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培养 cultivation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-07 05:56:30


培养 cultivation英语短句 例句大全



1.Strengthening the Cultivation of Operators is the Key to Improve Geological Prospecting Enterprises;加强经营者的培养是搞好地勘企业的关键

2.On thecultivation of compound talents of numerical control major;试论数控专业复合型人才的培养

3.Cultivation of the Students;Cognition Strategy in the Teaching of Chemistry;在化学教学中培养学生的认知策略


1.enrichment medium富集培养基,增菌培养基

2.confluent culture铺满培养物,铺满培养

3.MacConkey mediumMacConkey培养基,麦氏培养基,麦康基培养基

4.The explant tissue culture was compared with the typsin digestion culture.对比了组织块培养和消化培养两种培养方法。

5.basal medium EagleEagle基本培养基

6.continuous passage culture连续传代培养(物)

7.Raise, rear or educate sb培养,养育或教育某人

8.train children to good haBits培养儿童养成良好习惯

9.A culture medium containing this material.琼脂培养基含有琼脂的培养基

10.the culture of cells in a Petri dish.有盖培养皿里的细胞培养。

11.A Survey of the Existing Circumstances and the Training Mode of the Tourism Manpower旅游人才培养现状及其培养模式探析

12.Such a growth or colony, as of bacteria.培养菌该种生长物或群落,如培养菌

13.Specify Training Objectives and Explore a New Model of Personnel Training;明确培养目标,探索人才培养的新模式

14.Fosting the Students,Practical Ability by Reforming the Training Pattern of Talents;改革人才培养模式培养学生实践能力

15.Strengthen the Key Skills,Improve the Cultivation Quality;强化核心技能培养,提高人才培养质量

16.More on Thinking Taste of Training Creative Talents;创新人才的培养重在思维品位的培养

17.Well revision student education plan to enhance intelligent capability;修订人才培养方案 提高人才培养质量

18.The New Model of Cooperation Education : Come-after Training;产学研结合人才培养新模式:跟踪培养



parison,Reference and Fusion: the Exploration on Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Training Professional Fashion Personnel;比较、借鉴与融合——中外合作培养服装专业人才的探索

2.Experimental teaching of chemistry andtraining of comprehensive abilities of students;化学实验教学与学生综合能力的培养

3.Skill Training In Sewing Techniques Teaching;服装缝制技能教学中的技巧培养


1.Culture of Free Hair Follicles from Ovine Skin on Williams E Serum-free Medium;Williams E无血清培养基中绵羊皮肤游离毛囊的培养

2.Culture of Helicobacter pylori and purification of antigen protein;幽门螺杆菌培养及抗原蛋白的分离纯化

3.To Culture the Team Spirit in Department of Operation and Anaesthesia;手麻科管理中团队精神的培养


1.Research on the IT to Cultivate Students Innovation Thinking Capacity;信息技术对于培养学生创新思维能力的研究

work Security Consciousness Cultivate Analysis of Web-based Learning;网络学习安全意识培养分析

3.Cultivate the Students experimental practical ability of the Human Movement Science Colleges in the Higher sports institutions;浅谈高等体育院校运动人体科学专业学生实验动手能力的培养


1.How to Train the Nurses Capability of Observing State of Uness in Gynecology;浅谈如何培养妇科护士观察病情的能力

2.Perfecting Tutor System for Undergraduate to Train the Medical Talent with High Quality;完善本科生导师制,培养高素质的医学人才

3.Developing teachers creative ideas beforetraining students creative ability;培养学生的创新能力要从培养教师的创新意识做起


1.The proteases formation and proteolysis during theincubation of naturally fermented soybean Koji;自然发酵黄豆酱酱曲培养过程中蛋白酶的形成及蛋白质的分解

2.Growth andincubation characteristics of pasty photosynthetic bacteria;糊状光合细菌的生长培养与特征

3.Effects of Phosphate Application and Incubation Time on the Transformations of Inorganic P Fractions in Two Calcareous Soils;施磷和培养时间对两种石灰性土壤无机磷形态转化的影响


