900字范文 > 邮政储蓄资金 The Capital of Postal Savings英语短句 例句大全

邮政储蓄资金 The Capital of Postal Savings英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-01 14:13:11


邮政储蓄资金 The Capital of Postal Savings英语短句 例句大全

邮政储蓄资金,The Capital of Postal Savings

1)The Capital of Postal Savings邮政储蓄资金


1.The effects and countermeasures that the postal savings fund outflow to the rural economy;邮政储蓄资金外流对农村经济的影响及对策

2.A Study on the Relation Between Policy-Based Finance and Postal Savings in China;中国的政策性金融和邮政储蓄的关系研究

3.Study on Personal Banking Service of Postal Savings Bank of China;邮政储蓄发展中的个人金融服务问题研究

4.Study on Rural Micro-finance Business Expanding of China Post Savings Bank;中国邮政储蓄银行农村微型金融业务拓展研究

5.Research on the Development of Post-office Savings Bank in the Framework of Rural Finance;农村金融框架下邮政储蓄银行的发展研究

6.A Ponderation over Postal Savings Bank of China Providing Financial Supports for Rural Areas中国邮政储蓄银行提供农村金融支持的思考

7.The Feasibility Analysis of the Coming Post and Savings Bank s Business Orientation to "SANNONG";未来邮政储蓄银行业务向“三农”定位的可行性分析——邮政储蓄银行与农村金融的双赢

8.Rethinking about the Changes in Post Savings and the Establishment of Post Savings Bank;邮政储蓄改革的变迁与邮政储蓄银行设立的再思考

9.The Analysis and Appraisement of Postal Savings Computer Network邮政储蓄计算机网络系统分析与评价

10.The Study of Foreign Land Deal Process Re-engineering in Postal Saving Field邮政储蓄异地交易处理流程再造研究

11.The Study on the Application of Customer Relationship Management of JILIN Postal Savings;吉林邮政储蓄CRM系统的开发和应用

12.Postal Savings Bank Function Fixed Position and Marketing Strategy;邮政储蓄银行功能定位及其营销策略

13.On the Function Targeting of the Post Saving Bank in China;对未来邮政储蓄银行功能定位的思考

14.Study on Internal Control of China Postal Savings at Reform Stage;改革期的我国邮政储蓄内部控制研究

15.A Study on the Competition Strategies of Individual Business of China Postal Savings;邮政储蓄个人银行业务竞争战略研究

16.The Managerial Model Research of China Postalsavings Bank;我国邮政储蓄银行经营管理模式研究

17.Strategy & Countermeasure Research of China Postal-saving Bank;我国邮政储蓄银行的战略及对策研究

18.SWOT Analysis on Market Positioning Strategy of Postal Bank in China;邮政储蓄银行市场定位的SWOT分析


postal savings邮政储蓄

1.Simply analyzing on the customer resource management of thepostal savings;浅析邮政储蓄客户资源管理

2.The Analysis and Appraisement of Postal Savings Computer Network;邮政储蓄计算机网络系统分析与评价

3.Study on Personal Banking Service of Postal Savings Bank of China;邮政储蓄发展中的个人金融服务问题研究

3)Postal saving邮政储蓄

1.The effects and countermeasures that the postal savings fund outflow to the rural economy;邮政储蓄资金外流对农村经济的影响及对策

2.A study of risks of market-based interest rates of postal savings;邮政储蓄面临的利率市场化风险研究

4)Post-office savings deposits邮政储金

5)postal savings bank邮政储蓄银行

1.Thepostal savings bank has marked that China s postal savings management has entered a new stage of development.邮政储蓄银行成立,标志着我国邮政储蓄经营管理进入了一个新的发展阶段。

2.Through the approval of the State Council,the China Banking Regulatory Commission was approvalled to prepare to construct the Chinapostal savings bank in June .6月,经国务院同意,银监会正式批准筹建中国邮政储蓄银行。

3.Yantaipostal savings bank was set up in April 16, .4月16日,烟台邮政储蓄银行挂牌成立。

6)Post savings bank邮政储蓄银行

1.The paper firstly presents an analysis of the process of post savings reform from the angle of the establishment of post savings bank.从邮政储蓄银行的设立角度入手分析邮政储蓄改革的进程,以邮政储蓄改革的变迁为主线,对我国来的邮政储蓄问题进行重新梳理,认为,虽然邮政储蓄银行的设立符合渐进式市场化改革的思路,但由于缺乏全面考虑邮政储蓄改革的基础条件和没有认识到政府因素的介入,邮政储蓄银行的设立并非是邮政储蓄改革一劳永逸的方案,邮政储蓄改革未来的发展道路仍然很漫长。


