900字范文 > 动因 motivation英语短句 例句大全

动因 motivation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-09 05:24:11


动因 motivation英语短句 例句大全



1.Themotivation, risk and precaution of tax planning;税收筹划的动因、风险与规避

2.Analysis on the Motivation of a Multi-level Accounting Information Disclosure System;多层次会计信息披露制度的动因分析

3.Analysis with Game Theory About the Motivation and Formation Mechanism of Industry-University Alliance;产学研联盟动因和形成机理的博弈分析


1.A study of inverse FDI theories and motives;逆向型FDI动因理论与逆向FDI动因探讨

2.Therefore, if there be no first cause among efficient causes, there will be no ultimate nor any intermediate cause.因此,假如在诸动因中没有第一动因,那么将既无最后动因也无任何中间动因。

3.shake with seismic vibrations, as of planets.因地震的震动力而摇动。

4.braking efficiency factro制动效能因素(制动强度)

5.move or cause to move with a sudden jerky motion.因急拉的动作而摇动。

6.A causal agency, force, or quality.起因诱因、原因性动力或特质

7.Ordinarily, however, the efficient cause is not the cause of the matter since it presupposes it.一般而言,动力因不是质料的原因,因为动力因以质料为先决条件。

8.having the reason or cause not made clear.原因或者动机不明确。

9.IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force因特网工程作业推动

10.indicating the reason, cause or motive表示理由、原因或动机

11.automatic power factor regulator自动功率因素调整器

12.iMOVE Internet Mobile ObserVation Equipment因特网移动观察装置

13.have a cloth in the wind帆篷因过于顶风而颤动

14.your reasons for wanting an animal.你要养动物的原因。

15.Her heart vibrates with excitement.她的心因兴奋而悸动。

16.shake, as from cold or fear.因寒冷或害怕而颤动。

17.He was excited and joyful at the success.他因成功而激动欣喜。

18.elastodynamic stress-intensity factor弹性动力应力强度因数



1.Analysis on theCauses of Healthy Books Sell Well;医学保健类图书畅销的社会动因分析

2.The system analysis on the cause of corporate reconstruction;企业重组动因与方式的系统分析

3.An Analysis on theCause about Technological Convergence of Information Promoting Industrial Upgrading;信息技术融合推动产业升级的动因分析


1.Analysis on themotives of book choice of the college students;当代大学生读书选择动因探析

2.On the Motive and Value of the Meaning Problem Reseach;意义问题研究的动因及价值


1.Analysis of the Changes of Water Resources System in China and its Reason;中国水资源制度变迁与动因分析

2.Study onreasons for enterprise carrying out virtual customer integration in product development;产品开发中企业进行虚拟客户整合的动因研究

3.On thereasons and directions of our country s human gathering;试论我国人口汇聚的动因与流向


1.Western MBOcauses theories and analysis of the distortions in China s practices;西方MBO动因理论及其在我国实践中的异化分析

2.Analysis ofcauses and performance of enterprises M&A in internet environment;网络环境下企业并购的动因与绩效分析

3.Analysis ofcauses for international volleyball development;世界排球运动发展动因探析


1.Tourism Enterprises Merger & Acquisitions Agent and Pattern Analysis;旅游企业并购动因及模式分析

2.China-Russia Relations: The Analysis of the International Relation Agent Angle of View;中俄关系:国际关系动因视角的分析

3.Analysis on the Space Development Agent in Mashan, Wuxi;无锡市马山地区空间发展动因分析


