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跳跃 jump英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-05 08:27:28


跳跃 jump英语短句 例句大全



1.Sociological study of performance of Level B and C difficultyjumps of Wushu routine;武术套路B、C级跳跃难度动作完成情况的人文学研究报告

2.Research on Estimation Method and Application of Volatility Considering Jump and Market Microstructure Noise考虑跳跃与市场噪音条件下波动率估计与应用研究

3.Regular sport injuries and prevention injump of track and field田径跳跃运动训练中常见运动损伤及预防


1.To cause to leap in a curvet.腾跃使以腾跃姿势跳跃

2.To leap or skip about excitedly.雀跃激动地跳跃或跳

3.One that jumps.跳跃者做跳跃动作的人

4.To spring or bound forward in a manner reminiscent of a spirited horse.欢跃,雀跃象活跃的马一般象前跳跃或弹跳

5.leap. jerk, bang (dialectal).跳跃,猛拉,发巨响。

6.The act of vaulting;a jump.撑手跳跃,撑竿跳跃用手或杆等支撑跳跃的行为;跳跃

7.To jump or leap, especially with the use of the hands or a pole.跳跃,尤指用手或杆支撑跳跃

8.To progress by forward leaps or springs.跳跃前进通过向前跳跃或弹跳的方式前进

9.Jumping events include the high jump, long jump, triple jump and pole vault.跳跃项目包括跳高、跳远、三级跳远和撑竿跳高。

10.We have long jump and high jump.我们有跳远和跳高两种跳跃。

11.To jump or leap over, especially with the aid of a support such as the hands or a pole.跳跃,跨跃跳过或跃过,尤指在手或杆等支撑物的帮助下跃过

12.ramp for making such jumps供滑雪跳跃的斜坡.

13.a steep course where skiers jump.滑雪人跳跃的陡峭路线。

14.My horse balked at the high fence我的马不敢跳跃高栅栏。

15.The light is jumping up这光在剧烈地跳跃。

16.A number of sparrows were hopping about.有一群麻雀到处跳跃着。

17.His dog came bounding to meet him.他的狗跳跃着来迎接他。

18.The hares and rabbits lope away.野兔和家兔都跳跃而去。



1.A Point of Linguistics on The Image Jumping in Poem;诗歌中意象跳跃的语言学认识——兼论李白诗歌中意象跳跃的特点

2.Investigation on response of floor vibration underjumping and walking excitation;跳跃和行走激励下的楼盖竖向振动反应分析

3.The dynamical stability of biped locomotion and the dynamical process ofjumping motion of human body are analyzed in this paper.分析人体双足步行的动态稳定性以及跳跃运动的动力学过程。


1.The present paper makes a tentative study of the reason, the definition, the basis and the functions ofleaping images.从语言学角度对意象跳跃的成因、定义、存在基础及功能进行分析 ,诗歌意象出现跳跃是由于话语中缺失某些信息因素之间的确定与被确定关系 ,而使语义间连贯与衔接的正常状态被破坏而造成 ,它以话语的语用含义作为它在诗歌中存在的基础 ,能够起到丰富话语意义的作用。


1.Models withjumps or models with stochastic volatilities can not describe the distributing of stock price and return.仅包括跳跃或仅包括随机波动的模型对于股价和收益分布的描述不是很理想。

2.It is pointed out that the resonance has abundant dynamic phenomenon includingjumps and amplitude-frequency response curves of system will be changed with the changing of forced excit.对定常解进行了理论分析和数值计算,指出系统响应曲线存在跳跃,而且外激励幅值F1和F2的变化会影响系统幅频响应曲线发生改变。

3.A method of testing existing ofjumps in stock price series is suggested.提出股票价格序列跳跃的一种检验方法。


1.An analysis of size effect of the inclination angle of shear band and the onset,skip and stability of shear strain localization;剪切带倾角尺度律与局部化启动跳跃稳定研究

2.It is a disputable problem for scholars if tangential stressskips at the edge of elastic area and plastic area.巷道周围岩体内弹性区和塑性区在交界面处切向应力是否跳跃的问题,各位学者的看法不一。

6)A leap;a jump.跃起;跳跃


跳跃1.亦作"跳趯"。 2.跳动腾跃;跳越。
