900字范文 > 中国影戏 Chinese shadow play英语短句 例句大全

中国影戏 Chinese shadow play英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-09 20:36:35


中国影戏 Chinese shadow play英语短句 例句大全

中国影戏,Chinese shadow play

1)Chinese shadow play中国影戏

1.Chinese shadow play exists by various means,it adapts itself to the change of environment.自古以来,中国影戏的生存方式就是多元的,而且随着生存环境的变化而自我作出调整。

2)Chinese Shadow Puppet Plays中国皮影戏

3)Zhongguo Yingxi Dɑguɑn《中国影戏大观》

4)Three courses of shadow play of china中国影戏三题

5)Chinese drama中国戏曲

1.AndChinese dramas bring Brecht to his brilliance in his literature wiritings.布莱希特的创作深受中国文学影响,中国哲学推动着布莱希特的创作灵感,中国戏曲成就布莱希特的创作辉煌。

2.The comprehensive methods used inChinese drama are in accordance to the Chinese aesthetic thinking;its enjoyable feature are formed in the long process of its development;its procedures is the result of the filtering of other art and culture element.关于中国戏曲表演体系的艺术特征,专家学者有不同的见解。

3.Chinese drama is a kind of stage art for explaining poetic imagery,which can condense boundless and rich lives into a limited stage image.论述了写意性的美学原则贯穿于中国传统戏曲始终,使中国戏曲跨上了艺术美的高度,中国传统戏曲也使写意这种艺术风格得到了淋漓尽致的展现。


1.China Drama"s Development Prospect from Drama Development History从戏曲发展史看中国戏曲的发展前景

2.Reconsiderations of the Features of Traditional Opera;戏曲特征再认识——质疑《中国大百科全书·戏曲·曲艺》卷概论《中国戏曲》

3.Initial Researches on the Comparison between Chinese Drama and Western Opera;戏中曲与歌中剧——中国戏曲与西方歌剧比较初探

4.Synthesization of Chinese Opera Viewing from Its Formation;从中国戏曲艺术的形成看戏曲艺术的综合性

5.The "Negation of Negation" of the Definition of Music form in Chinese Opera Singing;中国戏曲唱腔曲体界定的“否定之否定”

6.Opera in the Han Dynasty was not the source of Chinese traditional opera. it only contained some of the elements of traditional opera.汉代百戏并不是中国戏曲的源头, 它只是有一些戏曲的元素。

7.Maitrisimit and Chinese Plays--Ancient Uyghur Plays and Chinese Plays;《弥勒会见记》与中国戏曲——古代维吾尔族戏剧与中国戏剧之刍议

8.Cultural Traditions of Ghost-or-Spirit Image in CHinese Traditional:Opera and Western Drama;中国戏曲与西方戏剧鬼魂形象的文化渊源

9.Discussion on the Figures of Ungrateful Men in Chinese Opera Literature;略论中国戏曲文学中的负心男子形象

10.On Teaching of Opera Music in Junior Middele School;让中国戏曲走近学生——初中段戏曲音乐的教学与实践

11."The theater world produced masterpieces to drama literature in the form of "zaju"and "Kunqu". "中国戏曲史上出现过许多杂剧和昆曲的杰作。

12.The Research on the Development of Play-within-a-play in Chinese Classical Dramas;中国古典戏曲中“戏中戏”的发展研究

13.History of Chinese Classical Dramatic Theory中国古典戏曲理论史

14.Opera, Drama and Traditional Chinese Drama-Second Analysis of Wang Guowei s “Opera” Theory;戏曲·戏剧·中国民族戏剧——王国维“戏曲”理论的再解读

15.Preference of Histrionics over Literature in the Aesthetics of Chinese Traditional Theatre;论“重演轻戏”的中国古典戏曲审美主张

16.On the Function of Chinese Opera-house in Chinese Traditional Opera;论戏楼在中国古典戏曲艺术发展中的作用

17.On the Reasons for the Prolificacy of Ghost-plays in Traditional Chinese Opera From the Perspective of the Function of Drama;从戏曲功能探究中国古典鬼戏多产的原因

18.The catalyzing of western drama to the"modernization/of Chinese classical drama advancement;西方戏剧对中国古典戏曲“现代化”进程的催化


Chinese Shadow Puppet Plays中国皮影戏

3)Zhongguo Yingxi Dɑguɑn《中国影戏大观》

4)Three courses of shadow play of china中国影戏三题

5)Chinese drama中国戏曲

1.AndChinese dramas bring Brecht to his brilliance in his literature wiritings.布莱希特的创作深受中国文学影响,中国哲学推动着布莱希特的创作灵感,中国戏曲成就布莱希特的创作辉煌。

2.The comprehensive methods used inChinese drama are in accordance to the Chinese aesthetic thinking;its enjoyable feature are formed in the long process of its development;its procedures is the result of the filtering of other art and culture element.关于中国戏曲表演体系的艺术特征,专家学者有不同的见解。

3.Chinese drama is a kind of stage art for explaining poetic imagery,which can condense boundless and rich lives into a limited stage image.论述了写意性的美学原则贯穿于中国传统戏曲始终,使中国戏曲跨上了艺术美的高度,中国传统戏曲也使写意这种艺术风格得到了淋漓尽致的展现。

6)Chinese traditional opera中国戏曲

1.Chinese Traditional Opera and Haining——On Wang Guowei s Contribution to the Opera Theory and Its Meaning;中国戏曲与海宁——兼论王国维对戏剧理论的贡献及意义

2.TheChinese traditional opera can be dated back to as early as the Nan Song Dynasty.中国戏曲最早出现在南宋末年,本文以《牡丹亭》为例,分析了它在中国戏剧史上的地位——它用情来战胜封建礼教;它在中国戏曲史、文学史上所产生的影响——它不但影响了戏剧本身的发展,还影响了其他体裁文学的发展。

3.All of the exist or development of theChinese traditional operas had the process of impart and inherit.中国戏曲的存在或发展,都必然经历“传承”这样一个过程。


