900字范文 > 磁化强度 magnetization英语短句 例句大全

磁化强度 magnetization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-12 14:08:27


磁化强度 magnetization英语短句 例句大全



1.X-Y-Z model anisotropic ferrimagnetism Heisenberg system——the ground statemagnetization of two- dimensional square double lattice;X-Y-Z模型-各向异性亚铁磁性Heisenberg系统——正方复式晶格的基态磁化强度

2.Effect ofmagnetization on exchange biasing inCo-Ni/FeMn bilayers;Co-Ni/FeMn双层膜中磁化强度对交换偏置的影响

3.Energy spectrum andmagnetization of single electron quantum dot in a periodic magnetic field;空间周期磁场中单电子量子点的能谱和磁化强度


1.The extent to which an object is magnetized.磁化强度一件物体被磁化的程度

2.Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetic Data with Varying Density and Constant Magnetic Susceptibility Interface Model变密度常磁化强度界面重磁联合反演

3.An ambient field aids the magnetization from the exciting current.背景场加强了激励电流的磁化强度。

4.The angle is multiplied by the intensity of magnetization of the surface.与该角相乘的是表面的磁化强度。

5.Study on the Measurement Methods of Curie Temperature and Saturation Magnetization居里温度和饱和磁化强度测量方法的研究

6.Studies on Measuring Methods of Saturation Magnetization and Curie Temperature by Magnetic Scale磁天平测量饱和磁化强度和居里温度方法的研究

7.The results also showed that the specific saturation magnetization and the magnetic loss power of the product increased with the increasing of ferrous content.产物比饱和磁化强度和磁损耗功率随铁含量的增加而增大。

8.Consider the magnetization of a single core in the absence of an ambient field now.现在,在研究一下在没有背景场的情况下,单个磁芯的磁化强度。

9.Aharonov-Bohm Oscillations and Magnetization of Biexcitons in a Quantum Ring under Magnetic Fields磁场作用下量子环中双激子体系的AB振荡和磁化强度

10.The synthesis and characterization of Magnetic Iron Oxide with high saturation magnetization高饱和磁化强度Fe_3O_4纳米粒子的制备及表征

11.The opposing magnetic intensity that must be applied to a magnetized material to remove the residual magnetism.作用于磁化材料以去除剩磁的反向磁通强度。

12.a substance whose magnetization is proportional to the strength of the magnetic field applied to it.磁化与应用的磁场的强度成比例的物质。

13.The results show that the characteristics of magnetic domains vary with alloy compositions.结果表明 ,样品磁畴形貌及磁衬强度均随磁体成分不同而变化。

14.Discussion on magnetic induction and magnetic field strength;对"磁感应强度和磁场强度"的讨论

15.The force of attraction is dependent on the strength of the magnetic field that again is dependent upon the strength of the current.引力取决于磁场强度,磁场强度取决于电流强度。

16.The Relationship of Signal Intensity Changes of Liver Parenchyma with Liver Fibrosis/cirrhosis on SPIO Enhanced MRI: An Experimental Study;大鼠肝硬化SPIO增强磁共振肝脏信号强度变化与病理对照研究

17.Experimental Study into the Effect of Magnetized Water on Shotcrete Strength磁化水对喷射混凝土强度影响的试验研究

18.The calculation of magnetic torque strength and the dimension optimization design磁力矩器强度计算分析及尺寸优化设计


magnetization intensity磁化强度

1.Themagnetization intensity, residualmagnetization intensity and coercitive force of electroless Co-Ni-B and Co-Ni-B-La alloy films were compared.比较了化学沉积Co-Ni-B合金镀层与化学沉积Co-Ni-B-La合金镀层的磁化强度、剩余磁化强度和矫顽力。

2.They have discussed the influence of damping parameter and temperature on the relaxation of particlemagnetization intensity.考虑到原子作非简谐振动,求出外磁场中单畴粒子的自由能和弛豫时间的表达式,讨论了阻尼系数和温度对粒子磁化强度弛豫时间的影响。

3.the border relation of polarization intensity andmagnetization intensity have been delivered with a method which differs from general electrodynamics literature and bases on microcosmic physical medium model, and this method is in favor of understanding and boundary value relation from point of view of microcosm.用和一般电动力学教材不同的方法即在介质经典微观物理模型的基础上推导出了极化强度Pω和磁化强度Mω的边值关系,使得更有利于从微观的角度理解这两个边值关系,并得出了极化电荷分布深度和磁化电流的分布深度都在分子线度的数量级这一结论。

3)magnetic intensity磁化强度

1.Lithospheric density and geomagnetic intensity in northeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau and tectonic implications;青藏高原东北缘岩石圈密度与磁化强度及动力学含义

2.The influence of the radius of magnetic fine particulate and the surfactant upon the magnetic performance of the fluid was investigated respectively, the preparation condition was optimized using the orthogonal experiment, and themagnetic intensity of the fluid was tested.考察了磁微粒粒径、表面活性剂等因素对其磁性能的影响 ,用正交实验优化了制备工艺条件 ,对磁性液体的磁化强度进行了测试。

4)intensity of magnetization磁化强度

5)magnetization 磁化强度



