900字范文 > 诱导剂 inducer英语短句 例句大全

诱导剂 inducer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-08 13:24:28


诱导剂 inducer英语短句 例句大全



1.Establishment of in vitro screening system for CYP3A4 and CYP2B6inducers;CYP3A4和CYP2B6药物诱导剂体外筛选体系的建立

2.Advance of Study On Apoptosis Inducer of Several Types of Natural Drug;几类天然凋亡诱导剂的研究进展

3.Influence of Various Inducers on Expression of Recombinant Protein by Fermentation;不同诱导剂对工程菌发酵及重组蛋白表达的影响


1.Effects of Chemical Inducers on Resistance Induction of Cucumber Against Diseases;化学诱导剂在诱导黄瓜抗病性中的作用

2.Studies on the Selection of Resistance Elicitor Against Marssonina Coronaria(Ell.et Daris) Daris and the Mechanisms of Resistance Induced;苹果褐斑病抗性诱导剂筛选及诱抗机理初探

3.Metabolic Characteristics of Propranolol Enantiomers in Human Hepatocytes Treated with Different Inducers;普萘洛尔对映体在经不同诱导剂诱导的人肝细胞中的代谢特征

4.Metabolic Characteristics of Carvedilol Enantiomers in the Cytochrome P450 of Human Hepatocytes Treated with Different Inducers;卡维地洛对映体在经不同诱导剂诱导的人肝细胞中的代谢特征

5.Induced differentiation of adult bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell towards neuron-like cells:The best inducer and induction time成人骨髓间充质干细胞向神经元样细胞的诱导分化:最佳诱导剂与诱导时间

6.Ca ~(2+)Concentration change in platelets activated by chemical agonist化学诱导剂对血小板钙离子浓度变化的影响

7.Effect of CDA-Ⅱon prevention and therapy for metastasis and recurrence of liver cancer in nude mice细胞分化诱导剂防治裸鼠肝癌转移复发的疗效

8.Study on the Effects and Mechanism of Chemical Elicitors Induced Resistance to Honeysuckle Powdery Mildew;化学诱抗剂诱导金银花对白粉病抗性及诱导机制研究

9.Study on the Resistance Against Fuserium Oxysporum by Different Inducers in Colored Cotton;不同诱抗剂诱导新疆彩棉抗枯萎病研究

10.Studies on Mix Up Inductor of Melon Resistance to Powdery Mildew: Induction Effect复合诱抗剂对甜瓜白粉病抗性诱导效果研究

11.The Induced Resistance of AR99 for Tomato Bacterial Wilt;AR99菌剂诱导的番茄青枯病抗性研究

12.Clinical observation of Metapex in apexificationMetapex糊剂在根尖诱导成形术中的应用

13.Effects of MAPK inhibitor on mRNA expression of Bcl-2 and Caspases-3 in NRK cells treated with cadmium chlorideMAPK抑制剂对镉诱导凋亡基因表达影响

14.From BASF O4-66 catalytic activity watch the stability of phthalic anhydride plant operation浅谈BASF O4-66进口催化剂的诱导与活化

15.Lipoxin receptor agonist BML-111 alleviates adjuvant arthritis in rats脂氧素受体激动剂BML-111减轻佐剂诱导的关节炎

16.Study on Establishing Collagen-induced Arthritis and Adjuvant-induced Arthritis Models in Rats胶原诱导的关节炎和佐剂诱导的关节炎大鼠模型的制备

17.Excessive amounts can cause blood sugar to plummet and trigger an epileptic seizure.剂量太多会导致血糖骤然降低,诱发癫痫

18.Do not induce vomiting. Do not give patient any baking soda or emetics.禁止诱导呕吐。禁止给病人碳酸氢钠或催吐剂。



1.Some important influencing factors on laccase productin by Neurospora crassa,includinginducers,carbon sources and nitrogen sources,were investigated.研究了粗糙脉孢菌合成漆酶的一些重要影响因素,包括诱导剂种类、碳源、氮源。


1.Effect of Elicitor on the Production of Second Metabolites in Plant cell Cultrue;诱导剂对植物细胞生产次生代谢物的作用

2.The various rules for dissolved oxygen, biomass, nitrile hydratase (NHase) activity, Glu concentration and the effect of agitation speed, inoculation, aeration andelicitor acrylonitrile on nitrile hydratase (NHase) activity were studied.通过研究发酵过程中溶氧、生物量、腈水合酶活力以及残糖的变化规律和搅拌速度、通气量、接种量及诱导剂对产腈水合酶的影响,确立了5L发酵罐中Rhodococcus sp。

3.The effects ofelicitors on the ginsenoside biosynthesis in Panax notoginseng cell cultures are especially described as a typical example by giving the recent experimental results of our laboratory.作为典型事例,特别对三七细胞培养中诱导剂如何影响皂苷的生物合成,结合本实验室的最近研究结果,进行了阐述;并就诱导剂在信号传导途径中的作用进行了探讨。

4)PAF inductionPAF诱导剂


1.The Effect of778-inductor to Plants Growth and Resistance;778诱导剂对植物生长状况及抗冷性变化的影响

6)induction quantity诱导剂量


