900字范文 > 循环经济 circular economy英语短句 例句大全

循环经济 circular economy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-13 08:56:24


循环经济 circular economy英语短句 例句大全

循环经济,circular economy

1)circular economy循环经济

1.Discussion on assess index aboutcircular economy of geological survey;矿产资源领域地勘循环经济评价指标体系的建立

2.The guarantee of administration system to mineral resourcecircular economy;矿产资源循环经济的体制保证

3.Research on Polygeneration System forcircular economy in oilfield and petrochemical enterprises(Ⅰ):System integration and simulation;油田石化企业实现循环经济的多联产系统研究(Ⅰ)——系统集成与模拟


1.Circular Economy Theory and Its Application in Counties;循环经济理论与县域循环经济的实施

ing from "Circulation" and Surpassing "Circulation"--Study on the Deep Development of Circular Economy;源于“循环”高于“循环”的循环经济深入发展研究

3.Theoretical Analysis on Recycling Economy;循环经济的宏观路径——三循环理论

4.To Achieve "Double-win" of Economy and Environment by Developing Circular Economy;发展循环经济实现经济与环境的“双赢”

5.Resycle Economic Theory and Positive Analysis of Resycle Economy in Xinjiang;循环经济理论与新疆循环经济实证分析

6.The Start Point of Cycling Economy--A Case Study of Water Cycling Economy in Japan;循环经济的出发点——以日本水循环经济为例

7.Innovative thought of agriculture circulation economy and rural area circulation economy;对农业循环经济和农村循环经济的思考

8.Circulating Economy and the Factors of Developing Circulating Economy in Forest Regions;循环经济及林区发展循环经济的条件要素分析

9.Title:Design The Local Legislation Of Shandong Pruince s Circular Economy So As To Develop It s Circular Economy;构建山东循环经济地方性法规,发展循环经济

10.Notions of Circular Economy and Policy-orientation of Developing China s Circular Economy;循环经济理念与我国发展循环经济的政策取向

11.Developing Stages of Recycling Economics and Corresponding Government Policy;循环经济发展阶段与政府循环经济政策

12.The notion of circulatory economy and the concept of adopting this model in Jiangsu province;循环经济理念与江苏发展循环经济的构想


14.Recycling Economy Disciplines and Science and Technology Extension and Application;科技推广应用必须遵循循环经济原理

15.The circular economy is a new economic model.而循环经济则是一种新的经济模型。

16.Abstract: Circular economy is a tendency of economy development.循环经济是未来经济发展的一种趋势。

17.Circular economy is a new pattern of economic increase.循环经济是一种新的经济增长模式。

18.Research on Circular Economy and Sustainable Development of Hunan s Economy;循环经济与湖南经济可持续发展研究


recycling economy循环经济

1.The Study of evaluating index system ofrecycling economy in the realm of the mineral resources;矿产资源领域循环经济评价指标体系探讨

2.Replying to RoHS and developingrecycling economy──discussion of two pop topics on electroplating cleaner production;应对RoHS指令和发展循环经济──谈电镀清洁生产中的两个热门话题

3.A preliminary discussion onrecycling economy in paper industry——Also on the experience of some enterprises in implementing;试论造纸工业循环经济——兼述部分企业的实施经验

3)Recycle economy循环经济

1.Developing recycle economy to realize economy and environment win-win;发展循环经济 实现经济与环境的“双赢”

2.Application of recycle economy to REIA;循环经济在区域环境影响评价中的应用

3.Countermeasure and suggestion to accelerate the recycle economy development of Jiangxi mineral resources estate;加快江西矿产资源产业循环经济发展的对策与建议

4)circulation economy循环经济

1.Status of and improve suggestions forcirculation economy development,energy saving and pollutant reducing of Anshan Iron & Steel Complex;鞍钢循环经济与节能减排现状及改进建议

2.Model research facing sustainable development oncirculation economy of coal mining area;面向可持续发展的煤炭矿区循环经济模式研究

3.Creativity andcirculation economy-the only developing way of phosphorous chemical industry:Ⅰ.the integrated utilization of tail gas from yellow phosphor production and the technology of sintering ground phosphate rock;创新和循环经济是磷化工发展的必由之路:Ⅰ.黄磷尾气的综合利用与粉状磷矿的烧结技术

5)cyclic economy循环经济

1.On the Development of Cyclic Economy in Mineral Areas Promoted by Industry Intergrowth;以工业共生方式促进矿区循环经济的发展

2.Developing comprehensive utilization of resources to form an enterprise chain forcyclic economy;发展资源综合利用 打造循环经济产业链

3.Developingcyclic economy and building green mines,the research and practice of environmental protection in Xincheng Gold Mine;发展循环经济 打造绿色矿山——新城金矿环境保护工作的探索与尝试

6)circulating economy循环经济

1.Opening up the second industry of mines and developing greencirculating economy开辟矿山第二产业,发展绿色循环经济

2.From the problem of the coal enterprise, inducing the circulating economic principle into the coal production and building the circulating economic system of the coal enterprise was propounded, and the support policy of the development of the coal enterprisecirculating economy system was also discussed.分析煤炭企业目前存在的问题,将循环经济理念引入到煤炭生产中,探讨如何综合开发利用矿区资源,构建煤炭企业循环经济体系及发展循环经济所需政策支持。


