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经验 experience英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-18 06:12:32


经验 experience英语短句 例句大全



1.Theexperience about effluent "zero discharge" in Haisheng Paper Co.Ltd;海盛纸业实现污水“零排放”经验谈

2.Discussion on anexperienced equation of the displacement of the sectional warper spacing reed;分条整经机定幅筘位移量的简易经验公式探讨

3.The set up of anexperience equation of roving forming gears by two-step method;两步法设定粗纱成形齿轮的经验公式


1.empirical formula【化】实验式,经验式

2."Experience keeps no school, she teaches her pupils singly"亲身经验,才是经验

3.Work Experience: Worked on chemistry experimentation more than one year.工作经验:一年以上化学试验工作经验。

4.Of or as conceived by existentialism or existentialists:经验主义的由经验主义或经验主义者所构想的:

5.cut one"s teeth on1.从...中获得经验

6.ripe judgment [experience]成熟的判断[经验]

7.Relating to or derived from experience.经验的关于或得自经验的

8.Inexperienced, immature, or untried.无经验的、不成熟的或未经试验的

9.It has rich experience in struggle and governance.有着丰富的斗争经验和执政经验。

10.Lack of the knowledge gained from experience.缺乏经验知识缺乏由经验得来的知识

11.From inexperience to experience, one must go through a process.从没有经验到有经验,要有一个过程。

12.Experience without learning is better than learning without experience .经验无学问,胜过学而无经验。

13.lack of experience and the knowledge and understanding derived from experience.缺乏经验和知识和从经验得到的理解。

14.of or as conceived by existentialism.属于经验主义或由经验主义构想。

15.Lacking training or experience.幼稚的,无经验的缺乏训练或经验

16.Experience without learning is better than learning without experience.有经验而无学问,胜于有学问而无经验。

17.Experience is th best teacher.代表经验,经验往往是最好的老师。

18.E-keeps no school, she teaches her pupils singly.[谚]只有亲自取得的经验才是经验。



1.Inspiration and propose in China from successexperiences in development of small and medium-sized enterprise supported by European Union;欧盟国家扶持中小企业发展的经验及其对我国的启示

2.Achievements,Experiences and Issues on the Development of Agricultural Product Quality and Safety in China;我国农产品质量安全发展的成就、经验与问题

3.Experiences from eco-agricultural construction in Jingshan County, Hubei Province.;京山县域生态农业建设经验初探


1.This article probes into the implications psychology bears on cognitive linguistics and points out the psychological basis of cognitive linguistics,which comes from the following branches of psychology empiricism Gestalt psychology and cognitive psychology.本文探讨了心理学对认知语言学的影响,指出认知语言学的心理学基础有:经验主义联想心理学,完形心理学,认知心理学。

2.In his opinion,the theory of sensibility,which was put forward by Hume,goads morals to experience,thus it illustrates morals through empiricism.他认为以休谟为代表的感性论实质上是把道德的根据放在经验上,让道德遵循经验的原则,从"经验"来解说道德。

3.He criticized the traditional empirical theory and built a thorough empiricism of interactive subject and object.他批判传统的经验论,建立了主客互动的彻底的经验主义。


1.On the Experiment and Enlightenment of Japanese Agricultural Association System;日本农协制度的经验与启示

2.In addition, the full-scale report on wire television station extended the earthquake propagandistic range so as do accumulate theexperiment of developing earthquake emergency work in futur.广大师生在演练过程中 ,主动接受防震知识 ,回家后又对家长“言传身教” ,加上县有线电视对演练过程进行全面报导 ,大大扩大了地震宣传范围 ,并为今后进一步开展地震应急工作积累了经验。

3.Dewey sexperimental theory gives a theoretical support for participatory learning,while the thought of children center makes theexperimental theory concretized.杜威的经验理论为参与式学习提供了理论支撑,“儿童中心说”实现了经验理论的具体化,“从做中学”则是实现参与式学习的现实方式与途径。

5)Empirical Test经验检验

1.The Numerical Algorithm andEmpirical Test on the Pricing Model of Convertible Bond under Stochastic Interest Rate;运用市场的实际数据对随机利率条件下的可转换债券定价模型作了经验检验,证明了本文方法的有效性。



