900字范文 > 统治政策 ruling policy英语短句 例句大全

统治政策 ruling policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-24 12:53:32


统治政策 ruling policy英语短句 例句大全

统治政策,ruling policy

1)ruling policy统治政策

1.The decline and development of agriculture of Ilkhanate reflect directly the Mongol\"sruling policy in the west Asia.伊儿汗国农业经济的消长,主要是蒙古统治者在西亚统治政策的直接反映。


1.Look into Ethnic Regaut Policy Through Sayyid Ajall Omer Shams al-Din Governing Yunnan;从赛典赤对云南的治策看蒙元的民族统治政策

2.The Development of the Colonical Policy of the Britain in Burma;论英国对缅甸殖民统治政策及其演变

3.The Roman Conquest and Ruling Policy toward Italian Peninsula;罗马对意大利半岛的征服及统治政策

4.The Policy of Xinjiang Goverment toward Nomadic Peoples in Republic of China Times;民国新疆地方政府对游牧民族的统治政策

5.Ming Dynasty and the Nvzhen People of Mongolian Rulepolicy Comparative Stuty;明王朝对蒙古族与女真人统治政策的比较研究

6.The Discussion on the Reign Policy of Qing Dynasty to the Tumote in Guihua Town in Previors Period;试论清前期对归化城土默特的统治政策

7.The Study of the Israel s Politics of Jerusalem after the Six-Day War (1967-1992);六日战争后以色列耶路撒冷统治政策研究(1967-1992)

8.A Brief Analysis of the Governing Policies to"Sheng Miao"in La"er Mountains in the Ming and Qing Dynasties略论明清王朝对腊尔山“生苗”的统治政策

9.Qing Government made the difference more obvious because of the different ruling policy.清政府在甘肃、云南的统治政策使上述指向的差异更加明显 ;

10.On the Borderland Policy of Administrating According to Minority Customs by Chinese Ancient Governors;浅谈历代统治者“因俗而治”的治边政策

11.Governance Function of Pubic Policy and Effectiveness of Governmental Activities公共政策的政治统治功能与政府活动的有效性

12.Approaching the Consciousness to the Outside of the Tang Dynasty Rulers from Foreign Policies;从外交政策看唐朝统治者的对外意识

13.Informatization Policy-Making Based on the Political Systems Model;基于政治系统模型的信息化政策制定过程

14.The Political Nature of New Social Classes and the Choice of United Front Polices;新社会阶层的政治属性与统战政策选择

15.A Brief Discussion on Policies Applied in the Governance of Li People before and during the Tang and Song Dynasties试论唐宋及以前时期封建统治阶级的治黎政策

16.Analysis and Counterplan for China Traditional Political Culture on the Political Participant我国政治参与的传统政治文化因素分析及对策研究

17.Tibet-Governing Tendency Between Yuan and Ming Dynasties in Governing Nationality Change;元明政权交替与中原统治民族换位形势下的治藏政策调塑空间

18.To make and administer the public policy and affairs of;exercise sovereign authority in.统治制定和实施公众政策或事务;在…行使主权


Ethnic ruling policy民族统治政策

3)"Indirect Rule" Policy"间接统治"政策

4)the political policy政治政策


1.Strategy and mechanism on water pollution prevention of Liaohe River Basin in Liaoning province;辽宁省辽河流域水污染防治政策与机制的探讨

6)political tactics政治策略

1.In the strife between Jin and Liang in the Late Tang Ddynasty and the Five Dynasties , both sides put forward thepolitical tactics of supporting the leadership of the Tang emperor, and greatly exploited the Tang imperial family s lasting authority to extend their political prestige and influence.唐末五代的晋梁之争,在政治策略上,双方开始都打出尊王的旗号,极力利用唐室余威,扩大各自的政治影响,为自身的发展制造声势。


