900字范文 > IT运营服务管理 IT operation service management英语短句 例句大全

IT运营服务管理 IT operation service management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-20 07:01:18


IT运营服务管理 IT operation service management英语短句 例句大全

IT运营服务管理,IT operation service management

1)IT operation service managementIT运营服务管理

2)service operation management服务运营管理

1.However, theservice operation management for Chinese commercial banking is still at alow level, which does not only hamper the rapid development of commercial banking, butalso does not meet the markets needs.然而,我国商业银行的服务运营管理水平还相当低,既严重制约了商业银行业的快速发展,也不适应市场经济发展的要求。


1.Researching on Service Management Optimization in Mobile Communication Companies Based on SOX基于SOX法案的通信企业服务运营管理问题研究

2.Trading Services Management Committee [TSMC]营运服务管理委员会

3.Study on the Modern Operation & Maintenance Management System for Telecom Operators;电信运营企业现代运维服务管理体系研究

4.To administrate the daily operation on stores in order to ensure the professional service quality.管理店铺的日产营运,以确保专业的服务质量。

5.Study on the Paper Service Firm"s Managing Mode for the Transmission to Service-oriented Enterprise;转型期造纸服务企业运营管理模式研究

6.The Study on Expressway Network Information System Served for Operating Safety;服务于安全运营管理的高速公路网信息系统

7.The Service Encounter of Airline s Operation and the Critical Incident Management;论航空公司运营中的服务接触及关键事件管理

8.Research on the Business Service Management in the IT Operation Management of China Telecom业务服务管理在中国电信IT运营支撑中的应用研究

9.Leading into service-marketing mindoptimizing,optimizeuniversities mechanism;导入服务营销理念 优化高校运营机制

10.View and manage services running on the server.查看和管理服务器上运行的服务。

11.The Research of Strategy for LangChao Group ITSM浪潮集团IT服务管理业务经营战略研究

12.Research on the Application of Performance Appraisal to Performance Management of Telecommunication Operators;绩效考核在电信运营企业服务质量管理工作中应用的研究

13.The Study on Service Management of Municipal Sewage Plant Based on Franchised Operation;城市污水处理特许经营服务管理研究

14.Service Quality Management of Service Marketing in Xie Dao Holiday Village;“蟹岛度假村”服务营销中的服务质量管理

15.Service Marketing & Management Strategy of after Service in Automobile 4S Stores;汽车4S店售后服务营销及管理对策

16.Service Marketing Management for HuanYa Automobile Shop;环亚汽车品牌专卖店的服务营销管理

17.Ezhou Power Company Marketing Services Remedial Management Research;鄂州供电公司营销服务补救管理研究

18.Ningpo Taiwan Warm Highway Dervice Srea Management and Operation Analysis;甬台温高速公路服务区经营管理分析


service operation management服务运营管理

1.However, theservice operation management for Chinese commercial banking is still at alow level, which does not only hamper the rapid development of commercial banking, butalso does not meet the markets needs.然而,我国商业银行的服务运营管理水平还相当低,既严重制约了商业银行业的快速发展,也不适应市场经济发展的要求。

3)service marketing management服务营销管理

4)operation service运营服务

1.Research onoperation service system for SME information system is of great sense to boost SME IT application.中小企业信息系统运营服务研究对推进中小企业信息化具有积极的意义。

5)service operation服务运营

1.Management ofservice operation should adopt the tactics which can obtained the production efficiency,isolate key technology and minimization service production system,and make the production line management to the whole system.服务运营的容量管理应采取获得生产效率的策略,隔离核心技术和最小化服务生产系统,并对整个系统进行生产线管理。

2.Operation strategy andservice operation are included and more prominence has been given to the application as far as nurturing objective is concerned,which lend a helpful use for reference for our curriculum enhancements.随着经济的全球化,新的管理思想、观念、技术的不断涌现,美国《运营管理》在诸多方面作了调整,内容上增添了运营战略、服务运营等,培养目标上更突出应用性,为我国教材的改进与完善提供了有益的借鉴。

6)financial operating management财务运营管理


