900字范文 > 3G市场 3G market英语短句 例句大全

3G市场 3G market英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-01 03:21:05


3G市场 3G market英语短句 例句大全

3G市场,3G market

1)3G market3G市场

1.With the start of3G market in China, all the participators are alive.随着中国3G市场的即将启动,中国电信行业产业链上相关企业也随之而动,于是,针对电信行业应用的特殊电子地图产品便有了更广阔的市场需求。


1.Simple Opinions on the Marketing Strategies of the China Telecom Corporation in Marching into the 3G Telecommunication Market;浅谈中国电信进军3G市场之营销战略

2.Research on Jilin CNC 3G Market Development Strategies;吉林网通3G市场推广的营销策略研究

3.Analysis on China Netcom s Operating Trategy Concerning 3G Mobile Market Classification;网通基于3G市场细分的营销策略分析

petition between cdma2000 and WCDMA In Japan;从日本3G市场看cdma2000与WCDMA之争

5.Research on Competitive Strategy of Ericsson (China) Communications Co., Ltd. in China 3G Market;爱立信(中国)通信有限公司3G市场竞争策略研究

6.Research on 3G Marketing Strategy of HeZe Mobile Company;菏泽移动公司3G市场策略及实施措施研究

7.Influencing Factors Analysis and Case Study Based 3G Market Opportunity;基于3G市场机遇的影响因素及实例研究

8.3G Marketing Strategy for Hunan Mobile Yongzhou Branch;湖南移动通信永州分公司3G市场拓展策略研究

9.Study on the Development Field of and Strategy for 3G Market of Jilin Province;吉林省3G市场发展空间预测及策略分析

10.The 3G Marketing Strategies Research of Jilin Mobile Communication Company;吉林移动通信公司3G市场拓展策略研究

11.3G Market Research Mobile Messaging: An End User Perspective;透视3G市场最终用户需求——移动信息传递

12.The Research in 3G Marketing Development Strategy of Shandong Mobile;山东移动3G业务市场开发策略研究

13.A Study of Marketing about "3G" of China Network Communications Group Corporation;中国网络通信集团公司“3G”市场研究

14.China 3G Industry Research in Open Market;开放市场条件下我国3G的产业化研究

15.3G Evolution Market Perspective and Relevant Development Strategy in China;中国3G演进市场前景及相关发展策略

16.Study on Marketing Strategy of Huludao Telecom 3G Business葫芦岛电信3G业务市场营销策略研究

17.Study on Integrated Marketing Strategic in China Based on 3G Product for ALUALU公司3G产品中国市场整合营销策略

18.Simple Analysis of the Market Development of China Mobile under the Situation of 3G3G背景下中国移动市场发展SWOT浅析


Briefly on 3G market in China中国3G市场浅析

3)Third generation3G

1.Research on Third Generation Passive Device and Leaky Cable Technology;3G移动通信无源器件及漏泄电缆技术研究

2.The thesis is start from the question of inside Communicate Enterprise billing charging system at the present time existing and third generation billing charging system facing.从目前国内电信运营商计费系统存在的问题及3G时代计费所面临的问题出发,在分析现状和未来业务需求的基础上,阐明了 3G时代融合的在线计费系统的软件功能架构及系统建设要点和难点,对3G时代融合的在线计费系统软件技术进行了初步的探索。

4)3rd Generation3G

1.A Study on Marketing Channels of China Telecom3rd Generation;中国电信3G营销渠道建设研究


1.Presents the demands of MTBE in the at home and abroadmarkets,reviews the development of MTBE produc-tion using catalytic distillation technology and the new advances of the catalyst for etherification.简介MTBE的国内外市场需求状况,综述了近几年利用催化蒸馏技术生产MTBE的研究开发进展及醚化催化剂的研究新进展。

2.And the role of Hongkongmarkets in the whole China battery exportmarkets,as well as the status in quo and development trends of Hongkongmarkets,were analyzed in details.对我国电池生产及出口的现状,以及香港市场在我国电池出口市场中所占的地位、现状及发展趋势做了全面的分析,指出香港地区作为我国对外贸易的重要窗口和桥梁,在大陆电池出口中占据十分重要的地位。

3.Ltd,this paper used tendency analytic approach to present the sequence of effect on heat supplymarkets.针对大唐长春第二热电有限责任公司二期工程供热市场预测问题,应用趋势分析法对影响供热市场发展的各种因素进行了影响力排序,热力市场预测证明,未来长热二期供热市场是一种稀缺的供热资源,将有一个较好的市场收益。


1.The development and marketing of bamboo fiber products;竹纤维产品及其市场开发

2.The literature in the context of marketing and rising of the babbittry literature;市场化的文学环境与市民文学的勃兴


