900字范文 > 活体器官移植 Living organ transplantation英语短句 例句大全

活体器官移植 Living organ transplantation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-11 20:30:44


活体器官移植 Living organ transplantation英语短句 例句大全

活体器官移植,Living organ transplantation

1)Living organ transplantation活体器官移植

1.Living organ transplantation is showing an increasing trend in our country.针对活体器官移植在我国有日渐增加的趋势,旨在通过活体器官移植的伦理依据的分析,以及考查反对活体器官移植的论证,提出以鼓励活体器官捐赠来增加器官的来源,是一种本末倒置的做法。


1.On the Victim s Concept in Organ Transplantation from a Living Person --By the View of Criminal Law;论活体器官移植中的被害人承诺——从刑法的视角

2.Ethical and Legal Respondence on the Dimension of the Living Donor Organ Transplantation活体器官移植维度中伦理与法律的观照

3.Ethical Reflection on the Physio-psychic-social Assessment of Living Related Organ Transplantation对亲属活体器官移植生物-心理-社会评估的伦理学问题

4.Ethics application of the Temporary Rule in Clinical Application of Organs Transplantation Techniques of Human Bodies in living related renal transplantation《人体器官移植条例》在亲属活体肾移植伦理方面的应用

5.Human Organ Transplant Board人体器官移植委员会

6.The Diagnoses of Populace Attitude to Transplant of Vital Organs of Living Body;公众对活体大器官移植的认知态度与对策

7.The recipient of a transplanted tissue or organ.移植接受体移植组织或器官的接受体

8.Work and Confusion of Organ Transplant Ethics Committee through the First Case of Living Kidney Transplantation between Uighur and Han Peoples in China由全国首例维、汉活体肾移植谈器官移植伦理委员会工作及其困惑

9.On the Legal Status of Transplanted Human Organs and Artificial Substitute Organs;论人体移植器官、人工替代器官的法律地位

10.Influence of Implementing "Human Organ Transplant Ordinance" on the Supply and Demand of Human Organs施行《人体器官移植条例》对器官移植供需困境的影响

11.A Study on Human Organ Transplant Legislation Problems of Our Country;我国人体器官移植立法若干问题研究

12.On the Regulation of Human Being s Organ Transplantation from Ethics;对我国《人体器官移植条例》的伦理审视

13.The legislation on Human Organ Donation and Transplantation in China;我国人体器官捐赠移植立法问题研究

14.The Criminal Law Issues Relating to Human Organ Transplant Ordinance《人体器官移植条例》涉及的刑法问题

15.An organ or tissue transferred between genetically different individuals of the same species.同种异体移植器官,同种异体移植组织在同种但遗传上不同的个体间转移的器官或组织

16.Clinical observation on long-term surviving patients after combined abdominal organ transplantation腹部器官联合移植患者长期存活的临床观察

17.human or animal organ, living or preserved, suitable for grafting or implantation put up in sterile packings人或动物的器官,活的或保藏的,适用于移植或植人,置于消毒包装中

18.Cloned pigs -- the potential organ donors克隆猪有望成为人体器官移植的供应者


transplant of vital organs of living body活体大器官移植

1.The result of diagnoses the group of research project has taken in HeNan about attitude totransplant of vital organs of living body shows: First, the populace agrees that we take transplant of vital organs; Second, many citizens object the transactions of organs, but many people agree with it; Third, the main reason why people are willing to donate the organs of their relatives is affection.对河南地区公众关于活体大器官移植态度进行的抽样调查结果显示:(1)公众赞成开展活体大器官移植;(2)多数公众反对器官买卖,但赞成器官买卖的也有相当大的比例;(3)亲情是亲属活体器官捐献者愿意捐献的主要原因。

3)human organ transplantation人体器官移植

1.The Study on the Civil Liability of Human Organ Transplantation;人体器官移植的民事责任探究

2.The development ofhuman organ transplantation is severely restricted by the shortage of donor.有鉴于此,建立一个非技术的人体器官移植的社会支持系统对促进我国器官移植事业的发展将具有重要意义。

3.Based on successful experiences domestic and abroad,and related to reality in our country,it approached "human organ transplantation system",studied the function of the system which to prevent human organ commercialization,and improve the justice and efficiency of the human organ distribution.借鉴国内外相关成功经验,结合我国实际情况,对"人体器官移植工作体系"的构成以及各系统职能进行初步探讨。

4)transplanted human organs人体移植器官

1.Whethertransplanted human organs and artificial substitute organs be regarded as components of human bodies is determined by certain conditions.人体移植器官、人工替代器官是否视为身体的组成部分应视情况而定。

5)Solid organ transplantation实体器官移植

6)corpse organ transplantation尸体器官移植


