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行为学 Behavior英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-07 17:40:50


行为学 Behavior英语短句 例句大全



1.Effect of Polygala Tenuifolia Willd YZ-50 onBehavior and CRH ACTH and COR in blood Serum of Chronic Stress Depression Rats;远志YZ-50对慢性应激抑郁模型大鼠行为学及血清CRH ACTH和COR的影响

2.Effects of estrogen on behavior and expression of 5-HT in periaqueductal gray of migraine rats;雌激素对偏头痛大鼠行为学改变及中脑导水管周围灰质5-HT表达的影响

3.The Effects of Suanzaoren Decoction onBehavior and Monoamine Neurotransmitters of Rats with Depression;酸枣仁汤对抑郁模型大鼠行为学和脑组织单胺类神经递质的影响


1.Behavior Theory and Conditioning行为学说与条件反射

2.Positive Organizational Behavior: a New Field of Organizational Behavior;组织行为学发展的新领域——积极组织行为学

3.Behavior Simulation in Organizational Behavior Education行为模拟在“组织行为学”教学中的应用研究

4.EBSS (Educational and Behavioural Science Section)教育科学与行为科学部

5.Private schools regulate the behavior of students.私立学校规范学生行为。

6.Teaching:Study for Enhancing Oneself--Moral Judgment in Teaching Behavior;教学乃“为己之学”——教学行为的道德评判

7.Research of Behaviors of Security Investment Based on Behavioral Finance;基于行为金融学的证券投资行为研究

8.Explaining Organizational Behaviors:A Behavioral Economics Perspective;理解组织行为:一个行为经济学的视角

9.Analytical Method of Behavioral Investment Based on Behavioral Finance;基于行为金融学的行为投资分析方法

10.The Comparison Research on College Students Activity on Line and Real Action;大学生网上行为与现实行为比较研究

11.Epidemiology of Violence Behavior Among Primary and Middle School Students in Quxian渠县中小学生暴力行为流行病学调查

12.Discussion on working ideas of the students′ management based on students;“以学生为本”的学生工作行为理念初论

13.A Study on Tourism Behavior of College Students--the Case of Zhongshan University;大学生旅游行为研究——以中山大学为例

14.The Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology行为神经内分泌学会

15.orthomolecular psychiatry行为矫正分子精神病学

16.Tom was suspended from school for bad conduct.汤姆因行为不端被停学。

17.Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences社会、行为与经济科学局

18.Academic Risk Taking Scale学业冒险性行为量表



1.Effect of the extract of Valeriana jatamansi Jones on the ethology and neurotransmitter in the brain in the anxiety model of rat;蜘蛛香对焦虑模型大鼠行为学及脑组织神经递质含量的影响

2.Studise on the Effect ofEthology、Enzymology and Apoptosis of Alzheimer s Disease Model Rats with Yinnaoling;益脑灵对老年性痴呆模型大鼠行为学、酶学及细胞凋亡影响的研究

3.Acupuncture effect on ethology and brain morphology of histopathology in intrauterine ischemic brain damage rats针刺对宫内缺血脑损伤大鼠行为学及脑组织病理形态的影响

3)Behavioral science行为学

1.Effects of nimodipine on brain NO and NOS levels and behavioral science in Alzheimer disease rats;尼莫地平对阿尔茨海默病大鼠脑组织NO、NOS含量及行为学的影响

4)behavior science行为科学

1.On Enterprise Management Guided by the Theory of Behavior Science;论行为科学理论指导下的企业管理

2.Based on the principles ofbehavior science that culture shapes managerial behavior, managerial behavior produces individual behavior, safety programs can be structured into a model consisting of three modules, i.社会组织的安全管理工作方法的集合可以看做是该组织的安全管理方案,根据文化导向组织行为,组织行为决定个人行为的行为科学基本原理,该安全管理方案可以结构化为由安全文化、组织结构和安全方法3个基本模块组成的模型。

3.The needs theory ,impel theory and grouop behavior theory inbehavior science can be used .在员工公共关系实践中,行为科学的需求理论,激励理论及群体行为理论是非常值得借鉴的,本文主要针对这方面的问题展开讨论。

5)mechanical behaviour力学行为

1.Al_2O_(3sf).SiC_p/Almechanical behaviour of compression and transmutation mechanism at high temperature and in semi-solid state;Al_2O_(3sf)·SiC_p/Al复合材料的压缩变形力学行为及机制

2.The emphasis is placed upon the role various interfaces play in influencing the deformationprocess andmechanical behaviour of the multiphase alloys.综述了近年来多相金属间化合物研究进展,强调界面对多相合金的形变过程及力学行为的影响,讨论范围限于TiAl基利(Ni、Fe,Co)Al基多相合金,界面位错源的启动可以提高脆性相的形变能力。

3.The studies on themechanical behaviour and failure mechanism of material"s interfaces arc on the frontier of materials science, mechanics and physics.研究材料的界面和表面的力学行为与破坏机理,是当代材料科学、力学、物理学的前沿课题之一,而复合材料界面问题更有其自身的特殊性和复杂性。

6)behavioral science行为科学

1.Usingbehavioral science theory and analyzing the causes of accidents of furniture manufacturing enterprises,this article aims at presenting effective measures against safety accidents in order to promote sound development of enterprises.本文旨在运用行为科学理论,剖析家具生产企业事故发生的原因,并提出了避免出现安全事故的相应措施,促进家具企业的健康发展。

2.This article summarizes the role of the social andbehavioral sciences in the essential blocks, each centered on clinical cases.本文扼要介绍了社会科学和行为科学在基础核心课程阶段以临床病例为中心的各学段中的作用。

3.From the perspective ofbehavioral science, as the background of behavior, the concept of attitude should not be limited to cognition.从行为科学的角度看,态度作为行为的背景,其定义不应仅仅局限于认知,同时,也存在着社会态度的中间状态,不应绝对化。


