900字范文 > 八卦 Eight Diagrams英语短句 例句大全

八卦 Eight Diagrams英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-11 22:37:44


八卦 Eight Diagrams英语短句 例句大全

八卦,Eight Diagrams

1)Eight Diagrams八卦

1.An Exploration into Reproduction Rhythm by Means of TaijiEight Diagrams and Chronoclock(2);从太极八卦时辰钟结合图探析生殖节律(续3)

2.Explanation to the Discipline of Pro.Xia Guicheng’s Yinyang Taiji andEight Diagrams Figure and Menstrual Cycle Evolution;夏桂成教授阴阳太极八卦图与月经周期演变规律诠释

3.Experimental confirmation on relationship between HETU andEight Diagrams——A breakthrough in study of Yijing(The Book of Changes);《河图》与八卦关系的试验证验——易学研究的重要突破


1.Textual Research and Analysis on Contents of Eight-diagram Fist and Eight-diagram Palm;对八卦拳与八卦掌内容的考证与分析

2.It is a long history for the Eight Diagrams to evolve into the Double Diagrams from the Single Diagram.八卦由单卦演变到重卦,是一个漫长的历史过程。

3.On the Connotation of the Eight Trigram Palm--the directions of theories Yin-yang,Eight-trigram and Yi in the Eight Trigram Palm;八卦掌理论内涵初探——阴阳、八卦及易学思想在八卦掌中的指导作用

4.Fu Hsi [god of philosophy | god of fishery and husbandry]伏羲[八卦神,渔牧神

5.The routine is called the Eight Fixed Palms or the Eight Basic Palms.梁式八卦掌单式转掌也叫定八掌或基础八掌。

6.She is a big gossip.她真是个八卦夫人。(喜欢说人闲话)

7.Check out Rumor Has It this winter.今年冬天请观赏《当真爱碰上八卦》。

8.canopied Chinese bed八卦床[中国古式方型蚊帐床

9.Got any gossip, Nesbitt?奈斯毕特,有什么八卦消息吗?

10.Ivy: Did you hear the gossip about Dennis and Tracy?艾薇:妳听说丹尼斯跟崔西的八卦了吗?

11.Courage is the juicy secret you promised never to tell.勇气,是听到大八卦,却答应要守口如瓶。

12.So what"s the latest gossip, Nesbitt?奈斯毕特,有什么最新的八卦消息吗?

13.Don"t gossip with your friends about my private life, ok?不要跟你的朋友八卦我的私生活好吗?

14.The different colors of the crops will outline the eight-trigram.八卦田将会用不同颜色的农作物勾边。

15.Lee is really nosy. He"s always asking about everybody"s love life.李很八卦,总是打听别人的感情生活。

16.She Dislikes: Gossip, hypocrisy & Cockroaches.她讨厌:八卦(流言蜚语),伪善&蟑螂。

17.The Taiwanese media always likes to report gossip.台湾的媒体总是喜欢报导八卦新闻。

18.Let me catch you up on all the recent gossip.我来跟你念叨一下最近所有的八卦吧。


the Eight Diagrams八卦

1.This paper analyses the meaning of the Tao and the relationship between the Tao and such categories as the Five Elements andthe Eight Diagrams in ancient Chinese philosophy.本文分析了“道”的意义,及其与“五行”、“八卦”等中国古代哲学范畴之间的关系,在此基础上,进一步阐述了“道”在中国传统建筑中的应用。

2.Fuxi s "making ofthe Eight Diagrams" is a very significant event in the history of Chinese civilization,which has been passed along by means of fairy tales and recorded in documents.伏羲"始作八卦"是中国文明史上意义重大的一件事,它以神话传说的方式流传下来,后来又有历史文献的记载。

3)eight trigrams八卦

1.On the fusion of the two theories of theeight trigrams and five elements;关于八卦与五行结合的根据

2.A tentative research on the relationship between the Tiger culture of Fuxi and theeight trigrams of the Yi nationality;伏羲虎文化与彝族八卦初探——兼谈伏羲文化是全球最古老的文化

3.From the angle of the inheritation and innovation of Chinese traditional culture,this article retrospects to the theoretical origin of Sun Tzu s estimates and expounds the logic relationship among the theory of estimates and Eight Trigrams and Zhou Yi.从中国传统文化继承与创新的角度,追溯了孙子"庙算"思想的理论源头,论述了"庙算"理论与八卦、《周易》之间的内在逻辑关系。


5)Gua-qi theory by the eight trigrams八卦卦气


1.Structures in theBaguamiao Gold Deposit of Shaanxi Province and Their Ore-controlling Role;陕西八卦庙金矿床构造特征及其对成矿的控制

2.The application of a new method of organic hydrocarbons to fast locating and forecasting gold deposit: TakingBaguamiao superlarge gold depositof Shaanxi Province for example;有机烃新方法在金矿床快速定位预测中的应用:以陕西八卦庙特大型金矿床为例

3.It is found that organic hydrocarbon has a positive correlation with gold content of orebody in theBaguamiao gold deposit.研究发现八卦庙金矿床有机烃与金矿体品位呈正相关关系 ,矿床的矿化富集中心也是有机烃的浓集中心 ,利用有机烃的这一特点可以进行隐伏金矿床的预测研


