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回忆 Memory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-26 16:31:23


回忆 Memory英语短句 例句大全



1.Reflection onMemory from Aesthetic Study of Time and Narration:Review and Approaches of Studies onMemory Theory since 1980s in China回忆之思:时间与叙事的审美之维——回忆理论研究的检讨与进路

2.Why Shen selected graceful, healthy and natural humanity as the humanity of Xiangxi ? The paper thinks that there are three inner reasons: first, because of the aesthetic memory ;second, because of the structure of perception; third, because of the model of culture.导致沈从文选择"优美、健康、自然"的人性作为"湘西人性"内涵的深层原因有三:一是审美创造的"回忆"所致,二是"感觉的结构"所致,三是文化"模子"所致。

3.In modern Chinese novels, childhood memory is one of the main topic forms.在中国现代小说中,童年的回忆是一个主要的主题形态。


1.Voice Offstage: A Book of Memoirs台下的回声:回忆录

2.Maternal Memoir as Eco-memoir;作为生态回忆录的母亲回忆录(英文)

3.On the Novels of Beijing School Aesthetics and Recollection;回忆的诗学——京派小说审美回忆论

4.True feelings between fiction and reality: Comparison between "Recollection of Life in the Rural Area" and "Memories of Recollection of Life in the Rural Area ";虚实之间有真意——比对《山地回忆》与《关于〈山地回忆〉的回忆》

5.The mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experience.记忆,记忆力储存与回忆以往经历的大脑之能力

6.my retrieval of people"s names is very poor.记忆的检索可以理解为回忆吗。

7.Your letter brought back many memories.你的信唤起了许多回忆。

8.She recalled that he had left early.她回忆起他走得很早.

9.He thought of the scenery of the Yellow River.他回忆起黄河的情景。

10.He went back to his Yan an days.他回忆起在延安的岁月。

11.I can"t recall the exact circumstances.我回忆不起确切的情况。

12.You should wipe out the unpleasant memory.你应抹掉那不快的回忆。

13.Her reflections were pleasant.她的回忆是甜密的。

14.a misty recollection of a dream.一个梦的朦胧的回忆

15.Sweet memory which has vanished!不可复得的甘美的回忆!

16.bitter-sweet experiences/memories苦乐交织的经历 [回忆]

17.She reflected on her Bad situation.她回忆起她的苦境。

18.Former First Lady"s Memoirs前第一夫人的回忆录



1.The Issue of Recollection Stimulation in the Creation of Classical Chinese Poems;论中国古典诗歌创作中回忆的激发问题

2.Analysis on the "recollection" in Lu xun s first person inner-focusing narrative novels based on examples of Kong yi-ji and Blessing;试析鲁迅第一人称内聚焦叙事小说中的“回忆”——以《孔乙己》和《祝福》为例

3.Prophets andrecollections——Moors Archimedes and One Hundred Years of Solitude;预言与回忆——墨尔基阿德斯之于《百年孤独》探析


1.remember,maintenance,reknow orrecall is the basic tache of memory,the article through analyse the music score of piano’s memory course,introduce the conducive the method of the music score.识记、保持、再认或回忆是记忆的基本环节,文章通过对钢琴乐谱记忆过程的分析提出了乐谱记忆的六个步骤和方法。

2.He wasn t satisfied with his weak and negative self-image, so he tried torecall the past self-image and find the ideal self-image in order to verify his value.他不满现实中阴暗无能的自我形象 ,企图寻找回忆中的自我和理想中的自我 ,其词因此弥漫着迷失自我的痛苦和寻找自我的迷


1.Wang Zeng-qi,a self-conscious stylist,practices the poetic construction of his novel style with his theory of "novel asreminiscences" and his theory of "atmosphere as persons",which are both rich in poetic flavor.汪曾祺作为一个有自觉意识的文体家,以“小说是回忆”的诗意构成、“气氛即人物”的诗学意境的理论自觉,实践着小说文体的诗意建构。

2.This paper wants to find the origin of Adorno s Aesthetic Utopia from cultural background,and analyzes the character ofreminiscence of the Aesthetic Utopia.本文从外部文化思想背景回溯阿多诺审美乌托邦的起源,在此基础上,从心理层面分析审美乌托邦的回忆特质,并追寻回忆对象,最终发现:审美乌托邦的源渊就是“奥斯维辛”对阿多诺的隐秘刺痛。

3.As an aesthetic psychology, nostalgia is different fromreminiscence and shows its distinction from three aspects of aesthetic creation, aesthetic reception and aesthetic feelings.怀旧与回忆有同有异,在审美创作、审美接受和审美情感三个层面上,怀旧体现了其作为一种审美心理的独特性。


1.This paper attempts to discuss this autobiographical work,and through the exploration of the relations between memory andremembrance,poetry and truth,I and Me,individual memory and cultural memory,modernism and postmoderni.本文分析这部自传体写作,从记忆与回忆、诗与真、主我与客我、个体记忆与文化记忆、现代与后现代等张力关系的角度,探讨格拉斯有关"记忆工作"的观点及其百折不挠的拒绝"忘川"的努力。

6)To have a recollection.回忆;记忆


