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地域性 regional英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-18 12:47:21


地域性 regional英语短句 例句大全



1.Under new technicalregional space transformation design of old construction;新技术下的老建筑地域性空间改造设计

2.Regional Characteristic That City s Landscape Image Design is Discussed Simply;城市景观形象设计的地域性特征浅议

3.The Regional Research in Resort Hotel——The Design Idea in DaLian Valentine Island Resort Hotel Program;度假酒店的地域性探讨——大连情人岛海韵假日酒店方案构思


1.Research on the Regional Products Design Based on the Regional Principles基于地域特色的地域性产品设计研究

2.Perspective on Regional Characteristics of Wushu Culture from View Angle of Regional Culture Science;从地域文化学视角透视武术文化的地域性特征

3.Female,Regional Characteristics and Modernity--Shanghai Legend of Yue Opera女性,地域性,现代性——越剧的上海传奇

4.The Research on Regionality of Tourist Destination Brand Image Visual Identity Design;旅游地品牌形象视觉设计地域性研究

5.The Consideration on the Regional Design of Energy and Land Efficiency Housing;“节能省地”型住宅“地域性”设计思考

6.Ethnicity and Regionality: A Study on Hakka Education in Sichuan;族群性和地域性:四川客家教育研究

7.Regional character of contemporary northeast female literature;试论当代东北女性文学的地域性品格

8.A Research on the Regional Teaching of the Course of the Regional Social and Economical History;区域社会经济史课程的地域性教学研究

9.The Double Quality of Region and Time --From the Groups of Mount. Ba Writers the Significance of Regional Literature;地域性和时代性的双重变奏——从“巴山作家群”看当代地域文学的意义

10.Arabic Dry Heat Area Region Climate and Regional Tradition Architecture Form Research阿拉伯干热地区地域性气候与地域传统建筑形式研究

11.Characteristic industries have the salient features of territoriality, advantage and hierarchy.特色产业具有地域性、势性和层次性等基本特征。

12.Regional Thinking & Poetic Design:Notes on Non-liner Organic Architecture地域性思考 整体性设计——非线性有机建筑笔记

13.Regionalism,Philosophicalness and Implicativeness--On the Language art of Shen Cong-wen"s works地域性·哲理性·含蓄性——沈从文作品的语言艺术

14.areal geochemical anomaly区域性地球化学异常

15.geographically discriminatory trading arrangement地域歧视性贸易安排

16.The Region Area you are editing failed validation. It has been deleted.正在编辑的地域区域未通过有效性验证,该地域区域已被删除.

17.3.The river basin wholeness is the fundamental property of economic district.三、流域整体性是其经济地域的根本特性。

18."Local, Regional and National Rules"本地性,区域性及全国性规则



1.On the city design based onregionality;基于地域性的城市设计初探

2.On the combination of green architectural technique andregionality;浅谈绿色建筑技术与地域性的结合


1.Response and Expression of Regionalism of Appropriate Technology under Globalization;全球化背景下适宜技术的地域性回应和表达

2.Section of Pingfang Yard——Regionalism and Globalization;平方院片断——地域性与全球化

3.Internationalism And Regionalism of Malaysian Modern Architecture;马来西亚现代建筑的国际化与地域性


1.A Regional Research into Oral Narrative Type of Marriage between Creatures of Different Species in China;中国异类婚口传叙事类型的地域性研究

2.The Comparison & Analysis of the Architectural Region and Organism;建筑的地域性与有机性比较分析

3.The Region Research on the Art of City Square Sculpture in Xiangtan;湘潭城市广场雕塑艺术地域性研究


1.Synthesis Narrates about Culture,Localization and Modernity in Cultural Architecture——Design of Culture Center,Museum,Technological Hall in Huizhou;文化建筑中文化性、地域性与时代性的综合叙事——惠州市文化艺术中心、博物馆、科技馆建筑设计方案

2.internationalization and localization:the works of Hassell;国际化和地域性:哈塞尔事务所作品介绍

3.Theconflicts between globalization and localization seems tobe irreconcilable, but that is really a misunderstanding.有关全球化与地域性的争论似乎不可调和,然而其中却存在着对于这两个概念的误解。


1.The thoughts on the architecturalterritoriality and sustainable development对建筑地域性和可持续发展的思考

2.The general rules of trademark protection, including trademarkterritoriality and trademark specialty, shall be applied to the protection of a well-known trademark.驰名商标的保护,仍应适用商标保护的一般原理,要以商标权的地域性和专门性为基本原则。

3.Territoriality and extraterritorial effects of copyright have always been terms of ambiguity.版权的“地域性”与域外效力是两个具有模糊性的术语,二者彼此独立又相互影响。


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
