900字范文 > 塑性化 plasticization英语短句 例句大全

塑性化 plasticization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-06 17:38:32


塑性化 plasticization英语短句 例句大全




1.The “ductility”of machinable Ce-ZrO_2/CePO_4 ceramics is discussed from their stress-strain curve, indentation, crack propagation of indentation peak, etc.针对工程陶瓷材料本征脆性问题,作者从应力 应变曲线、压痕及压痕尖端的裂纹扩展等方面探讨了可加工Ce ZrO2/CePO4材料的"塑性化",并从显微结构入手,研究了使这种材料产生"塑性化"的机理,即除CePO4本身具有一定的台阶和层片状断裂外,主要由于CePO4的引入出现了强弱界面共同存在的网络结构,弱界面可以产生和捕获微观缺陷,耗散主裂纹扩展能量,导致局部的剪切变形,从而赋予陶瓷"塑性"。

2.The composites exhibited obvious “ductility” when the CePO4 content reached 50wt%.基于Ce-ZrO2与CePO4弱结合的特性, Ce-ZrO2/CePO4材料是一类应力应变具有非线性“塑性”行为的新型可加工陶瓷,其可加工性与其“塑性化”的程度密切相关。


4)plastic softening塑性软化

1.Analytic solution to deformation of the rock tunnel considering the dilatancy andplastic softening of rock mass;隧道工程围岩扩容和塑性软化的变形解析

2.Analytic solution to deformation of soft rock tunnel considering dilatancy andplastic softening of rock mass考虑岩体扩容和塑性软化的软岩巷道变形解析

3.Based on the review of existing constitutive models of rock interfaces and joints, a nonlinear elasto-plastic softening constitutive model is developed by combining the nonlinear elastic model, the elasto-plastic model, and the degraded evolutionary equation where the degradation of the rock interfaces and joints is determined.在总结评述现有岩体结构面本构模型的基础上,将非线性弹性模型和弹塑性模型结合起来,并采用起伏角磨损演化方程来定量描述结构面的磨损软化,建立了岩体结构面非线性弹性-塑性软化本构模型。


1.Analysis and FEM Stimulation of the Dilatancy and the Plastic Softening Deformation in Soft Rock Tunnel;软岩巷道围岩扩容—塑性软化变形及有限元分析

2.Analytic solution to deformation of soft rock tunnel considering dilatancy and plastic softening of rock mass考虑岩体扩容和塑性软化的软岩巷道变形解析

3.testing method for vicat softening point of thermoplastics热塑性塑料软化点 (维卡) 试验方法

4.Degradation of Soil Structure and Anisotropic Plasticity Evolution of Natural Clay;软粘土结构性、塑性各向异性及其演化

5.Test method for Vicat softening point of thermoplasticsGB/T1633-1979热塑性塑料软化点(维卡)试验方法

6.testing method for softening temperature of thermoplastic film and sheet by thermomechanical analysis热塑性塑料薄膜及片材的软化点测定-热机械分析法

7.Elastoplastic analysis of surrounding rocks of subsea tunnel with consideration of seepage and material softening考虑渗流及软化的海底隧道围岩弹塑性分析

8.An Elasto-plastic Constitutive Model with Hardening-softening Behavior for Sandy Soil Based on Modified-plastic Work State Function基于修正塑性功函数的砂土硬-软化本构模型

9.Effects of 2 kinds of Softener on the Properties of PP/POE/Buffings Thermoplastic Elastomer cured Dynamically两种软化剂对动态硫化PP/POE/胶粉热塑性弹性体性能的影响

10.cellulose acetate moulding powder醋酸纤维软性塑胶粉

11.The Development of Parametric CAD System of Plastic Bottle and Its Blowing Mold;塑料瓶及其吹塑模具的参数化CAD软件开发

12.Research on the Viscoelastic-Viscoplastic-Damage Model of Structural Soft Soil;结构性软土的粘弹塑性损伤模型研究

13." Plastics hose and hose assemblies--Thermoplastics, textile-reinforced, hydraulic type"GB/T15908-1995织物增强液压型热塑性塑料软管和软管组合件

14.Plastics will soften when exposed to heat.塑料适当加热就可以软化。

15.The Cultural Soft Power and the Shaping of China"s National Image论文化软权力与中国国家形象的塑造

16.Thermoplastics: Materials which have the property of softening repeatedly on the application of heat, and of hardening again on cooling. Molecules of thermoplastics take the form of long chains.热塑性物料:能重复的因受热而软化,冷却而硬化的物料。这些物料的分子是链状结构。

17.The results showed that a kind of fast curing novolac for shell process whose softing point is reasonable was easily prepared by compound catalysis.试验表明,采用复合催化法很容易制备聚合速度快且软化点适宜的壳法用热塑性酚醛树脂。

18.general rules for tests for thermal ageing properties of thermoplastics in the form of sheet by means of ovens热塑性塑料热老化试验法通则(烘箱法)



1.The “ductility”of machinable Ce-ZrO_2/CePO_4 ceramics is discussed from their stress-strain curve, indentation, crack propagation of indentation peak, etc.针对工程陶瓷材料本征脆性问题,作者从应力 应变曲线、压痕及压痕尖端的裂纹扩展等方面探讨了可加工Ce ZrO2/CePO4材料的"塑性化",并从显微结构入手,研究了使这种材料产生"塑性化"的机理,即除CePO4本身具有一定的台阶和层片状断裂外,主要由于CePO4的引入出现了强弱界面共同存在的网络结构,弱界面可以产生和捕获微观缺陷,耗散主裂纹扩展能量,导致局部的剪切变形,从而赋予陶瓷"塑性"。

2.The composites exhibited obvious “ductility” when the CePO4 content reached 50wt%.基于Ce-ZrO2与CePO4弱结合的特性, Ce-ZrO2/CePO4材料是一类应力应变具有非线性“塑性”行为的新型可加工陶瓷,其可加工性与其“塑性化”的程度密切相关。


4)plastic softening塑性软化

1.Analytic solution to deformation of the rock tunnel considering the dilatancy andplastic softening of rock mass;隧道工程围岩扩容和塑性软化的变形解析

2.Analytic solution to deformation of soft rock tunnel considering dilatancy andplastic softening of rock mass考虑岩体扩容和塑性软化的软岩巷道变形解析

3.Based on the review of existing constitutive models of rock interfaces and joints, a nonlinear elasto-plastic softening constitutive model is developed by combining the nonlinear elastic model, the elasto-plastic model, and the degraded evolutionary equation where the degradation of the rock interfaces and joints is determined.在总结评述现有岩体结构面本构模型的基础上,将非线性弹性模型和弹塑性模型结合起来,并采用起伏角磨损演化方程来定量描述结构面的磨损软化,建立了岩体结构面非线性弹性-塑性软化本构模型。

5)Reinfored plastic强化塑性

6)plasticity strengthening塑性强化

1.To more reasonably describe the creep behavior of rock,especially the 2nd and 3rd stages of rock creep,a non-linear creep model of rock was established based on the creep mechanism of rock and introducing aplasticity strengthening function and a viscosity weakening function into the visco-plasticity model.为更好地描述岩石蠕变行为,特别是第2和第3期蠕变过程,基于岩石蠕变机理,在粘塑性元件中引入塑性强化函数和粘性弱化函数,建立了岩石的非线性蠕变模型。


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
