900字范文 > 国家与乡村社会 state and rural community英语短句 例句大全

国家与乡村社会 state and rural community英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-01 11:04:13


国家与乡村社会 state and rural community英语短句 例句大全

国家与乡村社会,state and rural community

1)state and rural community国家与乡村社会


1.Probing the Development of the Relation between Nation and Country Society since theFoundation of the People s Republic of China;建国以来国家与乡村社会关系的演进

2.The Development of State and Rural Social Relations and the Agricultural Crisis During 1959-1961;国家与乡村社会关系的演绎与1959—1961年的农业危机

3.A Summary of China Rural Study Under the Frame of “State - Society ”;“国家与社会”框架下的中国乡村研究综述

4.The Interactions between Village Bludgers and the Village,Market and State:New View of Understanding the Nature of Rural Society and Rural Governance乡村混混与村落、市场和国家的互动——深化理解乡村社会性质和乡村治理基础的新视阈

5.The state was connected to the grass root rural societies more closely than ever before.国家政权与基层乡村社会结合比以前更加紧密。

6.Countryside Governance Research under the Collaborative Power of State and Social Power;国家权力与社会权力协同下的乡村治理研究

7.Safeguarding Homeland:the Mobilization of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression & Aid Korea and the Moulding of Peasants" Consciousness of Nation抗美援朝运动与乡村社会国家意识的塑造

8.Rural Good Governance:Joint Advancement of State Power and Basic-Level Organization乡村善治:国家权力与基层社会组织的合力推进

9.The Historical Transformation of the Bao Jia System andthe Structure of Rural Power in Later Qing Dynasty: A Change in the Relationships between Country and Society in the Rural Society Control;晚清保甲制的历史演变与乡村权力结构——国家与社会在乡村社会控制中的关系变化

10.Weakening of Rural Teachers" Social Function under the Relations between the Country and the Society国家与社会关系视野下的乡村教师社会功能的弱化

11.Countries and Famers: ChaHaEr Area s Country Society Estate Study at the Republic of China Period;农家与农村:民国时期察哈尔地区乡村社会状态研究

12.State and Ethnic Area Village Society s Reorganization--The Yugurs Dacaotan Village Case Research;国家与民族地区乡村社会的重组——裕固族大草滩村的个案研究

13.Between State Control and Autonomy of Villagers: The Rebuilding of Order in Rural Grassroots Society国家控制与村民自治之间:乡村基层社会秩序的重建

14.State-orientation and Social-orientation of Countryside Government Reform;乡村治理改革的国家取向和社会取向

15.The Cooperative Organizations during The Republic of China(1912-1949) and the Transformation of Modern Rural Society;民国合作社组织与近代乡村社会转型

16.How to Construct Rule of Law in China s Countryside Viewing from the Relationship between State Law and Cus tom ary Law;中国乡村社会法治秩序的建构——从国家法与民间法的关系视角考察

17.The State-building and the Rural Development ──Reflection on the Process of State-building of New China;国家政权建设与乡村发展──对革命后中国乡村社会现代化进程的反思

18.There are some important visual angles in the Freedman"s model: rural society, social differentiation and relation between nation and lineage.弗里德曼模式是从乡村社会、社会分化与国家—宗族关系视角研究中国宗族社会的。


China"s rural society中国乡村社会

3)rural society乡村社会

1.Sustentation and Transition: The Rural Society of Huang Fan Qu from 1938 to 1952;持续与变迁:1938-1952年的黄泛区乡村社会

2.An Investigation into the Influence of Commodity Economy on Rural Society during ch in and Han Dynasties;试论商品经济对秦汉乡村社会的影响

3.The Protection of the Rights of Chinese Farmers in the Modernization process——from the perspective of the relationship between State andrural society现代化进程中的中国农民权利保障——从国家与乡村社会关系的视角审视

4)village society乡村社会

1.By this,further analyzes the state power and thevillage society s interaction relations,the exploration state power seeps to thevillage society s ways.以此,进一步分析国家政权与乡村社会的互动关系,探索国家政权渗透到乡村社会的方式和途径。

2.They play an important part in the harmonious stability of eth traditionalvillage society.乡规民约是传统乡村社会体系的一部分,和当时的价值观念、组织制度、集体资源的分配交织在一起,对传统乡村社会的和谐稳定起到重要作用。

3.The contemporaryvillage society is changing from tradition society to modern society, village group conflict affairs are an important kind of conflict in this period.当代乡村社会正处于从传统社会向现代社会转型时期,乡村群体性冲突事件正是这个转型时期社会冲突的重要表现形式。

5)country society乡村社会

1.Study on Relationship between Clan and Country Society in South Jiangsu Province during Qing Dynasty;宗族与清代苏南乡村社会研究

2.At the modern city society,the norm for keep order is the law,however in thecountry society,is the proprieties.现代城市社会维持秩序的规范是法律,而乡村社会秩序的维持,在很多方面,起作用的是礼。

3.Grass-roots governments locating in rural areas are the elementary power units of our state to governcountry society.处于乡村地区的基层政权是国家在乡村社会中的基本权力单位。

6)state and society国家与社会

1.Functions of State and Society in Disputes over Temple Property in the Qing Dynasty:A Case Study based on Files and Judgments;清代寺庙产业纠纷中的国家与社会——以档案与判牍资料为例

2.State and Society: on Classical Marxist Writers;国家与社会:马克思主义经典作家之阐释

3.It is necessary for the nation-states to make hard efforts in three structural dimensions:relations ofstate and society,government conducts,and citizenship consciousness until the final formation of well-operated interactive relations between the state and the society,a rule of law government,and an active citizenship.为了建设政治能力,民族国家需要在国家与社会关系、政府、公民这三个结构性因素方面做出艰苦努力,把国家与社会关系建设成一种良性互动的关系,把政府建设成一个法治政府,把公民身份塑造成一种积极公民身份,并借此在这三个结构性因素之间形成积极的、良性的结构性相互关系状态,为政治能力的建设提供一种持久的结构性动力,以实现政治发展。


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
