职业的精神气质是学术职业的灵魂所在、血脉所依,体现了学术职业以学术为生为业的生命内在需求和神圣召唤。

6)vigour qi spirit and body精气神形


神气1.神妙灵异之气。 2.指道家所谓存养于人体内的精纯元气。 3.精神气息。 4.指神志。 5.神情,神态。 6.指事物的状态﹑状况。 7.风格气韵。 8.神采焕发;有生气。 9.得意;傲慢。
