900字范文 > 农村合作运动 the cooperative movement of rural area英语短句 例句大全

农村合作运动 the cooperative movement of rural area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-24 11:00:39


农村合作运动 the cooperative movement of rural area英语短句 例句大全

农村合作运动,the cooperative movement of rural area

1)the cooperative movement of rural area农村合作运动

1.Various rural cooperative societies which was founded duringthe cooperative movement of rural area played an important role on improving varieties, farming techniques and communicating agricultural knowledge.农村合作运动是国民政府为发展农业生产、复兴农村经济、改善农民生活而实施的有关社会经济建设的行动。

2.In modern history of Jiangxi province,the cooperative movement of rural area is a substantial portion and primary achievement of rural construction.江西农村合作运动是近代江西农村建设的重要组成部分和主要成果,它既是执行南京国民政府农村合作政策的结果,又是江西农村现实环境的必须选择。


1.On the Cooperative Movement of Rural Area in Jiangxi Province during 1931-1949;近代江西农村合作运动述论(1931—1949)

2.The Country Cooperative Movement in Nanjing National Government;论南京国民政府时期的农村合作运动

3.On Cooperative Transformation of Agriculture in Jiangsu Province from 1928 - 1937;论1928—1937年江苏的农村合作运动

4.On the Nanjing Government s Campaign to Promote Cooperation in China s Rural Areas Before the War;南京国民政府对战前中国农村合作运动的推动

5.Experiences & Reveals:Reflection On The National Period Rural Co-operative Movement;经验与启示:民国时期农村合作运动反思

6.The cooperative movement of rural area in Jiangsu province during 1920-1930;20世纪20—30年代江苏农村合作运动论略

7.A Survey of the Agricultural Co-operationMovement During 1927-1936;论1927~1936年南京国民政府的农村合作运动

8.On the Cooperation Movement and Social Development of Countryside during the Period of Nanjing Republican Government Regline;南京国民政府的农村合作运动与乡村社会变迁研究

9.The Rural Cooperative Tendency in the First Half of 20th Century of China--The Review Centered Around Jiangxi Rural Cooperation Movement;20世纪上半叶的农村合作化——以民国江西农村合作运动为中心的考察

10.On the Rising Causes of the Co-operative Movement in the Rural Areas in 1930 s;三十年代国民政府农村合作运动兴起的原因探析

11.Study on Modern China Cooperation Movement and the Origin of Rural Cooperative Medical System;中国近代合作运动与农村合作医疗制度的起源研究

12.American Agricultural Cooperation Popularization Movement and Its Enlightenments to Rural Adult Education in China;美国农业合作推广运动及其对我国农村成人教育的启示

13.Study on the Fund Operating Mechanism of the New Rural Cooperative Medical;新型农村合作医疗基金运作机制研究

14.Problems and policy suggestions for New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme;新型农村合作医疗自动运行存在的问题与政策建议

15.Collective and Collective Property in the Structure of the State through the Campaign of Rural Cooperativization;从农村合作化运动看国家构造中的集体及集体产权

16.Study on the Relationship of Agricultural Cooperative Movement and Rural Cooperative Medical System after the Founding of New China建国后中国农业合作化运动与农村合作医疗制度发展间的关系研究

17.The Evaluation of the Cooperative Medical Scheme s State of Operation in the Experimental Counties;新型农村合作医疗试点运行状况评价

18.Study on the Development of the New Rural Cooperative Medical System in Western China;西部新型农村合作医疗运行机制研究


Cooperative Village Movement [Israel]合作村运动

3)rural cooperation movement乡村合作运动

1.For saving the moribund rural economy in early half of the 20th century,Guomin government implemented the supply-led institutional transition focusing onrural cooperation movement,leading to large quantities of co-operations emerging.20世纪前半期,为挽救行将崩溃的农村经济,国民政府推行了以乡村合作运动为中心的"供给主导型"制度变迁,促使了合作社大量快速设立。

4)agricultural cooperative movement农业合作化运动

1.The foundation and development of the advanced agricultural cooperative time was an important phase during the whole Agricultural Cooperative Movement, which was launched all round the country in the early days of the People’s Republic of China.高级农业合作社的建立和发展,是我国整个农业合作化运动过程中的一个重要阶段。

5)the movement of cooperative transformation of agriculture农业合作化运动

1.At that time,MAO Ze-dong praised the Co-op of the poor as “the China s image”,and it had a important influence onthe movement of cooperative transformation of agriculture in Zunhua County,and even China.“穷棒子社”是由河北省遵化县第十区西铺村村民王国藩创办的初级农业生产合作社,当时被毛泽东誉为“整个国家的形象”,对遵化县乃至全国农业合作化运动都产生了重大影响。

6)the Movement of Agricultural Cooperative农业合作运动


