900字范文 > 历史文化观 viewpoint of culture history英语短句 例句大全

历史文化观 viewpoint of culture history英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-20 07:21:24


历史文化观 viewpoint of culture history英语短句 例句大全

历史文化观,viewpoint of culture history

1)viewpoint of culture history历史文化观

2)Cultural-historical view文化-历史观

3)historic and cultural landscape历史文化景观

1.However,with the development of city tourism and the enhancement of conserving awareness,protective measures are applied upon the development of cityhistoric and cultural landscapes.随着现代城市旅游的发展和保护观念的加强,人们积极开展了对城市历史文化景观的保护性开发工作。


1.Tokaj Wine Region Historic Cultural Landscape托卡伊葡萄酒产地历史文化景观

2.Study on Protection of Urban Historical Area;民俗视野中的历史文化景观区整体保护研究

3.Virtual Reality Technology in Regeneration of Historic Cultural Landscape历史文化景观再现中的虚拟现实技术运用研究

4.On Disposal Principle of Relationship between City Cultural Landscape and Its Surroundings;论城市历史文化景观与周边环境关系的处理原则

5.City landscape design and historical and cultyral traditions of mining;城市景观设计与历史文化传统的挖掘

6.Cultural landscape pattern during the early historic period in the West Liaohe River Basin;西辽河流域历史早期的文化景观格局

7.Reconstruction of historical culture center in Sun Yat-sen Park佛山市中山公园历史文化区景观设计

8.The Study of Conservation and Creation of Human Scenery in Historic Cultural City;历史文化名城人文景观的保护和塑造研究

9.Accumulated New Landscape of History, Entering to the Xiaohe-zhijie Historic Block in Hangzhou;沉淀历史的新景观——走进杭州小河直街历史文化街区

10.The Preliminary Research of Historic City Waterfront Landscape Landscape Design;历史文化名城滨水景观设计的初步研究

11.The Historical Culture Background of Mao Zedong s Thought about Transforming;毛泽东改造主观世界思想的历史文化背景

12.Explanation on the landscapes Combined with Architecture and History Culture;建筑与历史文化相融合的十大景观诠释

13.The Landscape Planning on Chunman Streets Historic District of Dalian City大连春满街历史文化街区景观规划设计

14.Culture Molding of Landscape Space in City Historical Street Block:Taking the City Historical Street Block of Qianhoubeian in Changzhou城市历史街区景观空间中的文化塑造——以常州市前后北岸历史街区景观设计为例

15.Cultural Diversity Conservation of the Famous Historical and Cultural Cities from the Angle of Landscape Ecology--the Case of Foshan;历史文化名城文化多样性保护的景观生态学视角——以佛山市为例

16.The landscape context on the mode of PE:A case study on Jingzhou;PE模式下的景观文脉视点——以历史文化名城荆州为例

17.Differentiated Survival and Development--The Historical Causes and Future Development of China’s Rural Cultural Landscape差异化生存与发展——中国农村文化景观的历史成因与未来发展

18.Excavate the Regional Resource in History and Civilization to Build New Cultural Langscape;挖掘地域历史文化资源营造新的人文景观——溧阳燕山风景名胜区景点规划设计思考


Cultural-historical view文化-历史观

3)historic and cultural landscape历史文化景观

1.However,with the development of city tourism and the enhancement of conserving awareness,protective measures are applied upon the development of cityhistoric and cultural landscapes.随着现代城市旅游的发展和保护观念的加强,人们积极开展了对城市历史文化景观的保护性开发工作。

4)Social-Culture-History Approach社会-文化-历史观

5)a broad concept of history and culture大历史观与大文化观

1.In fact,the history and culture belong to the macro concept of e time and space,therefore,a broad concept of history and culture should be established.历史与文化都属于宏观的时空范畴,故应建立大历史观与大文化观。

6)History and Culture历史文化

1.Exploration of the history and culture tourist resources in Luzhou;泸州市历史文化旅游资源开发探讨

2.On innovative spirits as a pearl in Zhenjiang history and culture;创新精神是镇江历史文化宝库中光芒四射的瑰宝——以“三星”、“双璧”、“二米”为例

3.The paper bases on the conservation and renewal planning of old-city which is along the Xiangjiang River and in the west of that in Xiangtan,and discusses how to protect and keep history and culture in old-city renewal from material-lay and immaterial-lay,so that the city memory and historic contexture will go down.结合湘潭市河西沿江旧城保护与更新项目,从物质和精神层面来探讨旧城更新中历史文化的保护和延续问题,以期保存城市记忆,延续城市历史文脉。




