900字范文 > 邮政专营 postal exclusive英语短句 例句大全

邮政专营 postal exclusive英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-27 08:44:33


邮政专营 postal exclusive英语短句 例句大全

邮政专营,postal exclusive

1)postal exclusive邮政专营

1.In recent years,there are always conflicts and contradictions between the relative branches and enterprises onpostal exclusive.近年来,我国相关企业与部门在邮政专营这个问题上一直存在着冲突与纷争。


1.The Limit of the Scope of Postal Exclusive --About Postal Law s Amending;邮政专营范围之界定——关于《邮政法》的修改

2.Studying of the Specialization Operation System of Inner Mongolia Post;内蒙古邮政企业专业化经营体制建设研究

3.Application of Divisional Structure System in Postal Enterprises;事业部制在邮政企业专业化经营中应用探讨

4."Traditional services include letter service which is the sole business of the posts, parcel service, newspaper distribution, international postal services and stamp collection service."传统业务包括邮政的专营业务即信函业务、包裹业务、报刊发行、国际邮政业务以及集邮业务。

5."Special postal articles refer to postal date-marks, postal tongs for lead sealing and postal Bags."邮政专用品:指邮政日戳、邮政夹钳和邮袋。

6.Postal enterprises may, according to needs, entrust other units or individuals as agents to run businesses exclusively operated by postal enterprises.邮政企业根据需要可以委托其他单位或者个人代办邮政企业专营的业务。

7.Japan’s Administrative Reform and Japan Post Privatization;日本行政体制改革与日本邮政民营化

8.At the Post Office: Learning vocabulary to do with the postal service: sending a parcel , express delivery , registered mail , metered mail , stamp collecting.学习与邮政业务相关的词汇,如发送邮包、特快专递、挂号邮件、邮资总付邮件、集邮等。

9.On the Problems Existing in Post Enterprises & some Countermeasures to Be Adopted after the Separation of Postal Services from Telecommunication Services;邮电分营后邮政企业存在的问题与若干对策

10."Posting and delivery services of mail and other articles with characteristics of mail shall be exclusively operated by postal enterprises, except as otherwise provided by the State Council."信件和其他具有信件性质的物品的寄递业务由邮政企业专营,但是国务院另有规定的除外。

11.or(ii) by postal or courier service, postage pre-paid and return receipt requested;(ii) 使用邮政或专递服务,预付邮资并要求回执;

12.Article 9. No unit or individual shall produce false copies or make fraudulent use of special postal marks, postal uniforms and special postal articles.第九条任何单位或者个人不得伪造或者冒用邮政专用标志、邮政标志服和邮政专用品。

13."No unit or individual shall produce false copies or make fraudulent use of special postal marks, postal uniforms and special postal articles."任何单位或者个人不得伪造或者冒用邮政专用标志、邮政标志服和邮政专用品。

14.The Design and Realization of General Office Platform for Dongying Postal Service;东营邮政综合办公平台的设计与实现

15.Privatization of Public Services-Some Proposals on the Reform of the Post & Mail Service Industry in China;公共服务民营化:中国邮政改革构想

16.Research on Development Strategy of Beijing Postal Insurance Business;北京邮政经营保险业务发展策略研究

17.The Study on Marketing Strategy for the Mail Service of GanSu Post;甘肃邮政函件业务市场营销策略研究

18.Research on Marketing Strategy of Shandong Postal Express;山东邮政速递业务市场营销战略研究


monopolized post and mail services邮政专营权

3)The Specialized Postal Management论邮政专营

4)On the Postal Monopoly Power论邮政专营权

5)post office邮政营业局

1.Based on analyzing the location rules of thepost offices in Guangzhou,This paper evaluates the location of thepost offices in Guangzhou and provides measures to improve and optimize the location.本文以广州市中心市区范围内的邮政营业所作为研究对象,在探索城市营业局所布局规律的基础上,对广州市邮政营业局所的布局进行了评估,并在此基础上提出了改进和优化的措施。

6)civilian operation of mail system邮政民营化

1.Therefore,the reform for thecivilian operation of mail system,initiated by Prime Minister Koizomi s cabinet,encountered fierce resistance inside and outside the ruling party,and the Senate s veto against the related bill finally caused the House of R.因此,小泉内阁所推行的邮政民营化改革在自民党内外遭到了重重抵抗,但最终仍因相关法案被参议院否决而引发了众议院选举。


