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舍弃 abandon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-19 20:05:17


舍弃 abandon英语短句 例句大全




1.We shall never surrender our liberty.我们永不舍弃自由。

2.The two countries were quits at last.两国终于舍弃前嫌。

3.Read much, but have read, discard much.博览群书,然后大量舍弃。

4.McDonald"s to axe Supersizes麦当劳舍弃"超大装"

5.I would never abandon my friends.我永远不舍弃我的朋友。

6.He never abandoned his friends.他永不舍弃他的朋友。

7.This was a pleasure which she could not deny herself这是她无法舍弃的乐趣。

8.year-end cut-off procedures年终截止(舍弃)办法

9.The Implicit Mechanism of Abandoned Item in Choice Sentences of "非得";“非得”类取舍句中舍弃项的隐含机制

10.He abandoned the grays of the natural world.布兰特舍弃了自然界中的各种灰色调。

11.All of these cities were deserted during the 800s.到九世纪所有这些城市都被舍弃了。

12.Toes are the fingers that have forsaken their past.脚趾乃是舍弃了其过去的手指。

13.He wants to give away all his modern possessions and return to nature.他要舍弃一切时髦的东西而归真返璞.

14.I will forsake them and hide my face from them我要舍弃他们,不理睬他们。

15.He gave away all his modern possessions and returned to nature他舍弃一切时髦的东西而返璞归真

16.He give away all his modern possessions and returned to nature.他舍弃一切时髦的东西而返璞归真。

17.His desire for revenge had not forsaken him.复仇的希望并没有舍弃他。

18."Who give up the way of righteousness, to go by dark roads;"那等人舍弃正直的路,行走黑暗的道,


discarded sampling舍弃采样

1.An accelerating ray casting algorithm based ondiscarded sampling;基于舍弃采样的光线投射加速算法

3)the reject method舍弃法

1.Other,comparing with three classic methods-Brute force method,sum of sinusoidal method and the inverse transform method,the results of this comparison reveal thatthe reject method is a fast,easy-to-understand and effective Nakagami fading channel simulation method.提出1种基于舍弃法的Nakagami衰落信道仿真方法,仿真了Nakagami概率密度函数(pdf)和累计分布函数(cdf),仿真曲线结果很好地拟合Nakagami衰落信道的理论值。

4)behavior abnegation行为舍弃

1.Scenario-driven componentbehavior abnegation;场景驱动的构件行为舍弃

5)Fathoming Test舍弃测试

6)drop strategies舍弃策略


