900字范文 > 可靠性 reliability英语短句 例句大全

可靠性 reliability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-05 07:29:50


可靠性 reliability英语短句 例句大全



1.Calculating method ofreliability on anti fatigue fracture of weld;焊缝材料抗疲劳断裂的可靠性计算方法

2.Talking about the Movement Reliability of Metallurgical Equipment Hydraulic System;浅析冶金机械液压系统的运行可靠性

3.The analyses of thereliability of building fire protection systems;建筑物消防系统可靠性分析


1.data reliability数据可靠性数据可靠性

2.reliability of estimate估计值的可靠性 估计值的可靠性

3.On Reliability of Inherency and Operation in SC供应链固有可靠性和运作可靠性研究

4.The Reliability Analysis and Management for Educational Equipment;教育装备的可靠性分析与可靠性管理

5.Marked by or exhibiting a lack of reliability不可靠的以缺乏可靠性为特征的或显示出缺乏可靠性的

6.One market certainty is uncertainty.一个市场的可靠性是靠不住的。

7.RQAO (Reliability and Quality Assurance Office)可靠性和质量保证局

8.QRCD (Qualitative Reliability Consumption Data)质量可靠性消耗数据

9.homing device operational reliability自导装置操作可靠性

10.man-machine reilability engineering人-机可靠性工程学

11.PRINCE (Parts Reliability Information Center)零件可靠性情报中心

12.PREP (Product Reliability Evaluation Program)产品可靠性鉴定计划

13.System Reliability & Failure Diagnosis系统可靠性与故障诊断

14.To prove we"re reliable?来证明我们的可靠性。

15.I"m rather doubtful about its reliability.我很怀疑其可靠性。

16.Errors and uncertainties multiply,错误和不可靠性上升,

17.nuclear plant reliability data system核电站可靠性数据系统

18.coordination of reliability efforts可靠性工作项目协调



1.Dependability Design on GA747 Rapier Loom Controlling System;GA747型剑杆织机控制系统可靠性设计

2.Discuss on the workingdependability of brake"s braking system;盘闸制动系统工作可靠性的探讨

3.A Software Fault Injection Tool for Evaluation of the Dependability of Onboard System;一种用于星载系统可靠性评测的软件故障注入工具


1.The Practical Rules and Realization of Physical Entity Security and Reliablity in Campus Network;园区网物理实体安全与可靠性的实用规则及实现

2.In this thesis how to choose main circuit devices of inverter welding power source and their effects on whole setsreliablity are discussed, The main circuits dcviccs of fircign famous inverter welding power sources and advanced functional devices usable at present are introduced also.本文主要论述逆变弧焊电源主电路各部分器件的选取及其对整机可靠性的影响,同时介绍了国外名牌逆变弧焊电源主电路所采用的关键器件及目前可使用的先进而实用的器件。

3.It consided that the biggest difference to evaluate powerreliablity is to modulate and delimit fault model.对配电网的可靠性评估理论进行了研究,采用网络基本最小路求取网络最小割集,并采用了这种基于最小割集的配电网实用的可靠性评估方法,认为配电网可靠性评估大多数的区别在于如何模拟和划分故障模式上。


1.Research and design of testing flat about control relay s credibility;一种控制继电器可靠性试验平台的研究与设计

2.The text discuss the lower credibility of signal-phase get-ground select-line protection device, the text analyses the typical select-line method and feature and index that it is difficult to adopt signal method to select-line.中性点小电流接地方式在我国高压供电系统中普遍采用 ,针对单相接地选线保护装置选线可靠性低的问题进行了讨论 ,分析了典型的选线方法及其特点 ,并指出采用单一方法很难可靠选线。

3.The design of fiscal casher register generally adopt embedded system structure,and credibility is the firstly thought problem.国家税收电子化正在不断深入发展,税控收款机和税控器是解决税收电子化的两类产品,税控收款机系统的设计一般采用嵌入式系统结构,高可靠性是其首先考虑的问题。


1.Blur and comprehensive evaluation and analysis of automatic water fire-controlling systemstability;自动喷水灭火系统可靠性模糊综合评估分析

2.The reliability mathematics applications onanalyzingstability of slope;可靠性数学在斜坡稳定性分析中的应用

3.Estimation of rock slopestability based on neural network;岩质边坡可靠性的神经网络估计



