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胜任力 competency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-30 22:17:13


胜任力 competency英语短句 例句大全



1.Current Research in Chinese Healthcare Department Concerning Competency and The Questions Which Should be Considered;国内卫生系统有关胜任力的研究现状及应注意的问题

petency : New visual Angle of Library Management of Human Resource;胜任力:图书馆人力资源管理的新视角

3.The Application of the Competency Model in Recruitment;浅析胜任力模型在企业招聘中的应用


1.Research on the Competency Model and Competency Actuality of Preschool Teachers;幼儿教师胜任力模型及胜任力现状研究

2.A Review of the Relationship of Creativity with Ability,Expertise and Competency;创造力与能力、专长及胜任力关系评述

3.The Research on Human Resource Competency Exploitation;企业人力资源管理者胜任力开发研究

4.The Research on Human Resource Appraisement System Based on Competency;基于胜任力的人力资源评价体系研究

5.Research on the Model of Human Resource Management Based on Competence Theory;基于胜任力的人力资源管理模式研究

6.A Study of Human Resource Management Based on Competency Model;基于胜任力模型的人力资源管理研究

7.An appraisement model of enterprise human resourcs based on competence;基于胜任力的企业人力资源评价模型

8.A Conceptual Model:Entrepreneurial Competence Based on Enterprise Competitiveness;基于企业竞争力的企业家胜任力模型

9.The Empirical Study on the Human Resource Management Competency Model企业人力资源管理者胜任力模型研究

10.Research on Human Resource Manager Competency: A Checklist Method人力资源经理胜任力研究:检核表法

11.Empirical Research on the Relation among the Meta-competence Industry Competences and Performance of Manufacturing Managers;制造业管理者元胜任力与行业胜任力和绩效之间关系的实证研究

petency Theory:Restructuring the Core Competency of the Curator of University Library利用胜任能力理论重构高校图书馆馆长的核心胜任力

13.Exploration of Organizational Culture Competence : Implication determinants to Be Exposed试析组织文化胜任力开发:隐性胜任特征的显性化

petency Modelling and Validation of Chinese Civil Servants;公务员胜任力模型的构建与检验研究

15.A Model of the Competency-Based Integrated Training Needs Analysis;基于胜任力的培训需求分析模式研究

16.Study of Steel Company Senior Leaders" Competency Model;钢铁企业高层领导者胜任力模型研究

17.The Marketing Personnel Competence Model Design Idea and Steps in Machinery Manufacturing Industry;机械制造业营销人员胜任力模型研究

18.An incompetent person.无能力者,不胜任的人



1.Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation mode of manager"scompetence of coal enterprise;煤炭企业经理人胜任力模糊综合评判模型

2.The Research on the Current Situation of University Counselor s Competence;大学辅导员胜任力的现状研究

prehensive assessments of the methodological analysis of thecompetence as university teachers;综合评价高校教师岗位胜任力的方法研究


petency Based Human Resource Develpment;基于胜任能力的企业人力资源开发研究

2.The concept ofcompetency had attracted greatly attention from enterprise and academe after it was mentioned, and now it is becoming the focus of global human resources management.胜任能力的概念提出后,受到企业界和学术界的极大关注,胜任能力的研究成为全球的焦点。

3.The differential analysis leads to a valuable finding that there are at least four factors that have had obviously influenced thecompetency model of political leaders at fundamental levels of the government.本研究通过对江苏无锡、宁夏石嘴山以及山西灵石县416名基层党政干部的问卷调查表明,基层党政干部的核心胜任能力包括8项,分别是"沟通协调能力"、"自律性"、"执行能力"、"识人用人能力"、"分析认识能力"、"敬业性"、"个人特质"、"决策能力"。


1.Research on themeta-competency of manager;企业管理者元胜任力研究


1.Application of Competence Theory in Building Librarians Core Capability;胜任能力理论在馆员核心能力培养中的应用

2.Research on Competence of the Automobile Sales Consultant;汽车销售顾问胜任能力研究

3.Study on multiple teaching methods based on thecompetence of human resources management基于胜任能力的人力资源管理多元化教学方法研究

6)Competency Model胜任力模型

1.Application Study ofCompetency Model on Health Organization Human Resource Management;胜任力模型在卫生机构人力资源管理中的应用初探

2.Hospital finance director competency model building;医院财务处处长胜任力模型构建

3.The Application of theCompetency Model in Recruitment;浅析胜任力模型在企业招聘中的应用


