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商品性 commodity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-08 16:53:04


商品性 commodity英语短句 例句大全



1.Optimizing techniques of taro’s Cultivation and application of fertilizers can affect taro’s output andcommodity.优化芋艿栽培技术和配方施肥技术可以影响芋艿的产量和商品性。


1.On the Industrial & Commercial Features of Higher Education;论高等教育的产业性及其产品的商品性

2.Article7 [Marks: Nature of the Goods to which the Mark is Applied]第七条〔商标:使用商标的商品的性质〕

3.Attribute of Service Commodity and its Value Entity;商业性服务的商品属性及其价值实体

4.selective controls on goods对商品的选择性控制

5.Elle produit des bie et des services marchands.它生产商品或提供商业性的服务。

6.The Effect of Suppliers Reclaiming Unsold Goods on Seasonal Merchandise Purchase under the Condition of Demand Uncertainty;需求不确定性下供应商回收未售商品对季节性商品采购的影响

7.The Contradiction of the Commercial Actions of the Merchants in the Ming and the Qing Dynasties and the Principles of the Commodity Economy;明清商人的商业行为与商品经济的矛盾性

8.An implied warranty that the goods are merchantable is imposed only on a merchant who deals in the kind of goods sold.默示的商品可销售性担保仅仅适用于经营所售商品的商人。

9.The right not to be exposed to sexual material or behavior.享有免于看到性商品或性行爲的权利。

10.PEOQ MODEL FOR ONCE-Drder of Govds of Metamorphism;变质性商品一次性订购的PEOQ模型

11.Initial Study of the Popularity of Goods-A physiological and Psychological Study of the Popularity of Goods;商品美流行性初探——商品美流行性的生理心理探寻

12.the world of commercial activity where goods and services are bought and sold.商品和服务被出卖的世界性商业活动场所。

13.Study on the Trade Promotion of Seasonal Items Based on the Supply Chain;基于供应链的季节性商品的商业促销策略研究

14.Study on the optimal production-pricing policy of seasonal items for suppliers;季节性商品供应商的生产库存及定价策略研究

modity taxation and vertically differentiation with network externality;基于网络外部性的商品税与产品差异化分析

16.Tourism Merchandise and Souvenirs:Discussion on the Conceptual Definitions and Local Features;旅游商品概念性定义与旅游纪念品的地方特色

17.The Demisable Value and a Rational Analysis of the Price Battle Between Brands;价值让渡与品牌商品价格战的理性辨析

18.Such laws also govern the chances of commodity production and exchange.这种规律也支配着商品生产和商品交换的偶然性:



1.Effects of Application Amount of Potassium Fertilizer on Plant Growth, Yield andMarketability of Jiading Garlic;钾肥施用量对嘉定白蒜植株生长和蒜头产量及商品性的影响

parison ofMarketability and Nutrient Components in Brassica Campestris.L.ssp.Chinensis var.Purpurea Hort.Between Highland and Lowland;高山红菜薹的商品性和营养成分研究

3)Commodity characteristic商品性

1.Since long time ago, Popular Culture have been likely to be denied simply for their eye-catching shortcomings From my point of view, its characteristics of commodity, technology and entertainment are its inherent law --with commodity characteristics being its prerequisite, technology its carrier and entertainment its center.商品性、技术性、娱乐性是大众文化的内在规定———商品性是大众文化的前提;技术性是其载体;娱乐性则是其中心。

4)commodity nature商品性

1.But it can t neglect the importance of itscommodity nature.在当下大谈学院设计教学要全面与产业接轨的情况下,包装设计基于自身特点和发展趋势,结合目前国内高校设计专业的教学条件及教学定位的实际,不能否认其商品性的重要,在教学中还是更应偏向于强调包装的艺术性为宜。

2.A good film advertisement should be of such artistic feature:definitecommodity nature,unique creativeness and strong aesthetic character.摄影广告具有制作灵活性强与媒体选择面宽的优势 ,优秀的摄影广告应该具有明确的商品性、独特的创意性、强烈的审美性等艺术特

5)good commercial character商品性好

1.It has been apprised as gradeⅠmillet due to its rich nutrition,golden color andgood commercial character.其小米营养丰富,米色金黄,商品性好,被评为国家一级优质米。

6)Trade trait商品性状

1.Base on the known synthetic evaluation system applied to evaluate the trade traits of primary products,the artificial neural networks(ANN) model for the trade traits of primary products was proposed,applied to evaluating of the processing characteristics in the trade traits of the fruits of tomato,and compared with the evaluation by the known evaluation results.基于已有的农产品商品性状综合评价体系,提出了人工神经网络(ANN)农产品商品性状评价模型,进行了其网络在番茄商品加工性状评价的具体应用,并将其评价结果与已有的评判结果进行比较。

2.The entropy-weighted method was applied to synthetically evaluate the trade traits of the tomato lines fruits.试验以熵权法对7个番茄品系的果实商品性状进行了综合评价与分析,构建了涵盖3个层次(目标层、标准层和指标层)、7个指标(外观品质的单果重和果色,营养品质的维生素C、可溶性固形物和水分含量以及糖酸比、耐贮品质的变质率)的番茄果实商品性状的综合评价指标体系,以指标熵值计算指标权重进行综合得分的排序。


