900字范文 > 古希腊文论 ancient Greek theory of literature and art英语短句 例句大全

古希腊文论 ancient Greek theory of literature and art英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-03 03:15:22


古希腊文论 ancient Greek theory of literature and art英语短句 例句大全

古希腊文论,ancient Greek theory of literature and art

1)ancient Greek theory of literature and art古希腊文论

1.Prior to Sokrates,there were some factors of the divine nature and the human nature in theancient Greek theory of literature and art.远在苏格拉底之先,古希腊文论中就出现了一定的神性和人性因素。


1.The Divine Nature and the Human Nature in the Ancient Greek Theory of Literature and Art before Sokrates;苏格拉底之前古希腊文论中的人性与神性

2.The Theory ofthe Grandest One : The ladder With Which Plotinus Led the Ancient Greek Artistic Theories to the Altar of the Middle Ages;普罗提诺“太一”说:古希腊文论神化的阶梯

3.Brief Comment on Cultural Intension of "Individual Center" in Ancient Gveek Myth;略论古希腊神话“个体中心”的文化内涵

4.The civilization and culture of ancient Greece.希腊文明古代希腊人的文明和文化

5.a student of ancient Greek and Latin.古希腊文和拉丁文学者。

6.On Ecological Environment of Ancient Greece Culture;古希腊文化的生态环境论析——兼与中国文化比较

7.Read Homer in the original, ie in ancient Greek读荷马的(古希腊文)原作

8.A literary work of ancient Greece or Rome.古典文学古希腊或古罗马的文学作品

9.On Eugene O Neill s Development of Ancient Greek Culture of Tragedies;论尤金·奥尼尔对古希腊悲剧文化的发展

10.On Eugene O Neill s Inheritance of Ancient Greek Culture of Tragedies;论尤金·奥尼尔对古希腊悲剧文化的继承

11.On the Esthetical Acceptance Thought in Literature Theory of Ancient Greece and Rome;浅析古希腊罗马文论中的审美接受思想

12.the classics古典文学(指古罗马、古希腊的)

13.The languages and literatures of ancient Greece and Rome; the classics.古典文学古希腊、古罗马的语言和文学;古典文学

14.On the Characteristics of Ancient Greek Religion and Its Influence on the Greek Culture古希腊宗教的特点及其对希腊文化的影响

15.He steeped himself in the literature of ancient Greece and Rome.他精通古希腊和古罗马文学.

16.He steep himself in the literature of ancient greece and rome他精通古希腊和古罗马文学

17.a classical scholar,ie an expert in Latin and Greek研究古希腊与古罗马文学艺术的学者(拉丁文与希腊文专家)

18.On the inheritance of western humanism literature from the narration mode of ancient Greek tragedy;论西方人文主义文学与古希腊悲剧的叙述模式对接


ancient Greek culture古希腊文化

1.As an important part of the history of western culture,ancient Greek culture had a profound influence on the development of it.古希腊文化是西方文化历史长河中的重要篇章,并对西方文化发展产生了深远影响。

2.Theancient Greek culture is the cradle of the western civilization.古希腊文化是西方文明的摇篮,探讨古希腊文化繁荣的原因一直是国内知识界研究的热点。

3.The forming and developing course of ancient Chinese culture andancient Greek culture has received deep affection from ecological status.中国古代文化和古希腊文化在其生成和发展的过程中深受生态状况影响。

3)Hellenic literature古希腊文献

4)Greek literature古希腊文学

1.AncientGreek literature keeps its immortal artistic energy for the glowing spiritual characteristics, moistening human civilization through the river of long history.古希腊文学因其闪光的精神特质而保持永恒的艺术生命,就如穿越了漫长历史的河流滋润着人类文明。

2.On the basis,the article comprehensively inspectsGreek literature s status in social activities at that time, the subjects and characters of kinds ofGreek literature forms such as mythology, epic,drama,lyric poetry.文学自觉主要依赖于“人的自觉”和“文的自觉”这两个必要条件 ;文学在古希腊和实用的“技术”没什么区别 ,古希腊还没有发展出非实用的审美的文学观念 ,古希腊文学从根本上没有体现出“文的自觉” ;古希腊神话、史诗、悲喜剧、抒情诗等文学样式的主题和人物形象既未体现出“人的自觉” ,也未显示出“文的自觉” ;古希腊文学具有明显的非自觉性。

5)theories of Greek tragedies古希腊悲剧理论

6)Theory of Human Nature in Ancient Greece古希腊人性论


