900字范文 > 交互原则 the principles of interaction英语短句 例句大全

交互原则 the principles of interaction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-03 06:22:17


交互原则 the principles of interaction英语短句 例句大全

交互原则,the principles of interaction

1)the principles of interaction交互原则


1.The Principle of Teacher-student Interaction in Distance Education Based on the Dialogue Theory;远程教育中基于对话理论的师生交互原则

2.Principles of Visual Interface Design交互界面设计的原则

3.principle of equality,mutual benefit and the need to exchange goods with foreign countries平等互利、内外交流的原则

4.Equality, mutual Benefit and the exchange of goods with foreign countries are the principle of foreign trade.外贸原则是内外交流,平等互利。

5.Mutual aid is social exchange that founds on the basic principle of reciprocity and the cultural base of human feelings and relationsh ip.互助是以互惠互利为基本原则 ,以人情和关系为文化基础的社会交换。

6.Process, patterns, and principles are necessary, but not sufficient, for a successful interaction design project.对于交互设计项目的成功,过程、模式和原则是必要的,但不是充分的。

7.Equality and mutual benefit is one of China"s Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence in foreign policy.平等互利是中国外交政策中和平共处五项原则之一。

pany this the“ trustworthiness entertain guest, fair deal, mutual benefit, totally beg the development" of trade principle, with the big industry of your collusion.公司本着“诚信待客、平交易、惠互利、求发展”的贸易原则,与您共谋大业。

9." The principles are clear: they are" one country, two systems," direct two-way and reciprocity.我们的原则从来都很明确,那就是"一国两制",直接"三通"、向交流、惠互利。

10.The following are the most useful interaction and interface principles for designing handheld devices:下面列出一些设计手持设备时最有用的几条交互和界面原则。

11.Effective Interactive Research of Teaching-based Design Principles in E-learning Environment网络学习环境中基于教学设计原则的有效性交互研究

12.(1) to adhere to the principles of voluntary participation and mutual benefit;(1)坚持自愿、互利原则;

13.principle of interdependence of components成分间相互依存原则

14.On the Complementarities of the Principles of Most-Favored-Nation Treatment and Reciprocity;论最惠国待遇原则与互惠原则的互补性

15."All countries maintaining diplomatic relations with China should abide by the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity and non-interference in each other"s internal affairs, "凡是与中国建交的国家,都应遵守互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不干涉內政的原则,

16.In international scientific and technological cooperation and exchange, China has consistently followed the principle of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.中国在国际科技合作与交流中,一贯奉行的是相互尊重、平等互利的原则。

pany this the “ trustworthiness entertain guest, fair deal, mutual benefit, totally beg the development" of trade principle, with the big industry of your collusion.公司本着“诚信待客、公平交易、互惠互利、共求发展”的贸易原则,与您共谋大业。

18.We insist on the principle of equality and mutual Benefit, as well as exchanging needed goods.我们坚持平等互利、互通有无的原则。


the principle of interacting交互性原则

3)the principle of reciprocity交互作用原则

4)Interaction Design Principles交互设计原则

5)Three-interacting principle"三互"原则

1.Scientific thinking can guide observation and experiment and such ability can be trained and enhanced through observation and experirnentThree-interacting principle of scientifc thinking is well recommended in observation and experiment teaching activities.观察、实验需要科学思维作指导,科学思维又可在观察、实验中得以训练与提升,在观察、实验教学中应贯彻科学思维训练的“三互”原则。


1.The principle ofreciprocity in Confucian and the meditative mechanism in Chinese tradition;略论作为中国传统调解经验的儒家互惠原则


